Write a lab report on the three labs from Ohm's Law. Treat all three labs as three activities of one overall laboratory experiment.
Here is what you need to include in your lab report:
1. The title of the Lab, Name of Student, Date, Class. Include also the Purpose of the lab
2. Theory. Include all the formulae and explanation necessary from Ohm's Law. Keep in mind that each formula is on a separate line and each symbol in that formula must be explained what it means.
3. Measurements. You must re-type your data from our spreadsheet files. No copy and paste allowed. Organize your data in a table with headers, units, etc.
4. Results. Include your graphs from Ohm's Law with the slopes and the calculations. Your graphs must include titles, axis labels, slope.
5. Conclusion. Commentary on what was easy/difficult, what went wrong, what you learned, etc.