Virtual Lab Week 9: PHET- Magnetic field Go to the link below! 1. Open the simulation and press the arrow to start. There will be two tabs: we will work with the first tab, “bar magnet”. Uncheck “Show Compass”. Now you have only “show field” checked. Which of the magnet’s poles do the red arrows point away from? Which of the magnet’s poles do the red arrows point toward? 2. Check “Show Compass” and move the compass around the screen. Do the magnetic field lines change? Why or why not? Which side of the compass always points to the south side of the magnet? Why? 3. Move the compass to the far side of the screen. Check “Show Planet Earth”. Which of Earth's poles does the north side of the magnet point to? Which of Earth's poles does the south side of the magnet point to? 4. Why do you think the red part of the compass needle always points to Earth’s North Pole? Draw the Earth, the bar magnet, the compass, and the field lines. 5. Now click the Electromagnet Tab: Check field, compass, and electrons. Starting with the number of loops set to 1, slowly increase the number of loops, and describe your observations. Is there anything that you noticed? 6. Now swap the source from DC to AC. What is your observation? Either from DC or AC, what is the source of the magnetic field that you observed? 7. Summarize what you learned so far! ...