Alpha Marketing Report
Students are required to research a fashion brand of their choice and analyze its positioning strategy in the market.
● The report will assess students’ ability to collect data, in an efficient manner and use this data to scrutinise the marketing aspects of a fashion brand.
● The report will be covering the following subjects:
1. Analysis Of The Macro And Micro-environment of the brand.
2. Positioning Strategy Of The Brand: Target Customer(Pen Portrait)
3. Competitor Analysis.
4. Critical evaluation of the marketing communications strategy of the brand
supporting the development of the individual report, using relevant PRIMARY and SECONDARY RESEARCH.
NB: Please kindly devise a survey (Google forms) and make up some responses to it so as to then incorporate PRIMARY results into the report. Thanks
see attached file
● Students are required to research a fashion brand of their choice and analyze its positioning strategy in the market.
● The report will assess students’ ability to collect data, in an efficient manner and use this data to scrutinise the marketing aspects of a fashion brand.
● The report will be covering the following subjects: 1. Analysis Of The Macro And Micro-environment of the brand. 2. Positioning Strategy Of The Brand: Target Customer(Pen Portrait) 3. Competitor Analysis. 4. Critical evaluation of the marketing communications strategy of the brand
supporting the development of the individual report, using relevant PRIMARY and SECONDARY RESEARCH.
Penalties for exceeded word count (for written work only):
As there is a specific word count submissions exceeding this word count will be subject to the following penalties and will affect the final mark:
0% - 10% None
11% - 30% Mark reduced by 10%
Essential Reading
1. Principles of Marketing Edition Online version Principles of Marketing at 19$
2. Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective (Pear06) 6 by Michael R. ... A European Perspective 6th Edition by Michael R. Solomon, Gary J. Bamossy PDF will be sent by mail
3. M. Paschen and E. Dihsmaier, The Psychology of Human Leadership, 1 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-37054-0_1, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 PDF will be sent by mail
4. LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT by Ner Le'Elef PDF will be sent by mail 5. Fill,C.andTurnbull,S.(2016)MarketingCommunications:discovery,creation and
conversations, 7th edition, Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
6. Fill,C.(2013)MarketingCommunications:Brands,ExperiencesandParticipation, 6th edition, Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
6 by Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong,
Lloyd C. Harris, Nigel Piercy (ISBN: 9780273742975)
7. Kotler,P.etal.,2015.PrinciplesofMarketing16thed.,Harlow,Essex:Pearson Education Limited.
8. PetrizziR,P.MinkRath(2012)MarketingFashion,aGlobalPerspective.NewYork: Fairchild Books.
9. Bryman,A.andBell,E.(2011),BusinessResearchMethods,3rdedition,Oxford: Oxford University PressJackson, T. & Shaw, D. 2008, Mastering Fashion Marketing, Palgrave Macmillan, London.
10.Saunders, M, Lewis, P, and Thornhill, A, (2009), Research Methods for Business Students, 5th edition, Prentice Hall
11.Belch, G.E. and Belch, M.A. 2010. Advertising and Promotion. An integrated marketing and communications perspective. 8th edition. New York: McGraw- Hill/Irwin.
Recommended reading
1. Belch, G.E. and Belch, M.A. 2010. Advertising and Promotion. An integrated marketing and communications perspective. 8th edition. New York: McGraw- Hill/Irwin.
2. Blackwell, R.D., Engel, J.F., Miniard, W.P. 2005. Consumer Behaviour. Madison, US: Thomson Learning.
3. Easey,M.2009.FashionMarketing.Chichester:JohnWileyandSons. 4. Kotler,P.etal.2009.MarketingManagement.Harlow:PearsonEducationLimited. 5. Posner,H.2011.MarketingFashion,London:LaurenceKing. 6. Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2015)Digital Marketing: Strategy,
Implementation and Practice. 6th edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. 7. Frings,G.S.2007.FashionfromConcepttoConsumer.9thedition.Harlow:Pearson
8. Diamond, E. 2005. Fashion Retailing: A multi-channel approach. Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Science Direct:
American Marketing Association:
BBC – Business:
Business Week:
Chartered Institute of Marketing:
Economist, The:
Financial Times:
Fortune Global 500:
World Trade Organisation: