Watch the video on farm subsidies at the following link:
Then read the following selections which are referenced below.
These first three selections are included within the Points of View Reference Center database which the CCBC library subscribes to and can be accessed through the following URL that can be pasted into a browser window.
“Farm Subsidies: An Overview”
“Point: Farm Subsidies Are no Longer Necessary”
“Counterpoint: Farm Subsidies Are Needed for American Farmers”
The following selections are available on the Internet.
“Our Crazy Farm Subsidies Explained” at
“Betting the Farm” at
“Milking Taxpayers” at
“In Signing Farm Bill, Obama Extols Rural Growth” at
Respond to the questions on the next page with proper application of economic theory in a minimum of three solid paragraphs per question, and your answers to all of the questions in total should include a minimum of 1,500 words. To check your word count, select the text for each answer you provide. Microsoft Word will give a word count for the selected text.
Be sure to write your answers in your own words and to cite all sources used fully in APA or MLA style, including the textbook and the sources listed above as well as any other credible sources you choose to use to support your answers. The CCBC Library has a citation guide for APA style on their website at the following link: