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Business Communication Developing Leaders for a Networked World

Third Edition

Peter W. Cardon University of Southern California

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Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2018 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous edition © 2016 and 2014. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.

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To my daughters: Camilla Jean and Audrey Mei. Your Mom and I love spending every day with you. You make me the happiest Dad in the world!

—Peter W. Cardon


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About the Author Peter W. Cardon, MBA, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Business Communication at the Univer- sity of Southern California. He also serves as Academic Director for the MBA for Professionals and Managers program. He teaches a variety of courses in the MBA and undergraduate business programs, including man- agement communication, intercultural communication, and new media and communication. With approximately 50 refereed articles, Pete is an active contributor to the latest research in intercultural communication, social net- working, team collaboration, and leadership communica- tion. He is proud to engage in a discipline that helps so many business professionals and students reach career and personal goals.

Pete is an active member of the Association for Busi- ness Communication (ABC). He previously served as the president of ABC. He currently serves as an Editorial Re- view Board member for the International Journal of Busi- ness Communication (IJBC) and Business and Professional Communication Quarterly (BPCQ).

Prior to joining higher education, Pete worked as a marketing director at an international tourism company that focused on the markets of Brazil, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Before that position, he was an account manager in a manufacturing company.

Pete is a strong advocate of global business ties. Having worked in China for three years and consulted in and traveled to nearly 50 countries, he has worked extensively with clients, customers, colleagues, and other partners across the world. To help students develop global leadership skills, he has led student groups on com- pany tours and humanitarian projects to mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, South Korea, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic.

Courtesy of Peter Cardon

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Part 1 Introduction to Business Communication 1 Establishing Credibility 2

Part 2 Principles of Interpersonal Communication 2 Interpersonal Communication and Emotional Intelligence 26 3 Team Communication and Di"cult Conversations 70 4 Communicating across Cultures 100

Part 3 Principles for Business Messages 5 Creating E#ective Business Messages 138 6 Improving Readability with Style and Design 168 7 Email and Other Traditional Tools for Business Communication 200 8 Social Media for Business Communication 230

Part 4 Types of Business Messages 9 Routine Business Messages 268 10 Persuasive Messages 296 11 Bad-News Messages 334

Part 5 Reports and Presentations

12 Research and Business Proposals and Planning for Business Reports 368 13 Completing Business Proposals and Business Reports 404 14 Planning Presentations 444 15 Delivering Presentations 474 16 Employment Communications 496

Appendixes Appendix A Punctuation, Number Usage, and Grammar 542 Appendix B Formatting for Letters and Memos 561 Index 565

Bonus Content Available only at www.mcgrawhillcreate.com/cardon or in the e-book within McGraw-Hill Connect®. Bonus Chapter Crisis Communications and Public Relations Messages BC-1 Bonus Appendix Creating Proposals and Business Plans BA-1

Brief Contents

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Credibility Since professional success depends on managing and working within professional relationships, this textbook uses credibility or trust as a central principle throughout. Principles of relationship-building such as personal credibility, emotional intelligence, and listening hold a prominent role throughout the book. This product begins with a discussion of credibility and refers to it throughout the book

E!ective Writing Builds Relationships Effective writing in the workplace is essential to building connections and a professional brand. Cardon’s three-stage writing process drives excellence in critical thinking, collaboration, and productivity in work relationships. With more examples of internal messages, Cardon develops the skills used early in a career.

Enhanced Coverage of Technology This book adopts a more visionary and reliable view of the communication technologies of tomorrow. While nearly all textbooks refer to use of social media, they focus on a thin slice of social media activities that involve marketing and customer relations. This book, by contrast, takes a larger view of social media use that includes team communication and communication with external partners. It prepares students for communication in the evolving workplace that involves truly networked communication. Cardon also addresses the need for students to develop an online professional persona that builds personal credibility.

Developing Leaders for a Networked World

Welcome to the third edition of Business Communication. This learning pro- gram develops leaders for a networked world. Through the author’s practitioner and case-based approach, students are more likely to read and reflect on the text. They are better positioned to understand why credibility is essential to efficient and effective business communication in today’s rapidly changing business communication environment. Cardon’s integrated solution, including the results-driven technology and content, provides a contemporary yet tradi- tional view into the business communication field, allowing instructors to teach bedrock communication principles while also staying up to date with cultural and technological changes. Students are empowered to build strong relation- ships through effective writing, master foundation concepts, and practice their communication skills anytime and anywhere—transforming them into leaders for a networked world.

The content of this textbook is organized around the traditional business communication topics such as routine messages, persuasive messages, bad- news messages, reports, and presentations. Beyond the basics, it adds unique and modern topics that instructors want and need in their courses.


Business Focus The business case–based approach allows students to learn how communications can build rich and productive relationships between professionals. Each chapter opens with a short business case and, unlike any other product on the market, weaves examples from the case throughout the chapter and into the model documents, engaging readers in the story behind each business message.

