12/13/2020 Feedback for Culminating Project: DDDM Workbook - Fall 2020 - Data Driven Decision Making I (ORGL-3321-2CW) - Texas A&M -…
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Feedback for Culminating Project: DDDM Workbook
Submission Feedback
Overall Feedback
Rubric Name: DDDM Workbook
DDDM Workbook
66 / 100
66 / 100
Feedback Date
Dec 10, 2020 8:47 AM
Culminating Project: DDDM Workbook
Fall 2020 - Data Driven Decision Making I (ORGL-3321-2CW) MS
Assignments View Feedback
Step 4 & 5 improved- the biggest problem now is that none of the items in your metric column are metrics. Google metrics and KPI's - this is what needs to be in the metric column of both step 4 and 5. There's also an announcement in the course home page about actions/metrics for you to review.
Step 6 - do not connect the points on the graph. They are 6 independent points ............................. Feedback:
Step 1: I was looking for specific KPI's to be listed in the table. Your final action question is great, however, it needed to be one of the five that was examined in the table.
Step 4: No KPI's were used Step 5: You have metrics missing. You should have the same number of metrics at the end of step 4 that you do for step 5. Also, the scores for this step should be 1-10 (yours are at about 40)
Step 6: Need to plot points from steps 4 and 5. Then identify a metric.
Step 7- missing information Step 8-10 looks to be on the right track, would like to see more detail.
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12/13/2020 Feedback for Culminating Project: DDDM Workbook - Fall 2020 - Data Driven Decision Making I (ORGL-3321-2CW) - Texas A&M -…
https://myleoonline.tamuc.edu/d2l/lms/dropbox/user/folder_user_view_feedback.d2l?db=71242&grpid=0&isprv=0&bp=0&ou=54792 2/3
925650 DDM Workbook.docx (1.22 MB) 61 % Dec 10, 2020 3:21 AM
914503 DDDMIWorkbook1.docx (1.59 MB) 65 % Dec 6, 2020 2:39 AM
Hi Professor, I revised the workbook according to the Feedback. Please Regrade it asap.
12/13/2020 Feedback for Culminating Project: DDDM Workbook - Fall 2020 - Data Driven Decision Making I (ORGL-3321-2CW) - Texas A&M -…
https://myleoonline.tamuc.edu/d2l/lms/dropbox/user/folder_user_view_feedback.d2l?db=71242&grpid=0&isprv=0&bp=0&ou=54792 3/3