Individual Website Design And Development First Draft
A website plan serves as a blueprint for developing a website. The plan identifies the purpose of the site, your audience, and the specific content and features that must be added to the site to accomplish the site s objectives.
Complete a First Draft of your Website Plan, using a Microsoft Word document or a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, that addresses the following areas:
Why do you need this site?
Why do your visitors need this site?
Brief description of target audience
General geographic location of audience
Estimate number of people
Estimate average age
Familiarity with computers and Internet
Key target audience insight Most compelling thing you want the audience to think, learn or do as a result of visiting the site
A visual mockup of the layout of your site s home page using drawing tools in a Microsoft Word document, a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, or a graphic program
Part 2
Create a homepage for your planned site that demonstrates effective application of design elements. Use only Adobe Dreamweaver or another HTML editor to create a basic web page based on the web plan you have developed. This page is the homepage of your website. Save your site homepage as index.html or default.html.
Check your HTML code using the Markup Validation Service on the W3C website, ( prior to submitting your web page(s).
Submit all website files in a compressed folder.