Forward-Looking Vision Built on Tradition The book stays true to core business communication principles established over many decades. Yet it also goes beyond traditional coverage by its inclusion of the latest communication practices facilitated by communication technologies and its enhanced coverage of increasingly important business communication topics such as:

Interpersonal communication (Chapters 2, 3, and 4), social media and technology (Chapters 7 and 8), crisis communication and public relations (Bonus Chapter), oral communication (throughout the book), and business plans and business proposals (Bonus Appendix).

Why Does This Matter? Each chapter begins with a section that states the compelling reasons the content is crucial to career success. These first few paragraphs are intended to gain buy-in among students. A QR code located at the beginning of these sections allows students to view a short video clip of the author reinforcing this message.

Chapter Takeaways The chapter takeaway is provided in a visual format. With graphics and lists, it quickly engages students with key chapter content and serves as a reference for applying the principles to their oral and written communication.

Learning Exercises Each chapter contains a multitude of engaging learning exercises. These exercises are organized into discussion exercises, evaluation exercises, application exercises, and language and mechanics check to help students develop expertise in business communication.

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Presentation Capture Skill practice inside and outside the classroom. Presentation Capture gives instructors the ability to evaluate presentations and students the freedom to practice their presentation skills anytime and anywhere. With its fully customizable rubrics, instructors can measure students’ uploaded presentations against course outcome and give students specific feedback on where improvement is needed.

Application Exercises Each chapter contains exercises that allow students to

" Apply concepts to real-world video cases. " Analyze a case and apply chapter concepts. " Quiz knowledge on grammar and usage. " Demonstrate problem-solving skills through complex examples and diagrams. " Assess student’s values, skills, and interests via self-assessments. " Demonstrate knowledge about business models and processes.

Students receive immediate feedback and can track their progress in their own report. Detailed results let instructors see at a glance how each student performs and easily track the progress of every student in their course.

Grammar and Mechanics


LearnSmart Achieve Put responsible writing into practice. LearnSmart Achieve develops and improves editing and business writing skills. This adaptive learning system helps students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge for greater success. Visit bit.ly/meetLSAchieve for a walkthrough.

Grammar Quizzes Students may not think grammar and mechanics are the most exciting topics, but they need to master the basics. Our grammar quizzes within Connect assess students’ grammar and mechanics. With a total of 150 auto-graded questions, these are great to use as pre- and post- tests in your courses.

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The third edition of Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World continues to provide results-driven, technology-focused, case-based, and forward-looking content to help business students develop professional credibility for the workplace of tomorrow. In an increasingly networked world, students will need better interpersonal skills than ever before; they will need better team skills than ever before; they will need better writing skills, especially adapted to new technologies; and they will need stronger presentation skills. This third edition contains the following changes to help students succeed: Chapter 1 (Credibility)

! The FAIR model of ethical business communication has been expanded with more clarification in text, a current example in the business world (Apple), and several end-of-chapter exercises.

! The caring section now includes content about givers and takers. This is based on Adam Grant’s work, which has received significant attention in academic circles and business popular press during the past few years.

Chapters 2 and 3 (Interpersonal and Team Communication) ! Additional content about a giver-versus-taker mentality is included in the emotional

intelligence section. ! A section on short-term teams and quick trust is added to help student teams perform

better. ! Personality differences (based on the motivational values model) are included in sections

about team dynamics and team effectiveness. ! A getting-to-know-you exercise is added to help student teams learn about each other

and function more effectively in teams. Chapter 4 (Intercultural Communication)

! A section on generational differences is added with related end-of-chapter exercises. ! A section on gender differences is added with related end-of-chapter exercises.

Chapters 5 and 6 (The Writing Process) ! The AIM planning model has been visually updated to make the concepts of audience,

information, and message more recognizable throughout the book. ! The examples are updated, and additional end-of-chapter exercises are provided.

Chapters 7 and 8 (Technology and Communication) ! The sections on instant messaging and phone conversations are updated. ! The sections on social collaboration tools are updated and expanded. ! A new section about using social tools for learning and developing professional

expertise is added. ! The section about managing an online professional reputation is expanded with an

additional focus on LinkedIn.

Keeping Up with What’s New


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Chapters 9, 10, and 11 (Business Messages: Routine, Persuasive, and Bad-News Messages)

! Examples of all types of messages are updated. ! Additional exercises are added at the end of each chapter, including a new case for

each chapter. Chapters 12 and 13 (Business Reports and Proposals)

! Examples of reports are revised and updated. ! Additional exercises are added at the end of each chapter, including a new case.

Chapters 14 and 15 (Presentations) ! Examples are updated in each chapter. ! Additional exercises are added, including a new case.

Chapter 16 (Employment Communication) ! A new section about using LinkedIn strategically is provided. ! Examples of résumés are updated. ! Additional exercises are added, including a new case.

