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MKT 310 Advertising and Promotions
Tracking Your Academic Activities Verifying an accurate course completion time is essential for accreditation. To meet both accreditation requirements and award academic credit, educational institutions must document the total number of hours students spend completing designated academic activities related to their coursework.
The total hours are then translated into academic credit based on a prescribed method of measuring educational attainment known as the Carnegie Unit. 90 hours of student preparation time and 45 hours of student engagement time are required for a 3 credit hour course.
Using the attached form as an example, keep track of the time you spend on each lesson, pre-test, self-test, unit test, writing assignment, reading assignment, outside reading, final examination, etc. You will not be required to turn in the worksheet; however, at the end of the course you will receive a Student Course Survey and the final question will ask how long it took you to complete the course. Your assistance in completing this requirement and providing the university with this valuable data is greatly appreciated.
As you fill out the worksheet, please keep in mind that your Academic Engagement Activities should total approximately 45 hours. Some examples of this type of activity may include:
Lesson Review Exercises
Key Term Reviews
Study Guide Review
Writing Assignments
Review Grading Rubric
Unit Examinations
Proctored Final Examination
Course Academic Online Discussions
Student/Instructor Interaction
Documents/Student Resources
As you fill out the Academic Preparation Activities, please keep in mind that these should total approximately 90 hours. Some samples of this type of activity may include:
Reading Assignments
Key Term Reviews
Studying for Examinations
Writing Assignments
Review Grading Rubric
Study Lesson Review Exercises
Internet/Web Research
Reading Websites
Suggested Outside Reading
Sample Worksheet for Tracking Your Academic Activities
Upon completion of this course, you will be asked to complete a survey. The last question on the survey will ask you the number of hours it took to complete the course. The total hours are then translated into academic credit based on a prescribed method of measuring educational attainment known as the Carnegie Unit. 90 hours of student preparation time and 45 hours of student engagement time (135 hours) are required for a 3 credit hour course.