- This is a RESEARCH assignment that will require that you engage in research, study, analyze, and investigate well beyond the class lectures to be able to elaborate the final assignment.
- Each student is responsible for choosing an international currency of his/her choosing.
- The student must study and analyze the currency behavior of the currency.
- Any currency except for the Us Dollar would be a valid choice.
- The student can choose any of the European currencies that merged to create the
- A set of specific questions related to the readings covered in class would be provided.
These must be properly addressed in the final currency report
- I will take one full week to explain at length the objective/aim/purpose/of this final
- Country Report Structure:
- 1. Introduction due on OCTOBER 12.
• Why you have chosen that currency
• What is the time frame; that is the time covered
• Are you analyzing it using months, weeks, years?
• Web page you are getting the data from
• Present the graph to identify possible difficulties
- 2. Analysis.
• You have to analyze the standing of your chosen currency making sure
your elaborate your analysis referring to the following questions:
- Identify and explain any currency conflict and which were the policy options used (Bergsten and Gagnon)
- Was your currency part of any of the currency wars studied and covered in class (Richards).
- Is your currency consider an international currency? Why or Why not (Cohen)
- How is your currency financing international trade? (Eichengreen et al.)
- How/what is the status so your currency as are serve currency? (Eichengreen et al.)
• Conclusion and final words.
• Work Cit