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Nicky Adams, University of Dayton Angel Alexander, Piedmont Technical College Kathryn Archard, University of Massachusetts–Boston Traci L. Austin, Sam Houston State University Melissa Bakeman-Daly, California State University–San Bernardino Fiona Barnes, University of Florida Judith Haywood Bello, Lander University Linda Blake Walsh, University of Tennessee Yvonne Block, College of Lake County Julie E. Boto, Liberty University Pamela Bourjaily, University of Iowa Shanti Bruce, Nova Southeastern University Suzanne Buck, University of Houston Debra D. Burleson, Baylor University Dana Burton, The University of Alabama in Huntsville Kevin Michael Caporicci, University of Southern California Maria Colman, University of Southern California Debbie Cook, Utah State University Jan Robin Costello, Georgia State University C. Brad Cox, Midlands Technical College Jeanne Craig, Indiana Wesleyan University Brittany T. Cuenin, Lander University Andrea Deacon, University of Wisconsin– Stout

Nicole Dilts, Angelo State University Lucía Durá, The University of Texas at El Paso Sandra Ehrlich-Mathiesen, University of Alaska–Anchorage Donna R. Everett, Morehead State University Stevina Evuleocha, California State University–East Bay Jodie Ferise, University of Indianapolis Melissa Gavin, University of Wisconsin– Platteville Kenneth Green, University of South Dakota Susan Hall Webb, University of West Georgia Jeanette Heidewald, Indiana University– Bloomington Nancy Hicks, Central Michigan University Melanie A. Hicks, Liberty University Dini M. Homsey, University of Central Oklahoma Christina Iluzada, Baylor University William T. Jones, State University of New York at Canton Erin Kilbride-Vincent, Indiana University Erin Kramer, Owens Community College Robert Lambdin, University of South Carolina–Columbia Dr. Janet L. Lear, University of Nebraska at Kearney Joyce Lopez, Missouri State University Becky Mahr, Western Illinois University Molly Mayer, University of Cincinnati


Thank you to all the reviewers and other business communication instructors who gave advice for the third edition. I’ve made dozens of changes and updates to meet the needs of today’s business students based on the recommendations of these reviewers and advisory board members. Each of these instructors is at the forefront of best practices in business communication. Again, I express my appreciation for their advice and time to help improve this learning program. A special thank you to Jennifer Loney and Suzanne Buck for their ongoing support.

Reviewers and Advisory Board Members Supporting Development of the Third Edition

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Dr. John Meis, Thomas University Elizabeth Metzger, University of South Florida Annie Laurie I. Meyers, Northampton Community College Karl Mitchell, Queens College–CUNY Gregory H. Morin, University of Nebraska– Omaha Farrokh Moshiri, California State University, Fullerton Bill Moylan, Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii–Manoa Chynette Nealy, University of Houston Downtown Christina Anne Nelson, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis Cathy Onion, Western Illinois University Iswari P. Pandey, California State University–Northridge Audrey Parajon, Wilmington University Michael Pennell, University of Kentucky Melinda Phillabaum, Indiana University– Purdue University Indianapolis Anita Satterlee, Liberty University

Allyson D. Saunders, Weber State University Steven Sedky, Santa Monica College Stephen Soucy, Santa Monica College Kathleen Standen, Fullerton College Cecil V. Tarrant III, Western Illinois University Elvira Teller, California State University–Dominguez Hills Erik Timmerman, University of Wisconsin– Milwaukee Anne Tippett, Monroe Community College Elizabeth Tomlinson, West Virginia University Angelika L. Walker, University of Nebraska at Omaha Carol Watson, Indiana University– Bloomington Leigh Ann Whittle, Elon University/Liberty University Elisabeth C. Wicker, Bossier Parish Community College Donald J. Wood, Winston-Salem State University

Kevin Michael Caporicci, University of Southern California Marilyn Chalupa, Ball State University Maria Colman, University of Southern California Jennifer D’Alessandro, Niagara County Community College Debra Gosh, Cleveland State University Mary Groves, University of Nevada, Reno Jeanette Heidewald, Indiana University– Bloomington

Jo Mackiewicz, Iowa State University Marla Mahar, Oklahoma State University– Stillwater Becky Mahr, Western Illinois University Lisa O’Laughlin, Delta College Anita Satterlee, Liberty University Steven Sedky, Santa Monica College Stephen Soucy, Santa Monica College Erik Timmerman, University of Wisconsin– Milwaukee Emil Towner, Saint Cloud State University Doris Wright, Troy University

Event Participants Supporting Development of the Third Edition

Reviewers and Event Participants Supporting the Development of Previous Editions I extend my deepest thanks to the many business leaders and professionals, business communication scholars and instructors, and colleagues and friends who have contributed their valuable ideas. I especially appreciate the efforts of reviewers and other colleagues

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Angel Alexander, Piedmont Technical College Melody Alexander, Ball State University Laura L. Alderson, University of Memphis Dianne Anderson, Texas Tech University Delia Anderson-Osteen, Texas Tech University Kathryn Archard, University of Massachusetts–Boston Eve Ash, Oklahoma State University– Stillwater Carolyn Ashe, University of Houston– Downtown Beverly Augustine, Elgin Community College Kathie Bahnson, Boise State University Lisa Bailey, University of South Carolina Melissa Bakeman, California State University–San Bernardino Rod Barker, Mount Hood Community College Mary Barton, California State University– Chico Jim Beard, University of Arkansas–Fort Smith Roxanne Bengelink, Kalamazoo Valley Community College Cynthia Bennett, Albany State University Magdalena Berry, Missouri State University Shavawn Berry, Arizona State University Danielle Blesi, Hudson Valley Community College Erin Blocher, University of Missouri– Kansas City Yvonne Block, College of Lake County Pamela Bourjaily, University of Iowa Mary Bowers, Northern Arizona University Sandy Braathen, University of North Dakota Sheryl Broedel, University of North Dakota Paula E. Brown, Northern Illinois University Shanti Bruce, Nova Southeastern University

Suzanne Buck, University of Houston Michael Buckman, University of Texas at Arlington Debra Burleson, Baylor University Amy Burton, Northwest Vista College Cheryl Byrne, Washtenaw Community College Kim Campbell, Sydow University of Alabama Donna Carlon, University of Central Oklahoma Deborah Casanova, California State University–Dominguez Hills Marilyn Chalupa, Ball State University Barbie Chambers, Texas Tech University Elizabeth Christensen, Sinclair Community College G. Jay Christensen, California State University–Northridge Miriam Coleman, Western Michigan University Anthony M. Corte, University of Illinois at Chicago David Covington, North Carolina State University Barbara Cox, Saddleback College Rosemarie Cramer, Community College of Baltimore Tena Crews, University of South Carolina Michelle Dawson, Missouri Southern State University Andrea Deacon, University of Wisconsin– Stout Sandra Dean, Jacksonville University Patrick Delana, Boise State University Linda Didesidero, University of Maryland– University College Nicole Dilts, Angelo State University Jack Doo, California State University Heidi Eaton, Elgin Community College Sandra G Ehrlich, University of Alaska– Anchorage Daniel Emery, University of Oklahoma Joyce Anne Ezrow, Arundel Community College

who reviewed iterations of the previous editions of this product. With each round of reviews, reviewers provided excellent and influential feedback to improve and refine the content. Thank you to each of the following experts in the business communication field who have contributed to the development of this learning program!

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Anne Finestone, Santa Monica College Melissa Fish, American River College Kathe Kenny Fradkin, Portland State University Marla Fowler, Albany Technical College Heidi Fuller, American River College Jan Gabel-Goes, Western Michigan University David Gadish, California State University Anthony Gatling, University of Nevada– Las Vegas Jorge Gaytan, North Carolina A&T State University Robert Goldberg, Prince George’s Community College Connie Golden, Lakeland Community College Terri Gonzales-Kreisman, Delgado Community College Douglas Gray, Columbus State Community College Germaine Gray, Texas Southern University Diana J Green, Weber State University Mary Groves, University of Nevada–Reno Kari Guedea, Edmonds Community College Elizabeth Guerrero, Texas State University Karen Gulbrandsen, University of Massachusetts–Dartmouth Lynda Haas, University of California–Irvine Frances Hale, Columbus State Community College Susan E. Hall, University of West Georgia Melissa Hancock, Texas Tech University Patricia L. Hanna-Garlitz, Bowling Green State University Jeanette Heidewald, Indiana University– Bloomington K. Virginia Hemby, Middle Tennessee State University Ronda G. Henderson, Middle Tennessee State University Candy Henry, Westmoreland County Community College Kathy Hill, Sam Houston State University Dini Homsey, University of Central Oklahoma Matthew Houseworth, University of Central Missouri

Sally Humphries, Georgia College & State University Sandie Idziak, The University of Texas at Arlington Sandra Jackson, California State University–Northridge Jack Janosik, Cleveland State University Elaine Jansky, Northwest Vista College Norma Johansen, Scottsdale Community College Kenneth E. Jones Jr., Northeastern State University–Broken Arrow Susan M. Jones, Utah State University Marguerite P. Joyce, Belhaven University Brian Keliher, Grossmont College Kayla Kelly, Tarleton State University Stephanie Kelly, North Carolina A&T State University Beth Kilbane, Lorain County Community College Mary Catherine Kiliany, Robert Morris University Stephen Kirk, East Carolina University Jack Kleban, Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida Atlantic University Lisa Kleiman, Boise State University David Koehler, DePaul University Erin Kramer, Owens Community College Melinda G. Kramer, Prince George’s Community College Gary Lacefield, University of Texas at Arlington Linda LaMarca, Tarleton State University Robert Lambdin, University of South Carolina Elizabeth A. Lariviere, University of Akron Marianna Larsen, Utah State University Newton Lassiter, Florida Atlantic University Cheryl Law, Tarrant County College Lisa D. Lenoir, Stephens College Paula Lentz, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire Je!rey S. Lewis, Metropolitan State College of Denver Jere Littlejohn, University of Mississippi Jennifer Loney, Portland State University Susan Long, Portland Community College Joyce Lopez, Missouri State Eunice Madison, Purdue University Calumet

