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The Human Mosaic

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The Human Mosaic A Cultural Approach to Human Geography

Eleventh Edition

Mona Domosh Dartmouth College

Roderick P. Neumann Florida International University

Patricia L. Price Florida International University

Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov University of Texas at Austin

W. H. Freeman and Company New York

Senior Acquisitions Editor: Marc Mazzoni

Developmental Editors: Lisa Samols and Michael Zierler

Senior Marketing Manager: Scott Guile

Media and Supplements Editor: Beth McHenry

Project Editor: Jane O’Neill

Art Director: Diana Blume

Illustration Coordinator: Susan Timmins

Illustrations: maps.com

Photo Editor: Bianca Moscatelli

Photo Researcher: Christina Micek

Production Coordinator: Paul Rohloff

Composition and Layout: Preparé

Manufacturing: RR Donnelley

Note: Photographs not otherwise credited are the property of Scott, Foresman and Company.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008942560

ISBN-13: 978-1-4292-1426-1 ISBN-10: 1-4292-1426-0

©2010 by W. H. Freeman and Company All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

First printing

W. H. Freeman and Company 41 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10010 Houndmills, Basingstoke RG21 6XS, England


Contents in Brief

1. Human Geography: A Cultural Approach 1

2. Many Worlds: Geographies of Cultural Difference 31

3. Population Geography: Shaping the Human Mosaic 65

4. Speaking about Places: The Geography of Language 107

5. Geographies of Race and Ethnicity: Mosaic or Melting Pot? 139

6. Political Geography: A Divided World 177

7. The Geography of Religion: Spaces and Places of Sacredness 215

8. Agriculture: The Geography of the Global Food System 255

9. Geography of Economies: Industries, Services, and Development 293

10. Urbanization: The City in Time and Space 325

11. Inside the City: A Cultural Mosaic 357

12. One World or Many? The Cultural Geography of the Future 401

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Chapter 1

Human Geography: A Cultural Approach 1

What Is a Cultural Approach to Human Geography? 2

How to Understand Human Geography 4 Themes in Human Geography 5

Region 6 Mobility 10 Globalization 14 Nature-Culture 16 Cultural Landscape 20

Subject to Debate: Human Activities and Global Climate Change 21

Global Spotlight: “Reading” Globalization in a Medieval Square 24

Practicing Geography: Denis Cosgrove 26 Conclusion 26 Doing Geography: Space, Place, and Knowing

Your Way Around 27 Seeing Geography: Aboriginal Topographical

Painting of Arnhem Land 28

Chapter 2

Many Worlds: Geographies of Cultural Difference 31

Many Cultures 32 Region 34

Material Folk Culture Regions 34 Is Popular Culture Placeless? 35 Popular Food and Drink 37 Popular Music 38 Indigenous Culture Regions 38 Vernacular Culture Regions 40

Mobility 40 Diffusion in Popular Culture 40 Advertising 42 Communications Barriers 42 Diffusion of the Rodeo 43 Blowguns: Diffusion or Independent

Invention? 44 Globalization 45

From Difference to Convergence 45 Difference Revitalized 45

Place Images 45 Subject to Debate: Mobile Identities: Questions

of Culture and Citizenship 46 Nature-Culture 46

Indigenous Ecology 46 Local Knowledge 47

Global Spotlight: Indigenous Cultures Go Global 48 Global Economy 48 Folk Ecology 49 Gendered Nature 49

Practicing Geography: Gregory Knapp 50 Nature in Popular Culture 51

Cultural Landscape 52 Folk Architecture 52 Folk Housing in North America 52 Folk Housing in Sub-Saharan Africa 54 Landscapes of Popular Culture 56 Leisure Landscapes 57 Elitist Landscapes 57 The American Popular Landscape 59

Conclusion 59 Doing Geography: Self-Representation

of Indigenous Culture 60 Seeing Geography: American Fathers and

Daughters 63

Chapter 3

Population Geography: Shaping the Human Mosaic 65

Region 66 Population Distribution and Density 66 Patterns of Natality 68 The Geography of Mortality 69 The Demographic Transition 70 Age Distributions 74

Subject to Debate: Female: An Endangered Gender? 76 Geography of Gender 79 Standard of Living 81

