2. Consider an N-channel MOSFET circuit where the gate and drain terminals are shorted to- gether2 as shown in Figre 2. Assume that the MOSFET has trans-conductance parameter of gm = 0.5mA/V and the threshold voltage of 0.7V (a) Identify in which region the n-channel MOSFET is operating (Triode region or Saturation region)? (b) Write MATLAB code to compute the drain current for the following gate-to-source voltage, Vcs Ves-VDs 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8V. Plot the drain current Ip versus gate to source voltage Vas. Assume that μ.ow-1mA/V2 and V-IV c) For the computed magnitudes of the drain current in the above item, compute the square root of the drain current, D. Now plot the square root magnitude of drain current, ID versus gate-to-source voltage. Identify whether the curve is linear, increasing exponential or decreasing exponential? In this lab manual, the terno with the small-signal transconductance gm in A/V referred to as the transconductance in A/V2. This term is not be confusod Recall that when a MOSFET has its gate and drain shorted together, this MOSFET is in the saturation mode if VDS > VTH. This is because, shorting the gate and drain together, makes Vas = VDs and as a result VDs > Vas-TH (d) Repeat items (2a) and (2) for the trans-conductance parameter values of 0.4mA/V2 0.5mA/V2and 0.6mA/V2 keeping all other parameters of n-channel MOSFET the same. Identify the effect of increasing the trans-conductance parameter on drain current from the curve. (e) Write a MALTAB code to plot the drain current ID versus drain-to- source voltage, VDs, characteristics for VGsı-3V, Vas2-4V and VeGs-5V. Use the following values for VDs Vs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10V Assume threshold voltage of transistor, Vi-1V. Identify and label properly the triode and saturation regions on the characteristic curve..