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Marla Mahar, Oklahoma State University– Stillwater Anna Maheshwari, Schoolcraft College Joan Mansfield, University of Central Missouri Kenneth R. Mayer, Cleveland State University Molly Mayer, University of Cincinnati Elaine McCullough, Ferris State University Sheryl McGough, Iowa State University David A. McMurrey, Austin Community College Daniel McRoberts, Northcentral Technical College Jacqueline Meisel, California State University–Northridge Marcia Metcalf, Northern Arizona University Elizabeth Metzger, University of South Florida Michelle Meyer, Joliet Junior College Jack Miao, Southern Methodist University Julianne Michalenko, Robert Morris University Angelina Misaghi, California State University–Northridge Shawna Mo#tt, University of South Carolina Kathaleena Edward Monds, Albany State University Gregory H. Morin, University of Nebraska– Omaha Rodger Morrison, Troy University Farrokh Moshiri, University of California, Riverside Gwen Moultrie, Midlands Technical College Elwin Myers, Texas A&M University– Corpus Christi Chynette Nealy, University of Houston– Downtown Darryl Neher, Indiana University– Bloomington Ashley Keller Nelson, Tulane University Grace Noyes, Texas Tech University Keith Nyquist, Northern Illinois University Ephraim Okoro, Howard University Lisa O’Laughlin, Delta College Lori Oldham, San Diego City College

Jo Ann Oravec, University of Wisconsin– Whitewater Delia (Joy) O’Steen, Texas Tech University Mary Padula, Borough of Manhattan Community College Ranu Paik, Santa Monica College Anita Pandey, Morgan State University Audrey Parajon, Wilmington University Robyn E. Parker, Plymouth State University Beverly Payne, Missouri Western State University Michael Pennell, University of Kentucky Delissa Perez, Northwest Vista College Debra Ann Petrizzo-Wilkins, Franklin University Melinda Phillabaum, Indiana University– Purdue University Indianapolis Evelyn Pitre, University of North Texas Greg Rapp, Portland Community College Rob Rector, Delaware Technical and Community College Phyllis Annette Reed, University of Texas at San Antonio Teeanna Rizkallah, California State University–Fullerton Betty Robbins, University of Oklahoma Sherry J. Roberts, Middle Tennessee State University Cassie Rockwell, Santa Monica College Wayne Rollins, Middle Tennessee State University Kara Romance, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Juli Rosenbaum, Baylor University Sia Rose-Robinson, George Mason University S. E. Rouse, The University of Southern Mississippi Sharon Rouse, The University of Southern Mississippi Tim Rowe, State University of New York Fredonia David Russell, Iowa State University Joyce Russell, Rockingham Community College Terry Sanders, Macon State College Ronit Sarig, California State University– Northridge Danielle Scane, Orange Coast College Juliann C. Scholl, Texas Tech University

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Nicola S. Scott, George Mason University Mary Shannon, California State University–Northridge Mike Shaw, Montana State University– Bozeman Nelda Shelton, Tarrant County College Michael Shurman, University of South Florida Lucia Sigmar, Sam Houston State University Joyce Monroe Simmons, Florida State University Jeanetta Sims, University of Central Oklahoma Jean Smith, Kentucky State University Patricia Smith, Northcentral Technical College Rachel V. Smydra, Oakland University Kipp Snow, Anne Arundel Community College Kim Snyder, South Texas College Stephen Soucy, Santa Monica College Rita Soza, MiraCosta College Bob Sprague, California State University– Chico Nicole St. Germaine, Angelo State University Kathy Standen, Fullerton College Jo Ann Starkweather, Northeastern State University Jan Starnes, University of Texas at Austin Erica Steakley, California State University– Northridge Susan Stehlik, New York University Natalie Stillman-Webb, University of Utah Thomas Sto!er, Ferris State University Kevin Swa!ord, Bradley University Stephen Takach, University of Texas at San Antonio

Cecil Tarrant, Western Illinois University Sandra Thompson, University of West Georgia Susan Timm, Elgin Community College Allen D. Truell, Ball State University Kathleen L. Voge, University of Alaska– Anchorage Jie Wang, University of Illinois at Chicago Melvin Washington, Howard University Kristin Watson, Metropolitan State University of Denver McClain Watson, University of Texas at Dallas Marlea Welton, Santa Monica College Juli White, Arizona State University Raholanda White, Middle Tennessee State University Jo Wiley, Western Michigan University Karin A. Wilking, Northwest Vista College Anita Williams, Oklahoma City Community College Linda S. Williams North Georgia College & State University Tom Williams, University of Houston, Victoria Linda Willis, Georgia State University Kadi Wills, Northwest Vista College Bennie J. Wilson, University of Texas at San Antonio Doris N. Wright, Troy University Robert Yale, University of Dallas Caroline Yarbrough, Delgado Community College Diane Youngblood, Greenville Technical College Lydia Yznaga, Northwest Vista College Ann Zeman, Bellarmine University Jensen Zhao, Ball State University

I also recognize the entire editorial and marketing teams at McGraw-Hill that have made this book possible: Kelly Pekelder, Anke Weekes, Michael Gedatus, Christine Vaughan, Egzon Shaqiri, Joni Thompson, John Weimeister, and all of the talented McGraw-Hill publisher’s representatives. It has been such a pleasure to work with these incredibly talented and skilled professionals who have shaped the content and design of this textbook and consulted with instructors around the globe. When I signed with McGraw-Hill, I was proud to be aligned with such a well-respected publisher. After working for nearly a decade with these talented and quality-driven professionals, my

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respect has grown. I can see the focus they place on producing learning materials that have real impact on the lives of students.

