Centenary State High School | 1 Moolanda Street, Jindalee | PO Box 321, Mt Ommaney Qld 4074 | T 07 3373 4555 F 07 3373 4500 E admin@centenaryshs.eq.edu.au | ABN 89 313 963 531 | DETE CRICOS Provider No: 00608A STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEMETo enhance and maximise student learning Centenary State High School operates a Student Resource Scheme (SRS). The purpose of the Scheme is to provide parents/carers with a cost effective scheme for the use of curriculum textbooks, resources, consumables and other essential materials for student use. The Scheme is endorsed annually by the P&C Association and is approved by Education Queensland.Apart from providing a cost effective alternative, the Student Resource Scheme eliminates the need large and ongoing purchases through-out the school year. It is also an equitable scheme, ensuring all students have the resources necessary for their education. Textbooks, class notes (handouts), and a variety of consumables will be provided as needed. Some texts will be issued on a yearly basis, while others for a term, a week or even for use for an individual lesson, avoiding the need for students to take texts home unnecessarily.The parent contribution for 2015 has been set at $230 per student. In addition to this fee from parents, the school receives on behalf of parents, a textbook allowance from Education Queensland. The 2014 allowance is currently $112 per year for students in Years 8-10 and $245 for those in Years 11 and 12. For current rates refer to http://education.qld.gov.au/schools/grants/index.html. Purpose of the Scheme In accordance with the Education ( General Provisi ons) A ct 2006, the cost of providing i nstruction, administration and facil iti es for the education of students enrolled at State schools who are Australiancitizens or permanent residents, o r children of Australian citizens or permanent residents, i s met by theState. Parents are directly responsible for provid ing textbooks and other personal resources for their children while attendi ng s chool. In r ecognition that these costs can be h igh, the school operates a StudentResource S cheme (the “ scheme”) that enabl es a parent to enter into an agreement with the school that,for a specified annual participation fee, provides for the temporary use by the student of prescribed textbooks and/or other resources, and/or the purchase of consumables and materials for thest udent.A Student Resource S cheme is separate to and distinct from a request for a voluntary financial contribution. Benefits of the Scheme The purpose of the scheme is to provide the parent with a cost effective alternative to purchasingtextbooks and/or resources elsewhere, through reduced prices gain ed fr om the school’s bulk purchasi ngpractices.The scheme also ensures that students have consi stent personal resources for their e ducation, and saves the parent time and money in sourcing the prescribed materials elsewhere.The scheme is not used to raise funds for other purposes, a nd revenue collected through the scheme is applied only to the operation of the scheme. Participation in the Scheme Participation in the scheme is voluntary, a nd there is no o bligati on on a parent to participate in thescheme. A parent’s decision to participate or not is based on consideration of the value afforded to them by the scheme. The completed a nd signed Participation Agreement Form should be returned to the school by theadvertised date to in di cate participati on or non-participation i n the scheme. If a parent chooses to participate in the scheme and completes the Participation Agreement Form, a fee will be due and p ayable by the parent for the items provided by the scheme to the student.Payment of the participati on f ee is a requi re ment for continued participati on in the scheme. An unpaid fee will be subject to the s chool’s debt collection processes.A parent who does not wish to participate in the student resource scheme shall inform the school by completing the Participati on Agreement Form and returning it to the Administration Offi ce. Arrangements will be made for the parents of students in Years 8 to 12 or of secondary education age to be paid thevalue of the Textbook and Resource Allowance for e ach of their eligible child ren.A parent who chooses not to participate in the scheme is responsible for providing the student with a ll items that would otherwise be provided to the student by the scheme as detailed on the Year Level
Centenary State High School | 1 Moolanda Street, Jindalee | PO Box 321, Mt Ommaney Qld 4074 | T 07 3373 4555 F 07 3373 4500 E admin@centenaryshs.eq.edu.au | ABN 89 313 963 531 | DETE CRICOS Provider No: 00608A Requirement List and or CurriculumRequirementsList, to enable the student to engage with the curriculum. Parents and Citizens’ Association Support of the Scheme The operation of the Student Resource Scheme is discussed annually at a meeting of the Parents andCitizens’ Association. Parents are extended an invitation to attend this meeting and provided with anopportuni ty to express their opin ions. A vote i s t aken at this meeting on supporting the operation of the scheme. Textbook and Resource A llowanceThe Queensland Government provides financial assi stance to parents of students in Years 8 to 12 or of secondary education age, attending State and approved non-S tate schools, to offset the costs of textbooks and other resources. Assistance is provided in the form of a Textbook and Resource Allowancewhich is paid once a calendar year through the school. Parents have the option to r ecei ve the allowance directl y from the school or as an offset of fees associated with participati on i n the school's S tudent Resource S cheme. This option is made availa ble to each parent annually by the school. Curr ent allowance rates are availa ble from http://education.ql d.gov.au/finance/grants/fund/garp/html/par- stu.htmlPayment Arrangements Payment of the participation f ee may be made by E FTPOS ( Debi t Card; MasterCard; Visa;American Express where accepted by the school), cheque, o r cash.For p ayment made by direct deposit (EFT) to the bank account indicated on the front of the form, please ensure that the payment reference includes the reference as indicated on t he front of this form. Theacknowledgement from your fi nancial insti tution of the successful electronic transfer of funds should beretained as your record of payment.Payment of the participation fee may be made i n whole or by instalment as indicated on theParticipation Agreement Form or for another amount as approved by the Principal. For payments made in person by cash, cheque or credit/debit card, a recei pt will be provided to the payer. Where payments are received by other methods, a recei pt will be provided on request. A ll receipts and documentation on the scheme should be retained by t he parent for future r eference and p ossibl e taxation purposes.Parent Experiencing Financial DifficultiesA parent wishing to participate in the S tudent Resource S cheme and experienci ng financial hardship is encouraged to contact the principal to discuss how their financial obligations c an b e met throughout the school y ear, or to negotiate alternati ve arrangements that may be available to accommodatetheir individual circumstances. Centrelink deduction is a payment option offered by the school. All di scussions will be held in the s trictest confidence.The onus of proof of bei ng so affected is on the parent, and might include a curr ent Health Care Card or other evidence to establish financial hardshi p.Any concessions given to the participation fee will be at the discre tion of the Principal. Terms and Conditions of Participation in the Scheme For the purposes of the scheme, where a student is living i ndependent of his/her parents, reference in the terms and conditions to “parent” is a reference to the independent student.Where a parent chooses to join the scheme and completes a Participation Agreement Form, anannual participati on fee will be due a nd payable by the parent to the S tudent Resource S cheme. In return for payment of the participation fee, the scheme will provide the participati ng student with textbooks and/or re sources, c onsumables and materials as listed on the Year Level Requirements Li st and/or Subject Requirements Li st as being provided by the scheme, when due for t he student’s use.Payment of the participation fee i s to b e made according to t he payment arrangement optionindicated by the parent on the Participation Agreement Form, or as otherwise approved by the Principal. Non-payment of the participation fee by t he desi gnated payment date(s) will generate a remindernotice to the parent/carer from the school at intervals of 30 days overdue and 60 days overdue. T hePrincipal may thereafter undertake debt recovery action for the overdue participation fee including, where warranted, referral to an external debt collecti on agency. This may result in extra costs being incurred by the parent.