SPSS Practice: Assumptions And Normality
· Hoekstra, R., Kiers, H. A. L., & Johnson, A. (2012).Are assumptions of well-known statistical techniques checked, and why (not)?Frontiers in Psychology,3, 137-145.
1. This article will be used in your second discussion post for the week.
. Field, A. (2012). Assumptions part 1: Normality. Retrieved from https://www.discoveringstatistics.com/2012/08/06/assumptions-part-1-normality/
. Field, A. (2012). Assumptions part 2: Homogeneity of variance/homoscedasticity. Retrieved from https://www.discoveringstatistics.com/2012/09/13/assumptions-part-2-homogeneity-of-variancehomoscedasticity/
. Frost, J. (2019). Multicollinearity in regression analysis: Problems, detection, and solutions. Retrieved from https://statisticsbyjim.com/regression/multicollinearity-in-regression-analysis/
. Laerd Statistics. (2018). Test that your data meets important assumptions. Retrieved from https://statistics.laerd.com/features-assumptions.php
. Laerd Statistics. (2018). Testing for normality using SPSS statistics. Retrieved from https://statistics.laerd.com/spss-tutorials/testing-for-normality-using-spss-statistics.php
. StatisticSolutions. (n.d.). Testing of assumptions. Retrieved from https://www.statisticssolutions.com/testing-of-assumptions/
· Grande, T. (2015). Conducting and interpreting a Levene's test in SPSS [Video] | Transcript. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrG1HZo77U4
[u05d1] Unit 5 Discussion 1
SPSS Practice: Assumptions and Normality
For this discussion select one of the data sets we have been using in class. During this discussion you will assess the normality of the data set you chose.
For this discussion, start by answering the following questions, based on your readings and research:
· What does the assumption of normality mean?
· When does the assumption matter?
Next, using the data set of your choice from class, assess the normality of the data.
· Include your data output tables in your post.
· Write a brief descriptive analysis of the normality of the data as part of your post.
Finally, describe one or two of the challenges you found while performing these exercises and how you resolved the issues. Where appropriate, provide the address of any website that helped you.
Remember to refer to the guidelines in the FEM as you prepare your post.
If you have questions about how to choose an appropriate test to assess normality, you may wish to review How to Choose a Statistical Test, which is linked in the resources.
Response Guidelines
Read and respond to the posts of your peers according to the guidelines in the Faculty Expectations message.
Address one of more of the following in your response:
· How do the challenges and resolutions of your peers compare to yours?
· How did your assessment of the normality of the data from the same data set compare to those of your peers?
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
· Identify the Pearson Correlation and the Spearman Correlation.
· Create a scatterplot for a combination of variables to identify the graphic nature of the relationship.
· Interpret the information presented in a demographic table.
· Identify the influence of sample size and influence of effect size.
· Analyze the analytical testing approach in a quantitative study.
· Write about statistical concepts clearly, accurately, and professionally.
· How to Choose a Statistical Test [PPTX].
· Emotional Well-Being (SF-36) Study Data Set [XLSX].
Critiquing the Literature: Assumptions of Statistical Tests
In preparation for this discussion, make sure you have read the article, "Are Assumptions of Well-Known Statistical Techniques Checked, and Why (Not)?"
Hoekstra, Kiers, and Johnson (2012) state,”Our findings show that researchers are relatively unknowledgeable when it comes to when and how data should be checked for violations of assumptions of statistical tests.”
Complete the following for your initial post for this discussion, remembering to adhere to the guidelines in the FEM:
· Describe to what extent you find this statement to be accurate, based on your experience, readings, and research.
16. Provide relevant examples and rationale for your explanation.
. Review the research question descriptions in the Appendix of the article, and select one of them. For the one you selected:
17. List the assumptions for the statistical analysis that should be used for that question. Note: You do not need to perform the assumptions; you will get to do that in future units!
Response Guidelines
Read and respond to the posts of your peers according to the guidelines in the FEM.
Address one of more of the following in your response:
. Compare your response to the authors' statement to that of your peers.
. Compare your list of assumptions for the question to the list(s)of your peer(s) if you selected the same research question description from the Appendix.
Hoekstra, R., Kiers, H. A. L., & Johnson, A. (2012).Are assumptions of well-known statistical techniques checked, and why (not)?Frontiers in Psychology,3, 137-145.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
. Cite and summarize a selected article.
. Analyze the analytical testing approach in a quantitative study.
. Assess the overall methodological quality of a study or article.
. Write about statistical concepts clearly, accurately, and professionally.