This week we are move to learning more about the influences of social determinants of health and the impact of illnesses on population health. I wanted to include a prezi presentation on social determinants of health to help add to your learning experience. This presentation ( ) will give you an outline of the following:
Social determinants of health (SDOH) and Outcomes:
· Defining SDOH and health disparities
· Outlining the 5 key components of SDOH and impact on health and illness
· Timeline view of policies encacted to address health disparities and access to care
Community Health Assessment:
· Call to Action- an assessment of resources in a county (Mecklenburg County, North Carolina-geopolitical/phenomenological), stakeholders (advisory committee), interventions by health care organizations (community resource) to combat health disparities
· Comparison of policies at competing organizations for recommending policy change
· In this presentation a model of care was utilized to help prioritize care and needs assessment
· Healthcare organization in this presentation offers access to hospital and primary care services
· Healthcare organization policy recommendation to revise policy to reach the masses of patients that fall in the gap still needing access to health care
This presentation is a supplement to your text. It is optional to view, and post a substantive response for participation credit. The idea of the presentation is to bridge the gap of last week's lesson and introduce this week's lesson. Please remember to read and use your book and supplemental resources in the syllabus as a resource for learning. As always, I am here as a resource as well.
Wednesday 23