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Argument Rubric
If the assignment does not address one of the given options, it will not be graded.
Develop a thesis statement on the topic of pirated movies (piracy hurts the economy by…, society can prevent movie piracy by…, etc.) and write an argumentative essay. Strive for at least three strong arguments in addition to a counterargument and refutation (this resource) ill help you craft your counter argument and refutation). Using argumentative topic sentences that include your opinion for each section can help ensure the majority of your essay is argumentative. Beginning of a sample topic sentence: “The first way movie piracy hurts the economy is….” Then be sure to support that claim with researched data. Conclude each paragraph with a sentence that summarizes the paragraph’s main ideas.
Sample Thesis Statement:
Ideally, a thesis would include the major assignment objectives for the essay, which in this case would be your claim/opinion, reasons why you have that opinion, and the counter-argument: “Movie piracy is unethical because (add argument 1), (add argument 2), and (add argument 3), even though (add counterargument focus).” Note that a thorough thesis statement will include the counterargument in addition to your own arguments.