Mobility 81 Migration 81 Diseases on the Move 87

Globalization 89


Preface xiii

Population Explosion? 89 Global Spotlight: The Geography of HIV/AIDS 90

Or Creativity in the Face of Scarcity? 91 The Rule of 72 92 Population Control Programs 93

Nature-Culture 94 Environmental Influence 94 Environmental Perception and Population

Distribution 94 Population Density and Environmental

Alteration 95 Cultural Landscape 96

Rural Settlement Patterns 97 Historical Factors Shaping the Cultural-

Demographic Landscape 99 Political and Economic Factors Shaping the

Cultural-Demographic Landscape 99 Gender and the Cultural-Demographic

Landscape 101 Practicing Geography: Rachel Silvey 101 Conclusion 102 Doing Geography: Public Space, Personal Space:

Too Close for Comfort? 103 Seeing Geography: Street in Kolkata, India 104

Chapter 4

Speaking about Places: The Geography of Language 107

Region 109 Language Families 109

Global Spotlight: Texting and Language Modification 114

Mobility 115 Indo-European Diffusion 115 Austronesian Diffusion 117 Religion and Linguistic Mobility 117 Language’s Shifting Boundaries 117

Globalization 121 Technology, Language, and Empire 121

Subject to Debate: Imposing English 122 Practicing Geography: Allan Pred 124

Language Proliferation: One or Many? 124 Language and Cultural Survival 125

Nature-Culture 127 Habitat and Vocabulary 127 The Habitat Helps Shape Language Areas 127 The Habitat Provides Refuge 127

Cultural Landscape 130 Messages 130

Toponyms 131 Generic Toponyms of the United States 132 Toponyms and Cultures of the Past 132

Conclusion 133 Doing Geography: Toponyms and Roots of Place 135 Seeing Geography: Aquí se habla Spanglish 136

Chapter 5

Geographies of Race and Ethnicity: Mosaic or Melting Pot? 139

Subject to Debate: Racism: An Embarrassment of the Past, or Here to Stay? 142

Region 144 Ethnic Homelands and Islands 144 Ethnic Neighborhoods and Racialized

Ghettos 147 Recent Shifts in Ethnic Mosaics 150

Global Spotlight: Selena Crosses the Line 152 Mobility 156

Migration and Ethnicity 156 Simplification and Isolation 158

Globalization 159 A Long View of Race and Ethnicity 159 Race and European Colonization 159 Indigenous Identities in the Face

of Globalization 161 Nature-Culture 162

Cultural Preadaptation 162 Habitat and the Preservation of Difference 163 Environmental Racism 164

Cultural Landscape 166 Urban Ethnic Landscapes 166

Practicing Geography: Daniel Arreola 168 The Re-Creation of Ethnic Cultural

Landscapes 169 Ethnic Culinary Landscapes 170

Conclusion 171 Doing Geography: Tracing Ethnic Foodways

Through Recipes 172 Seeing Geography: American Restaurant

Neon Signs 174

Chapter 6

Political Geography: A Divided World 177

Region 177 A World of States 177 Political Boundaries in Cyberspace 183 Supranational Political Bodies 184

viii Contents

Electoral Geographical Regions 185 Red States, Blue States 185 Islamic Law in Nigerian Politics 189

Mobility 190 Movement Between Core and Periphery 190 Mobility, Diffusion, and Political Innovation 191 Politics and Migration 191

Global Spotlight: The Condition of Transnationality 193

Globalization 193 Practicing Geography: Katharyne Mitchell 194

The Nation-State 194 Ethnic Separatism 194

Subject to Debate: The End of the Nation-State? 195 The Cleavage Model 197 An Example: The Sakha Republic 197 Political Imprint on Economic Geography 200

Nature-Culture 201 Chain of Explanation 201 Geopolitics 202 The Heartland Theory 203 Geopolitics Today 203 Warfare and Environmental Destruction 205

Cultural Landscape 206 Imprint of the Legal Code 206 Physical Properties of Boundaries 206 The Impress of Central Authority 208 National Iconography on the Landscape 209

Conclusion 210 Doing Geography: The Complex Geography

of Congressional Redistricting 210 Seeing Geography: Are These Border Fences

or Walls? 212

Chapter 7

The Geography of Religion: Spaces and Places of Sacredness 215

Subject to Debate: Religious Fundamentalism 218 Region 219

Judaism 219 Christianity 219 Islam 223 Hinduism 225 Buddhism 226 Taoic Religions 227 Animism/Shamanism 227

