Graduate Education Assistance
Notes taken from Teacher I observed
Here are notes from my observation of a 9th grade Algebra Class. Please read the directions given from my professor and read the notes taken by me.
National State Learning Standard MAFS.912.A-REI.3.6 Solve systems of linear equations exactly and approximately (e.g., with graphs), focusing on pairs of linear equations in two variables.
The Essential Question on the lesson plan is : How do you solve a system of linear inequalities.
Multiple Means of Engagement during lesson:
TE- Teacher Engagement
ISE- Interactive Student Engagement (interative module through the Hold McDougal Text book)
Student Engagement- Student problem solves with the teacher using promethean
Assessment- is given based on level of difficulty and understanding of concept. The online program within the textbook automatically populates assessment question based on how many students mastered a concept. If more than 20 % of class did not master a concept, the teacher revisisted the concept.
Since this is a MSO Module (My school online virtually teacher relays on interactive modules within the test book to ensure a level of understanding. The book automatically populates assessment
The essential question is used to ensure the student uses critical thining skills with real world applications. ( you can do this by asking trove questions).
Teacher did
I do (when teacher gives an example)
You do (student works on their own problem)
We do…(teacher works on a problem collectively as a class)