I need five references added to this research paper that is already done so I guess you can add two more pages. Below is what the Professor wanted on this reasearch.
Research-informed Paper: Focus on an industry issue or trend. 10 page paper minimum) using traditional “library” research from relevant industry related sources as well as peer-reviewed journal articles. Paper will be formatted similar to a traditional journal article and correctly uses APA format for citation of sources. A number of sources are provided in this course outline, but students are expected to add more from their own research endeavors. A basic rule-of-thumb is to have a minimum of 2 reference sources per page to ensure depth and legitimacy of perspectives presented in your report. References are commonly most relevant when published within the last 5 years, and in professional literature within the past 2 years. The newest or “cutting-edge” information on your topic will probably be found in the popular news media, blogs and culturally or nationally-focused publications.