Mobility 229 The Semitic Religious Hearth 229 The Indus-Ganges Hearth 231

The East Asian Religious Hearth 231 Religious Pilgrimage 232

Globalization 234 The Rise of Evangelical Protestantism

in Latin America 234 Religion on the Internet 234 Religion’s Relevance in a Global World 235

Nature-Culture 237 Appeasing the Forces of Nature 237 The Impacts of Belief Systems on Plants

and Animals 238 Ecotheology 240

Cultural Landscape 242 Religious Structures 242 Faithful Details 244 Landscapes of the Dead 246 Sacred Space 248

Conclusion 248 Global Spotlight: Moving Faith 249 Practicing Geography: Kenneth Foote 250 Doing Geography: The Making of Sacred Spaces 251 Seeing Geography: Parking Lot Shrine 252

Chapter 8

Agriculture: The Geography of the Global Food System 255

Region 255 Swidden Cultivation 255 Paddy Rice Farming 258 Peasant Grain, Root, and Livestock Farming 259 Plantation Agriculture 259 Market Gardening 260 Livestock Fattening 261 Grain Farming 262 Dairying 263 Nomadic Herding 263 Livestock Ranching 264 Urban Agriculture 265 Farming the Waters 265 Nonagricultural Areas 267

Mobility 267 Origins and Diffusion of Plant

Domestication 267 Locating Centers of Domestication 267 Pets or Meat? Tracing Animal Domestication 268 Modern Mobilities 268 Labor Mobility 270

Globalization 271 Local-Global Food Provisioning 271

Contents ix

Practicing Geography: Karl Zimmerer 272 The von Thünen Model 273 Can the World Be Fed? 275 The Growth of Agribusiness 276

Global Spotlight: The Global Chicken 276 Food Fears 278

Nature-Culture 279 Technology over Nature? 279 Sustainable Agriculture 280 Intensity of Land Use 280 The Desertification Debate 280 Environmental Perception by Agriculturists 281 Don’t Panic, It’s Organic 283 Green Fuels from Agriculture 283

Subject to Debate: Can Biofuels Save the Planet? 284

Cultural Landscape 285 Survey, Cadastral, and Field Patterns 285 Fencing and Hedging 287

Conclusion 288 Doing Geography: The Global Geography of

Food 288 Seeing Geography: Reading Agricultural

Landscapes 290

Chapter 9

Geography of Economies: Industries, Services, and Development 293

Region 293 Mobility 297

Origins of the Industrial Revolution 297 Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution 298 The Locational Shifts of Secondary Industry 298 The Locational Shifts of Service Industries 302

Globalization 305 Labor Supply 305

Practicing Geography: Amy Glasmeier 305 Global Spotlight: A Day in the Life of a Back-Office

Worker in India 306 Markets 307 Governments and Globalization 308

Subject to Debate: Is Free Trade Fair Trade? 309 Economic Globalization and Cultural

Change 310 Nature-Culture 311

Renewable Resource Crises 311 Global Spotlight: Women, Men, and Work in the

Maquiladoras 311

Acid Rain 313 Global Climate Change 314 Ozone Depletion 314 Radioactive Pollution 315 Environmental Sustainability 315

Cultural Landscape 316 Conclusion 321 Doing Geography: The Where and Why of What You

Wear 321 Seeing Geography: Factories in Guangdong

Province, China 322

Chapter 10

Urbanization: The City in Time and Space 325

Region 325 Patterns and Processes of Urbanization 326 Impacts of Urbanization 328 Central-Place Theory 329

Mobility 331 Origin and Diffusion of the City 332 Models for the Rise of Cities 332 Urban Hearth Areas 333 The Diffusion of the City from

Hearth Areas 336 Rural-to-Urban Migration 338

Globalization 338 Global Cities 338

Global Spotlight: One Family’s Tale 339 Globalizing Cities 339

Nature-Culture 340 Practicing Geography: Kris Olds 341

Site and Situation 341 Urbanization and Sustainability 344 Natural Disasters 345

Cultural Landscape 346 Globalizing Cities in the Developing

World 346 Subject to Debate: Can Urbanization Be

Environmentally Sustainable? 347 Latin American Urban Landscapes 348 Landscapes of the Apartheid and