I want to thank my family. My wife, Natalie, is a beautiful and inspired person. She and I are on a wonderful journey together, and she has embraced this book as part of our journey. My daughters energize me in so many ways. Camilla inspires me by her eye for beauty, her sense of wonderment, and her joy in building things. Audrey inspires me by her spontaneous expressions of happiness, her sense of fun, and her love of people. I’m also blessed to have the best parents. They understand and support me. I love them and hope to be like them.

Finally, I’d like to thank several people who have been instrumental in influencing my career direction and success. First, I recognize the influence of my dissertation advisor, James Calvert Scott. He contributed decades of research and teaching to the business communication field and selflessly devoted thousands of hours to my development. Without his influence, I would not have become part of the business communication community. Second, I want to thank Pat Moody, former dean of the College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management at the University of South Carolina; Lucy Lee, former director of the Center for Management Communication at the University of Southern California; and Marion Philadelphia, current director of the Department of Business Communication at the University of Southern California. These three women are the most inspiring and caring leaders I’ve worked for. They have had a lasting influence on my work.

Peter W. Cardon Academic Director, MBA.PM Program Professor, Department of Business Communication Marshall School of Business University of Southern California Twitter: @petercardon Pinterest: pinterest.com/cardonbcom LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/petercardon

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Part 1 Introduction to Business Communication

1 Establishing Credibility 2 WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 3

Chapter Case: Whom Do You Trust as Your Mentor? 3

The Role of Trust in the Post-Trust Era 4 The Role of Competence in Establishing Credibility 6 The Role of Caring in Establishing Credibility 7

Understanding the Interests of Others 7 Cultivating a Sense of Community 7 Giving to Others and Showing Generosity 8

The Role of Character in Establishing Credibility 8

Business Ethics 9 Corporate and Personal Values 10 Open and Honest Communication 10 A Stakeholder View of Accountability 11 Fairness in Business Communications 12

High-Trust Relationships, Ease of Communi- cation, and Improved Work Outcomes 14 How You Can Improve Your Communication Skills 15 COMMUNICATION Q&A 17 Chapter Takeaway for Establishing Credibility 18 Key Terms 19 Discussion Exercises 19 Evaluation Exercises 20 Application Exercises 21 Language Mechanics Check 22

Part 2 Principles of Interpersonal Communication

2 Interpersonal Communication and Emotional Intelligence 26

WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 27 Chapter Case: Hard Decisions at Eastmond Networking 27

Understanding the Interpersonal Communication Process 29 Emotional Hijacking 32 Self-Awareness 33 Self-Management 34 Empathy 37

Active Listening 38 Recognizing Barriers to Effective Listening 42 Asking the Right Questions 44 Avoiding the Wrong Questions 46 Avoiding the Traps of Empathy 46 Sight-Reading Nonverbal Communication and Building Rapport 47

Relationship Management 51 Adapting Communication to the Preferred Styles of Others 51

TECHNOLOGY TIPS: MOBILE PHONES 56 Maintaining Civility 57

Incivility in Society and the Workplace 57 Types and Causes of Workplace Incivility 58 Maintaining Civil Communications 60

COMMUNICATION Q&A 61 Chapter Takeaway for Interpersonal Communication and Emotional Intelligence 62 Key Terms 63 Discussion Exercises 64 Evaluation Exercises 65 Application Exercises 67 Language Mechanics Check 67

3 Team Communication and Di#cult Conversations 70

WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 71 Chapter Case: Listening and Communicating in Teams at the Prestigio Hotel 71

Principles of Effective Team Communication 72 Developing Quick Trust and Working in Short-Term Teams 77 Managing Meetings 78

Planning for Meetings 78 Running Effective Meetings 79 Following Up after Meetings 82


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Be Curious about Other Cultures 104 Avoid Inappropriate Stereotypes 106 Adjust Your Conceptions of Time 106 Manage Language Differences 108

Understanding Cultural Dimensions 108 Individualism and Collectivism 109 Egalitarianism and Hierarchy 111 Performance Orientation 111 Future Orientation 112 Assertiveness 113 Humane Orientation 113 Uncertainty Avoidance 114 Gender Egalitarianism 114 Business Values around the World 115

TECHNOLOGY TIPS: ONLINE CALLS 117 Building and Maintaining Cross-Cultural Work Relationships 117

