Length : 2 FULL pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font.
Partial length results in NO credit.
All reports must be submitted as a PDF (no exceptions). If you submit incorrect format, you will lose one point (possible 10 for this paper).
include the YouTube web link for the specific concert you are watching at the end of your paper.
Discussion points .
Concert hall: acoustics; stage appearance.
The music: discuss the pieces in terms of vocabulary you have learned thus far in the semester:
dynamics, tempi, textures, harmonies, etc.
The performers: musicality, commitment and “into the music,” how inspired and inspiring you
find them'
Difference between live and recorded music - your own impressions, reactions.
Anything else that you find interesting, unusual, and either pleasantly or unpleasantly unexpected.
I suggest you choose a concert which features composers presented in the text (Haydn, Mozart,
Schubert, Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, etc). However, you are not limited to these composers.
The YouTube concert must be at least 75 minutes in length.