2. Complete the results section that in found in the lab manual attached below pages 205-206. The experiment is pages 195-206. The raw data in excel is also attached below. Please include a picture of any graphs as well as on excel because my excel is old.
3. include 1-5 sentences that briefly summarize the procedure and what information was obtained
■ Example: – ____ g (or mL) of Reagent A were reacted with _____ g (or mL) of Reagent B until a precipitate formed/gas evolved/color change occurred. Observations were made and data were collected. Table 1 represents _____. Table 2 represents _____. Figure 1 represents _____. Figure 2 represents ____.
4. Complete the Discussion: In your discussion section address the following questions:
How does your equilibrium compare with the rest of the class?
Is there much class variation in the results?
What does the calculated equilibrium constant tell you about the equilibrium position of the reaction you studied? Does the reaction favor reactants or products?
Compared with the class is your mean and standard deviation similar? Why or why not?
5. Also include a conclusion, Example:
■ Restate the purpose of the experiment
■ How did you attempt to meet the purpose?
■ Was the purpose met?
■ Restate the anticipated outcome. Was the actual outcome close to the anticipated outcome?
■ Why or why not? What errors did you specifically experience in this experiment? – Distance-learning format of the class is not an error