The Analysis is on US Retail Sales: Food Services and Drinking Places: NAICS 722 Millions of dollars:
NSA url link:
Sample period is from January 2007 to September 2018 and consists of one-hundred and forty-one observations.
General description:
The intention of this project report is to allow students to apply the time-series forecasting techniques they learnt in Module 3 and Module 4 to forecast the next 12 months of the retail sales data they selected. Conduct at least the following suggested analysis in Minitab, copy and paste the relevant printouts and graphs in a Word document, and provide descriptions and comments. This Report 2 must be double-space typed and presented in a professional manner. Other than the correctness of the analysis, presentation and organization of the report also counts.
Format of the Project Report 2:
(1) Your name and e-mail address.
(2) Give a title for your report, and write an introduction / purpose of the study.
(3) Data source and description
Give a general description of the retail sales data you selected.
In your description, you need to include the definition of the data and data source (URL link), for
example: US Retail Sales: Home Furnishings Stores: NAICS 4422: Millions of dollars: NSA
URL link:
Also, mention the sample period: e.g., from 2007 January to 2018 ?month
Total number of observations is ______. (You should have more than 100 observations).
Any other details/descriptions you would like to add.
(4) Statistical Analysis