Choose any three of the following options and as always, write three well organized essay responses that provide specific textual evidence to support your observations. You should be writing a page per answer at a minimum.
1. Compare and contrast the films Chocolat and Like Water for Chocolate and discuss how each film uses specific foods to comment on the cultural identity of the main characters.
2. The journey, both physical and emotional, is a common basis for narrative structure. We have examined Like Water for Chocolate and Babette's Feast, this term and compare and contrast how food/eating becomes a part of the journey of the main character.
3. The tension within or between characters (between good and evil, ignorance and knowledge, etc.) is often developed through metaphors that involve food. Trace the use of three of these throughout the course.
4. Which stories actively seek to teach a moral or message to audiences/readers? Discuss at least three and how they do so in figurative imagery that involves food.
5. We know many stories use food as a means of character development. Pick one action that you can trace during this course: the preparation of food, the consumption of it or the memory of it. Trace how one of these is used in the literature and food we have looked at. Three examples should be analyzed.