Postapartheid City 350 Landscapes of the Socialist and

Postsocialist City 351 Conclusion 353 Doing Geography: Connecting Urban Population

Growth with Globalization 353 Seeing Geography: Rio de Janeiro 354

x Contents

Chapter 11

Inside the City: A Cultural Mosaic 357

Region 357 Downtowns 357 Residential Areas 358 Homelessness 360 Models of the Internal Structure of American and

Canadian Cities 361 Practicing Geography: Susan Hanson 365 Mobility 366

Centralization 366 Suburbanization and Decentralization 367 Gentrification 370

Subject to Debate: Can Gentrification Be Socially Just? 373

Globalization 373 New Ethnic Neighborhoods 373 A Global Urban Form? 375

Global Spotlight: Spaces of Inclusion and Exclusion: Urban Ethnic Enclaves 375

Nature-Culture 377 Urban Weather and Climate 378 Urban Hydrology 378 Urban Vegetation 378

Cultural Landscape 379 Ways of Reading Cityscapes 380 Landscape Histories of American, Canadian, and

European Cities 382 The New Urban Landscape 393

Conclusion 396 Doing Geography: Reading “Your” Urban

Landscape 396 Seeing Geography: Chinatown, New York City 398

Chapter 12

One World or Many? The Cultural Geography of the Future 401

Region 402 The Uneven Geography of Development 402

One Europe or Many? 403 Glocalization 404 The Geography of the Internet 405

Subject to Debate: The Internet: Global Tool for Democracy or Repression? 406

Mobility 407 The Information Superhighway 407 New (Auto)Mobilities 407 The Place(s) of the Global Tourist 409

Global Spotlight: China’s New Car Culture 411 Globalization 412

A Deeper Look at Globalization 412 History, Geography, and the Globalization

of Everything 412 Globalization and Its Discontents 413

Practicing Geography: Susan Mains 414 Blending Sounds on a Global Scale 415

Nature-Culture 416 Sustainable Futures 416 Think Globally, Act Locally 417

Cultural Landscape 418 Globalized Landscapes 418 Striving for the Unique 418 Wal-Martians Invade Treasured Landscape! 419 Protecting Europe’s Rural Landscape 419

Conclusion 420 Doing Geography: Interpreting the Imagery

of Globalization 420 Seeing Geography: Global Reach 422

Glossary 425

Index 435

Contents xi

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Geography is a diverse academic discipline. It concerns place and region and employs diverse methodologies from the social sciences, humanities, and earth sciences. Geographers deal with a wide range of subjects, from spatial patterns of human occupancy to the interaction between people and their environments. The geographer strives for a holistic view of the Earth as the home of humankind.

Because the world is in constant flux, geography is an ever-changing discipline. Geographers necessarily consider a wide range of topics and view them from several different perspectives. They continually seek new ways of looking at the inhabited Earth. For example, the rise of feminist per- spectives has enabled geographers to see the world anew by pointing out that the spaces we use every day are shaped and used differently because our societies are profoundly structured by gender roles. Another example is the impor- tance of globalization to our world today. This has led ge- ographers to new and incisive engagements with concepts such as transnationalism and postcolonialism. Every revi- sion of an introductory text such as The Human Mosaic re- quires careful attention to such changes and innovations ongoing in the dynamic field that is human geography.

The Five Themes The Human Mosaic has always been built around five themes. In this new edition, we have modified some of these themes to reflect changes both in the discipline of human geogra- phy and in the world. The five themes we explore in this book are region, mobility, globalization, nature-culture, and cultural landscape. These five themes are introduced and explained in the first chapter and serve as the frame- work for the 11 topical chapters that follow. Each theme is

applied to a variety of geographical topics: demography, language, ethnicity, politics, religion, agriculture, industry, the city, and types of culture. This thematic organization allows students to relate to the most important aspects of human geography at every point in the text. As instructors, we have found that beginning students learn best when provided with a precise and useful framework, and the five- themes approach provides such a framework for under- standing human geography. A small icon accompanies each theme as a visual reminder to students when these themes recur throughout the book. They will see:





