U.S. History Primary Document Analysis Worksheet help
Question Description
U.S. History Primary Document Analysis Worksheet
Historians analyze primary documents – original sources produced during an historical time period – to make sense of the past and to craft historical arguments.
Access the document analysis worksheet located in this folder. It is adapted from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and is designed to guide your thinking about primary documents.
Choose ONE primary document to analyze from Chapters 15, 16, 17, OR 18Foner’sVoices of Freedom Document Reader. Be sure to pick something of interest to you! ((( USE ANDREW CARNEGIE, THE GOSPEL OF WEALTH 1889))))
Use the NARA Written Document Analysis Worksheet to analyze this document. Complete all parts of the worksheet.
If you have the capability to type your answers directly into the worksheet then do so (it is a Word document). If not, type answers in a separate Word document (save as .doc or .docx. Please note that my computer will NOT read .pages documents).
Submit your answers to the Primary Document Analysis Dropbox in this folder by 11:55pm on the assigned due date (see syllabus and MyCourses calendar).
Directions: Answer all questions. Write a 4 sentence (minimum) response to questions 3 through 5E unless otherwise noted. Provide at least ONE citation from the document in each of your answers. Use in text citations at the end of the sentence in which you include quotations (Foner, Voices of Freedom, 541).