Persuasive Speech Outline
Speech Title: Stand Up Against Cancer
General Purpose: To Persuade
Specific Purpose: I want to persuade my audience to get involved with the American Cancer Society.
I. Gain Attention: One day in 1995 I received a phone call from my father at work., and it was the first time I ever heard my father cry. As he struggled to get the words out, all I could think was that something went terribly wrong during my mom's hysterectomy surgery, but that wasn't the case. I was initially relieved to learn that surgery went fine, but I wasn't prepared for what he said next. Then I heard it. Cancer, your mom has cancer. That was the first time my life was touched by cancer, and I am happy to say my mom beat the odds, and is alive and well today.
A. Cancer has touch many of our lives, and we all lost or known some who has lost love ones to this terrible disease. Cancer doesn't care about the color of your skin. It doesn't care about how much money you have. It doesn't care if you are old, or young. Cancer is an equal opportunity killer.
B. Today I would like to talk to you about what you can do to help make a difference in the fight against cancer. One thing I can guarantee is that everybody can do something. The main resource I will talk about tonight is the American Cancer Society, and their website The great thing about their website is that it offers all kinds of resources, information about cancer, ways to help, where to find local branches, and educational tools.
Transition 1 – According to a report titled, Cancer Facts and Figures 2016 by the American Cancer Society, it estimates that there will be 1,685,210 new cases cancer in the United States in this year. It also estimates that there will be 595,690 deaths from cancer in the United States this year. Imagine that over a half million Americans will die this year from cancer, and that includes mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandma, grandpa, uncle and aunts. The worst thing about those numbers is that it also includes children. II. Need/Problem –
A. No other non-profit organization in the U.S. has invested more towards the research of cancer than the American Cancer Society. There still isn't a cure for cancer, and we still don't know what causes certain kinds of cancer. There is still a great need for research into this mysterious terrible disease.
B. The research is not cheap, but it is worth every penny. In fact, according to www., the American Cancer Society funded over 110 million dollars in research grants in 2014. You never know when that big breakthrough will come, but imagine the lives it will save.
C. The American Cancer Society is an non-profit organization, and they depend on donations from people like you and me in order to continue their great work.
Transition 2 – According to, the American Cancer Society incurred joint costs of $19,034,000 for informational materials and activities that included fund raising materials. Out that 19 million only 2 million was for administrative expensives, with 7 million for program expenses, and 10 million for fundraising expenses. They raised $373,570,000 in donations as result of the 10 million in fundraising costs.
III. Satisfaction/Solution
A. You can rest assure knowing that the money you give is being spent wisely, and it is going towards the research into treatment, causes, and curing cancer.
B. As you give to the American Cancer Society to help fight cancer, rest assured that you are helping in a war against cancer that we will win one day.
Transition 3 – According an article on titled "Why Cancer Research," Our greatest defense against cancer is research. The four plus decades of research has produced remarkable progress in our understanding of cancer. Advances in cancer research are now transforming patient care.
IV. Visualization –
A. How many more years do we have to bury our love ones, how many more years do we have hear that horrible news that someone we love has cancer.
B. Think about our technology 40 years ago, and think about it now. Imagine the advances or even eradication of cancer from research within the next year, 5, 10, or 20 years. Who knows, but we are getting one step closer.
Transition 4 - Now, I bet you wondering how you can get involved in this fight.
V. Action –
A. There are so many ways to help. You start by helping to give hope to millions of people with cancer by donating to the American Cancer Society. Just go to and click donate. You can get involved in other ways like volunteering, and it simple to do. Just click get involved tab, and it will take you to a menu with a bunch of volunteer opportunities.
B. There is more to fighting than just donating, and volunteering. One the most important things you can do is to educate yourself, and your family about cancer. Get your cancer screenings according to age, and gender for example. Just get involved in some way, share it on facebook, donate, volunteer. Don't wait for others to do it, we all need to stand together against cancer.
American Association for Cancer Research. (2012). Why Cancer Research? Retrieved from
American Cancer Society. (2016). Cancer Facts & Figures. Retrieved from
American Cancer Society. (2016). Learn about cancer. Retrieved from
BBB Wise Giving Alliance. (2016). Charity review: American cancer society. Retrieved from
Visual Aids:
Picture of US with each state has number of estimated new case written them
Table from Cancer Facts & Figures showing estimated New case & death for 2016