Cultural Landscape

In our classroom experience, we have found the the- matic framework to be highly successful. Our region theme appeals to students’ natural curiosity about the differences among places. Mobility conveys the dynamic aspect of peo- ple and place particularly relevant to this age of incessant and rapid change. Students acquire an appreciation for how people and cultural traits move (or do not move) from place to place. The topics employed to illustrate the con- cepts of mobility include many examples to which college students can relate, for instance, reggae and rap music, computer technology and the Internet, and the impact of globalization on consumer goods around the world. Global- ization permits students to understand the complex pro- cesses that link the various economies, cultures, and societies around the world. An understanding of globaliz- ing processes is necessary for explaining how those linkages



can create economic and cultural similarities as well as dis- parities. Nature-culture addresses the complicated relation- ship between culture and the physical environment. With today’s complex and often-controversial relationship be- tween the natural environment and our globalizing world, both the tensions and the alliances that arise in regard to this relationship are now at the forefront of this theme. Last, the theme of cultural landscape heightens students’ awareness of the visible character of places and regions.

New to the Eleventh Edition Key Chapter Changes In response to instructor input from the tenth edition of The Human Mosaic, population geography is now the third chap- ter in the book. Students are now exposed to the patterns and movements of human settlement before examining so- ciocultural topics such as language, ethnicity, and religion.

Chapters 10 and 11, which consider cities from various perspectives, have been reorganized. Chapter 10 (“Urban- ization: The City in Time and Space”) examines the pro- cesses of urbanization. On a completely different scale of analysis, Chapter 11 (“Inside the City: A Cultural Mosaic”) considers in more detail the patterns inside of cities. As part of this new schema, material on the history of urban form has been moved into Chapter 11 under the subsec- tion “Landscape Histories of American, Canadian, and European Cities.”

New Features The use of pedagogical features and boxes has been stream- lined, and a new feature has been added: Subject to De- bate. In this feature, which appears in every chapter, students are presented with several sides of a controversial topic and are asked to form an educated opinion. Students will try to answer the following questions:

• How do human activities affect the Earth’s climate?

• How do transplanted cultures become a part of or reshape the culture of their new homes?

• Are females an endangered gender?

• Should learning and speaking English be imposed on all residents of the United States?

• Will racism persist as long as cultural differences exist in the world?

• Does globalization mean the end of the nation-state?

• What is religious fundamentalism?

• Are biofuels the answer to the current resource crisis?

• Does free trade benefit some groups more than others?

• Can urban areas become environmentally sustainable?

• Can gentrification of urban areas benefit everyone?

• How is the Internet used to promote democracy and to suppress free speech?

New Topics In addition to completely updated information and data in the text and figures throughout the book, you will find a number of new examples, concepts, and discussions in the eleventh edition:

• A broad view of the concept of globalization (Chapter 1)

• The diffusion of disease in human history, including cholera, HIV/AIDS, and SARS (Chapter 3)

• The dynamics of language dominance on the Internet (Chapter 4)

• The red state/blue state phenomenon in the United States, accompanied by several eye-popping new figures (Chapter 6)

• Discussions of the Taoic religions alongside the major monotheistic religions throughout all five themes (Chapter 7)

• Timely topics, such as aquaculture, labor mobility, organic food, food safety and biofuels (Chapter 8)

xiv Preface

SUBJECT TO DEBATE Female: An Endangered Gender? Does the simple fact of being female expose a person to demographic peril? In most societies, women are viewed as valuable, even powerful, particularly as mothers, nurturers, teachers, and spiritual leaders. Yet in other important ways, to be female is to be endangered. We will consider this controversial idea with an eye to how demographics and culture closely shape one another.

Many cultures demonstrate a marked preference for males. The academic term describing this is androcentrism; you may know it as patriarchy, male bias, or simply sexism. Whether a preference for males is a feature of all societies has been disputed. Some societies pass along forms of their wealth, property, and prestige from mother to daughter, rather than exclusively from father to son. This is rare, however, and it is clear that the roots of cultural preference for males are historically far-reaching and widespread. In most societies, positions of economic, political, social, and cultural prestige and power are held largely by men. Men typically are considered to be the heads of households. Family names tend to pass from father to son, and with them, family honor and wealth. In traditional societies, when sons marry, they usually bring their wives to live in

an unborn baby. Puneet Bedi, a New Delhi gynecologist, remarked, “I can tell you that no pregnant woman would suffer if the ultrasound test were banned. Right now it is used to save 1 out of 20,000 fetuses and kill 20 out of every 200 because [it reveals that the baby] is the wrong gender”

This “little emperor” poses with his grandparents. (Dennis Cox, LLC.)

