Critical Analysis of Sonnet 18:This sonnet certainly speaks of the poet’s beloved, but more than that it speaks of his own poetry. He praises the beauty of his beloved but does so in the service of his poetic craft. He knows that the individual human body cannot survive the passage of time and that it will eventually fade away. As a result of the process of aging, this body will die and decay, for man is mortal. It is said that to be born is to die. Thus no man can literally escape death. However, the death of a single man does not spellthe death of the species. Man as a species will live on. And because of that, man’s art will also live on. The poet knows that there is only one way to become immortal, and that is through the creation of timeless art. He is confident that his poetry willbe read and held in high esteem for many generations to come. That is why the people of whom he speaks in his poetry will also live on. In this way, future readers of his poetry will get to know that there was once a beautiful woman who was the poet’s muse and inspiration. Hence her beauty may not literally survive, but the praise of that beauty in the poet’s words can never fade away entirely.Annotation of Sonnet 18:Please note:N= noun, V=verb, Adj=Adjective, Adv=Adverb, P=Preposition, Pr=PronounThee (Pr):An older form of the word “you”Thou (Pr):An older form of the word “you”Art (V):An older form of the word “are”Temperate (Adj):Relating to or denoting a region or climate characterized by mild temperaturesRough (Adj):(Of weather or the sea)wild and StormyBuds (N):Plural form of the word “bud”, that is, a compact knob-like growth on a plant which develops into a leaf, flower, or shoots
Lease (N):A contract by which one party conveys land, property, services, etc. to another for a specified time, usually in return for a periodic paymentHath (V):An older form of the word “has”Complexion (N):The natural color, texture, and appearance of a person’s skin, especially of the faceDimmed (V):Past participle form of the word “dim”, that is, make or become less bright or distinctFair (Adj):BeautifulDeclines (V):Third person present tense of the word “decline”, that is, (typically of something regarded as good) to become smaller, fewer, or less; decreaseCourse (N):The way in which somethingprogresses or developsUntrimmed (Adj):Not having been trimmed or cut awayThy (Pr):An older form of the word “your”Eternal (Adj):Lasting or existing forever; without endFade (V):Gradually grow faint and disappearPossession (N):The state of having, owning, or controlling somethingOw’st (V):Short form of the word “owest” which is, in turn, an older form of the word “owe”Brag (V):Say something in a boastful mannerWand’rest (V):Short form of the word “wanderest” which is, in turn, an olderform of the word “wander”Grow’st (V):Short form of the word “growest” which is, in turn, an older form of the word “grow”Poetic Devices in Sonnet 18:Rhyme scheme: