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u x, v E Ri r n BU$ 520-Assignments and Rubrics Case $tudy l: Examining Emotions, Attitude$, and Job Sa{sfaction Due Week 3 and worth 100 points
Emotional Intelligence (El) focuses on understanding the emotions and attitudes of others. To manage rela{ronships effectively, we need to not only understand ourselves, but also increase what we know about others. El emphasizes four key competencies for leadership success:
. Self-awareness-'the ability to understand our own emotions and how they impact others r Social awareness-the ability to understand the emotions of others r Self-management-the ability to think befote acting . Relationship management-the ability to build rapport with others
Grasping the realities of organizational behavior bqgins with an understanding of personality and behavioraltendencies. Case Study 1 is designed to address issues pertaining to the emotbns, attitudes, and iob satistaction of others" Read the "Trader Joe's' case study on page W-99 in the back of your textbook to examine how emotions, attitudes, and job satisfaction influence decision-making.
Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
1. Examine the approach Trader Joe's uses to promote a positive work environment for its employees. Determine at least three (3) ways in vyhich Trader Joe's is able to increase job satisfaction and performance.
2. Determine how Trader Jo6's uses the management process (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) to develop its employees.
3. Suggesttwo (2) ways that leaders can effeclively manage relationships in general by using the four (4) El competencies.
4. Recommend at least three {3) leadership practices that Trader Joe's could implement in orderto increase the cornpetitive edge of the organization. Provide a rationale for your response.
5. LJse at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note; Wikipedia ahd other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting rcquirements:
. Be typed, double spac€d, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references muet follow APA or echool-specific format. Check with your prof€ssor for any additional instructions.
o lnclude a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student'sname, the professoCs name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course leaming outcomes associated with this assignment are:
r Analyze the relationship between the basic oqanizational behavhr models of fndividual, group, and organizational processes and the productivity of an organization.
. Explore how individual diftrences, personality traits, and perspectives impact the productivity of an organization.
o Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior. . Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper vwiting mechanics.
O 2014 Slrayer University. All Rbhts Resened. This doanment contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be copied, further distdbuted, or othenrise disdosei in whole or in part, without tho expre$sed written permiE8ion of StraYgr Univsrsity. BUS 520 StudentVersion 1146 (120S 6-1$2014) Final Page 1 of14
STRAYER ui r u t r s r r r BUS 520-ASSignmentS and RUbfiCS
Points: {00 Case Shdy l: Examining Emotorm, Atlihrdes, and Job $afisfaction
Criteria Unacce$aHe Bdil70% F
Fair 70-7grac
Proficient flt{g% B
Exemplary 90-100% A
1. Examine the approacfr Trader Joe's uses to promote a positive uvork envimnment for tts employees. Ctebrmine at leastthrae (3) waye in which Trader Joe's is able to increase job satisfaction and performance.
Weight 20%
Did not submit or incompletely examined the approach Trader Joe's ss6 to promote a positive work environment fur i6 employees. Did notsubmitor incompletely determined at l6ast three (3) ways in wtrich Trader Joe's is able to increase job satisfacdion and narfarrnanrra
Partialty examined the approach Trader Joe's uses to promote a positive uiork environment fur its employees. Partially determined at lea$t threr (3) waya in which Trader Joe'e is able to increase job satisfac'tion and perfurmance.
$atstactonly examined the approach Trader Joe's use to prornote a positir/e work environment for ib employees. Satisfactorily determined at least three (3) ways in which Trader Joe'E is able to increase job satisfaction and performance.
Inoroughry examined the approach Trader Joe's use$ to promote a positirle work environment for its employees. Thoroughly determined at least three (3) ways in wfrici Trader Joe's is able to increase job satisfaction and perfurmance.
2. Determine the manner in which Trader Joe's usesthe management process (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) to develoB its employees.
Weightl 20olo
Did not submit or incompletely determined the manner in whidr Trader Joe's uses the management process (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) lo develop its annnlavcee
Partially determined the manner irt Yvhich Trader Joe's uses the managoment process (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) to develop its employee$.
liafsladonry determined the manner in whicfr Trader Joe's uses the management process (planning, oqanizing, leading, and controlling) to develop its employees.
ThoBughly determined the manrler in which Trader Joe's uses ihe managennnt process (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) to develop its employees.
3. Suggest tu/o (2)wayE that leaders can effedively manage relationships in general by using the four (4) El competencies.
Weight 20%
Did not submit or incompletely suggasted tr^ro (2) ways that leaders can effectively manage relationships in general by using the four (4) El anmmldtaYf}c
Partially suggested two (2) ways that leaders can efbsiively manags relationships in general by using the tuur (4) El competencies.
sa$sfactonly suggested t^ro (2) ways that leaderc can efbctively manage relationships in general by using the tuur (4) El competencies.
tnorougnly suggested two (2) ways that leaders can effectively manage rclationships in general by using the four (4) El competencieg.
4. Recommend at least three (3) leaderchip praclices that Trader Joe's could implement in order to inqease lhe competitive edge of the organization. Ployide a rationale for your |BSpOnse.
Weight 200/o
Did not submit or incornpletely recommended at least three (3) leaderehip practices that Trader Joe's could implernent in order to increaee the competitive edge ofthe organization, Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your response.
Parlially recommended at leastthree (3) leadership pnactices that Trader Joe's could implement in order to insease the mmpetitive edge ofthe oryanization. Partia[y provided a rationale for your response.
Satisfacforily recommended at teastthree (3) leadenship pradices that Trader Joe's could implement in ordertrr increase the competitive edge ofthe organization. Satisfactorily provided a rationale for your response.
Thoroughly recommended at least three {3) leadership pra.tice$ that Trader Joe's could implement in order to increase the oompetitive edge ofthe oruanization. Thoroughly provided a rationale for your response.
5. b rcterencas Waioht'10o/^
No references orovided
Does not meetthe ranr rirarl nr rrnl'rar of
Meets number of rearrirerl refurannac'
Exceeds number of rcar rimrl rn&renr:*r-c'
2014 Strayer Unirrersity. All Rights Reserwd. This documert contains Stsayer Univecity Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwhe disdosed in whol€ or in part, without the expressed writton permisEion of Strever Unlrrclsitv,
Grading for this assignment will be based on ansryer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and witing skills, using the following rubric.
BUS 520 Student VerEion ,14t! (1209 &1$2014) Final Page 2 of 14
!F.-?!n t!.n:!!!{} i ftiar i-iL rj-rl v-t ;1 I i i BUS 520 - Assisnments and Rubrics
reErences; some or all efeences poor nralifu r:lxriaac
all refurencee high quality choices.
afi reErence8 nEn qualig c*roices-
6. Clarity, witing mecfianics, and brmating requircrnenb We'nht 1O%
lilore than 6 ermrs pre8ont
S6 eno{3 pr€sent 3-4 eno€ prsgrtt 0-2 enors pftlsonl
6 201{ $rayer university. A[ Rights Resen8d- Ttrle docuilent contBins Sfayor Unh,BrBily Confidential ard Profietary inturnetoo and mey nd be cophd, tutler dlstibutrxl, or ollpmlse dbdo€od in whole or in palt, vrithout lho e,Algs.led written pemlssion of Silrever Unircrgitv-