• A stronger focus on economic development, including Rostow’s model of economic development and its failings (Chapter 9)

• The future of geography as a result of globalization (Chapter 12)

Media and Supplements The eleventh edition is accompanied by a media and sup- plements package that facilitates student learning and en- hances the teaching experience.

Student Supplements eBook The eBook allows instructors and students access to the full textbook online anywhere, anytime. It is also available as a download for use offline. The eBook text is fully searchable and can be annotated with note-taking and highlighting features. Students can copy and paste from the eBook text to augment their own notes, and important sections can be printed. For more information, visit www.coursesmart.com.

Atlas Rand McNally’s Atlas of World Geography, ISBN: 1-4292-2980-2

Available packaged with the textbook, with the textbook and Student Study Guide, or with the textbook and Exploring Human Geography with Maps, second edition.

Mapping Exercise Workbook Exploring Human Geography with Maps, second edition, by Margaret Pearce, Ohio University, and Owen Dwyer, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, ISBN: 1-4292-2981-0

This full-color workbook introduces the student to the di- verse world of maps as fundamental tools for exploring

and presenting ideas in human geography. It directly ad- dresses the concepts of The Human Mosaic, chapter by chapter, and it includes activities accessible through The Human Mosaic Online at www.whfreeman.com/jordan11e.

The NEW edition provides:

• Nine new activities featuring current topics suggested by geography instructors

• Web and text updates for all other activities • An instructor’s guide to help integrate Exploring Human

Geography with Maps into curriculum • Assessment questions for instructors which draw from

both The Human Mosaic and Exploring Human Geography with Maps, further incorporating map-reading skills into the classroom

• PowerPoint slides with maps from the text and information from the instructor’s guide to help in lectures

Study Guide Student Study Guide, by Michael Kukral, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, ISBN 1-4292-2976-4

The new and updated Student Study Guide provides a tre- mendous learning advantage for students using The Human Mosaic. This best-selling supplement contains updated prac- tice tests, chapter learning objectives, key terms, and sec- tions on map reading and interpretation. A highly integrated manual, the Student Study Guide supports and enhances the material covered in The Human Mosaic and guides the student to a clear understanding of cultural geography.

Self-Study on the Web The Human Mosaic Online: www.whfreeman.com/jordan11e

The companion web site serves as an online study guide. The core of the site includes a range of features that en- courage critical thinking and assist in study and review:

• Web activities from Exploring Human Geography with Maps, second edition

• Web links to important and informative geographical sites

• Maps for note-taking and study

• Over 260 videos, covering key topics in geography. All are 2–6 minutes long and are accompanied by multiple- choice questions that can be automatically graded and entered into a gradebook.

Instructor Supplements Presentation Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM and Web Site (www.whfreeman.com/jordan11e), ISBN 1-4292-2982-9

Both resources contain all the text images available in JPEG format and as Microsoft PowerPoint™ slides for use in

Preface xv

classroom presentations. Images have been optimized for high-quality projection in large classrooms. The Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM also contains chapter-by-chapter Microsoft Word™ test bank files that can be easily modified by the instructor.

Overhead Transparencies, ISBN 1-4292-2977-2

A convenient set of 100 key maps and figures from the text- book optimized for high-quality projection in classroom presentation.

Course Management All instructor and student resources are also available via WebCT and Blackboard to enhance your course. W. H. Free- man and Company offers a course cartridge that populates your course web site with content tied directly to the book.

Assessment Test Bank, by Ray Sumner, Long Beach City College; Jose Javier Lopez, Minnesota State University; Roxane Fridirici, California State University–Sacramento; and Douglas Munski, University of North Dakota

The newly revised Test Bank is available on the Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM. The Test Bank is carefully designed to match the pedagogical intent of the textbook and to include questions from basic memorization to comprehension of concepts. It contains more than 1000 test questions (multiple choice and true/false). The files are provided as chapter-by- chapter Microsoft Word files that are easy to edit and print.

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