Establish Trust and Show Empathy 118 Adopt a Learner Mind-Set 119 Build a Co-culture of Cooperation and Innovation 119

Learning the Etiquette of Another Culture 120 COMMUNICATION Q&A 121 Generation, Gender, and Other Group Identities 121

Working across Generations 123 Gender and Communication Patterns 126 Displaying Cultural Intelligence with Other Groups 129

Chapter Takeaway for Communicating across Cultures 130 Key Terms 131 Discussion Exercises 131 Evaluation Exercises 132 Application Exercises 132 Language Mechanics Check 134

Part 3 Principles for Business Messages

5 Creating E!ective Business Messages 138 WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 139

Chapter Case: Justifying a Wellness Program at Eastmond Networking 139

TECHNOLOGY TIPS: ONLINE MEETINGS 83 Working in Virtual Teams 84

Focus on Building Trust at Each Stage of Your Virtual Team 84 Meet in Person If Possible 84 Get to Know One Another 84 Use Collaborative Technologies 85 Choose an Active Team Leader 85 Run Effective Virtual Meetings 86

Group Writing 86 Start Right Away 87 Work Together at the Planning Stage 87 Make Sure Your Roles and Contributions Are Fair 87 Stay Flexible and Open 87 Meet in Real Time Consistently and Ensure the Writing Reflects the Views of the Group 87 Discuss How You Will Edit the Document Together 87 Consider a Single Group Member to Polish the Final Version and Ensure a Consistent Voice 88

Managing Difficult Conversations 88 Embrace Difficult Conversations and Assume the Best in Others 88 Adopt a Learning Stance and Commit to Hearing Everyone’s Story 91 Stay Calm and Overcome Noise 91 Find Common Ground 92 Disagree Diplomatically 92 Avoid Exaggeration and Either/Or Approaches 92 Initiate the Conversation, Share Stories, and Focus on Solutions 92

COMMUNICATION Q&A 93 Chapter Takeaway for Team Communication and Difficult Conversations 94 Key Terms 95 Discussion Exercises 95 Evaluation Exercises 97 Application Exercises 97 Language Mechanics Check 97

4 Communicating across Cultures 100 WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 101

Chapter Case: Carlos Ghosn and Working across Cultures at Nissan 102

Developing Cultural Intelligence 103 Respect, Recognize, and Appreciate Cultural Differences 103

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The Process for Creating Business Messages 140 The AIM Planning Process for Effective Business Messages 142

Audience Analysis 142 Information Gathering 144 Message Development 145


Positivity 154 Concern for Others 155 Sending the Right Meta Messages 158

COMMUNICATION Q&A 161 Chapter Takeaway for Creating Effective Business Messages 162 Key Terms 163 Discussion Exercises 163 Evaluation Exercises 163 Application Exercises 164 Language Mechanics Check 167

6 Improving Readability with Style and Design 168

WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 169 Chapter Case: Promoting Franchises at Sunrise Greeting Cards and Flowers 169

Improving Ease of Reading with Completeness 170

Provide All Relevant Information 170 Be Accurate 172 Be Specific 172

Improving Ease of Reading with Conciseness 173

Control Paragraph Length 173 Use Short Sentences in Most Cases 175 Avoid Redundancy 175 Avoid Empty Phrases 175 Avoid Wordy Prepositional Phrases 175

Improving Ease of Reading with Natural Style 177

Use Action Verbs When Possible 177 Use Active Voice 178 Use Short and Familiar Words and Phrases 178 Use Parallel Language 179 Avoid Buzzwords and Figures of Speech 181 Avoid It Is/There Are 181

Improving Ease of Reading with Navigational Design 182

Use Headings 183 Highlight Key Words and Phrases 183 Use Bulleted and Numbered Lists 184 Use White Space Generously 184 Keep It Simple 185


Conduct a FAIR Test 188 Proofread 188 Get Feedback 188

COMMUNICATION Q&A 189 Chapter Takeaway for Improving Readability with Style and Design 190 Discussion Exercises 191 Evaluation Exercises 191 Application Exercises 191 Language Mechanics Check 199

7 Email and Other Traditional Tools for Business Communication 200

WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 201 Chapter Case: Communicating with Emails, Texts, and Calls at the Prestigio Hotel 201

Strategically Selecting Channels for Communication 202 Creating Effective Emails 205

Use Email for the Right Purposes 205 Ensure Ease of Reading 206 Show Respect for Others’ Time 208 Protect Privacy and Confidentiality 210 Respond Promptly 210 Maintain Professionalism and Appropriate Formality 210 Manage Emotion and Maintain Civility 212

Instant Messaging in the Workplace 215 Evaluate the Meta Message of Instant Messaging 216 Use IM for Simple and Brief Conversations, Not for Important Decisions 216 Make Sure Your Tone Is Positive, Supportive, and Appropriately Fun 216 Don’t Ask Questions You Can Get Answers to Yourself 216 Be Careful about Abbreviated Language, Emoticons, Acronyms, and Emoji 216

