Discussion 6 (D-6)
Visit (or research) a local company that utilizes successful JIT in manufacturing. Describe what the company manufactures, when it made the change to JIT, and the specific benefits it has achieved from implementation of JIT.
Most JIT operations function as suppliers to large manufacturing production lines. The key to JIT is trust on the part of both partners. The prime contractor trusts the JIT supplier to have parts at the right place at the right time in the configuration needed to go directly to the production line. The JIT supplier, in turn, must trust its suppliers for components and assemblies to arrive in the correct configuration to go directly to the prime's production line. The ISO 9000 suppliers are one-step ahead on this concept.
Please use a popular company that is everywhere if possible. Please use an outside sources for each document
This next section should be a separate document
Discussion 7
In your local manufacturing example in D-6, does the manufacturing firm also engage in total quality management (TQM)? How do the concepts and methodologies of TQM and JIT fit together?