Please read article and complete the following instructions
Paper must be at least 650 words in length, excluding titles, headings, your name etc (only real content counts!), and no longer than 100 words in length. Set the margins to 1 inch on all sides, and make it times new roman 12 point font with double spacing (basic APA style). If the paper does not meet those guidelines, you will lose points! Please make sure everything for this is assignment is in your own words.
Turnitin software will be checking this for plagiarism (turnitin indexes all papers ever submitted through turnitin, )
For this paper, you will write out your responses to these following questions
:a.Discuss what you found most interesting in the article you read, and why
.b.Discuss what you felt was the most important take-away message from the article, and why you feel this way.
c.What specific theory (e.g., be more specific than just saying “memory”) do you feel this article is most related to from our course so far?
Explain why you feel it is connected.
d. What is a 2nd specific theory from the course that you feel this article is most related to (and explain why you see this connection)?
e.What aspect of the article did you feel has the most applicability to a college freshman? Why?