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Avoid Sarcasm and Jokes in Most Cases 216 Avoid Rescheduling Meeting Times or Places 217 Consider Turning Off Sound Alerts for Incoming Messages/Emails 217 Identify Yourself 217 Clearly End the IM Exchange 217 Avoid Personal IM during Work Hours 217 Avoid Sending Instant Messages after Work Hours 217 Establish Rules with Your Colleagues for Instant Messaging in Meetings 217

Managing Your Digital Communication Efficiently 218 TECHNOLOGY TIPS: GENDER MATTERS WHEN IT COMES TO EMAILS, TEXTS, AND CALLS 219 Building Connections with Phone Conversations 219

Schedule and Plan for Your Phone Calls 220 Ensure Quality Audio 220 Open with a Warm Greeting and Use Your Caller’s Name 221 After Brief Small Chat, Direct the Conversation to the Issues at Hand 221 Speak with a Pleasant, Enthusiastic Voice 221 Share Conversation Time Equally 221 Apply the Rules of Active Listening and Avoid Multitasking 221 Take Notes on Important Points and Summarize Next Steps at the End of the Call 221 Close with Appreciation 221 Follow Up on Agreements 221

Participating in and Leading Group Voice and Video Calls 222

Practice Using the Technology before the Group Call 222 Use Your Webcam Effectively 222

COMMUNICATION Q&A 223 Use Interactive Tools Wisely 223 Start the Call with Purpose and Take Charge 223 Follow the Guidelines of Effective Virtual Meetings 223

Chapter Takeaway for Email and Other Traditional Tools for Business Communication 224 Key Terms 225 Discussion Exercises 225

Evaluation Exercises 225 Application Exercises 227 Language Mechanics Check 227

8 Social Media for Business Communication 230

WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 231 Chapter Case: Communicating with Social Media at the Prestigio Hotel 231

Communicating in the Workplace in the Social Age 232 Using Social Media Tools for Communication within Organizations 235

Organize Your Dashboard to Control Your Communication and Information Flow 235 Create a Complete and Professional Profile 235 Use Blogs and Status Updates for Team Communication 236 Use Shared Files to Collaborate 239 Solve Problems with Discussion Forums 239 Other Social Media Tools 244

Writing Blogs for External Audiences 244 Write Posts for Your Organization 244 Write Posts for a Professional Blog 246

Guidelines for Using Social Media in the Workplace 248

Be an Active Contributor and Join Communities 248 Read, Listen, and Learn 248 Focus on Content 251 Make Your Content Accessible 252 Make Your Messages Authentic and Friendly 252 Be Responsive and Help Others 252 Respect Boundaries and Avoid Oversharing 252

Managing Your Online Reputation 252 TECHNOLOGY TIPS: USING TAGGING FOR KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 253 Using Social Media Ethically 255 COMMUNICATION Q&A 258 Chapter Takeaway for Social Media for Business Communication 259 Key Terms 260 Discussion Exercises 260 Evaluation Exercises 262 Application Exercises 263 Language Mechanics Check 264

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Part 4 Types of Business Messages

9 Routine Business Messages 268 WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 269

Chapter Case: Routine Emails at Smith & Smith Advertising 269

Developing Routine Messages 271 Making Requests 273 Setting Expectations 275 Providing Directions 275 Responding to Inquiries 277 Creating Announcements 278 Making Claims 281 Showing Appreciation 284 Making Apologies 285 TECHNOLOGY TIPS: VOICE RECOGNITION SOFTWARE 286 Expressing Sympathy 287 COMMUNICATION Q&A 288 Chapter Takeaway for Routine Business Messages 289 Discussion Exercises 290 Evaluation Exercises 290 Application Exercises 292 Language Mechanics Check 295

10 Persuasive Messages 296 WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 297

Chapter Case: Shifting Course at Better Horizons Credit Union 297

The Importance of Credibility in an Era of Mistrust and Skepticism 299 Applying the AIM Planning Process to Persuasive Messages 299

Understand Your Audience 299 Gather the Right Information 302 Set Up the Message 302

Getting the Tone and Style Right for Persuasive Messages 304

Apply the Personal Touch 304 Use Action-Oriented and Lively Language 307 Write with Confidence 307 Offer Choice 307 Show Positivity 309

Creating Internal Persuasive Messages 311 Constructing External Persuasive Messages 314 Composing Mass Sales Messages 319 TECHNOLOGY TIPS: VIDEO SHARING IN THE WORKPLACE 320 Reviewing Persuasive Messages 323

Get Feedback and Reread 325 Apply the FAIR Test 325

COMMUNICATION Q&A 326 Chapter Takeaway for Persuasive Messages 327 Key Terms 329 Discussion Exercises 329 Evaluation Exercises 329 Application Exercises 330 Language Mechanics Check 333

11 Bad-News Messages 334 WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 335

Chapter Case: Bad News at Marble Home Makeovers 335

Maintaining Credibility When Delivering Bad News 337 Applying the AIM Planning Process for Bad-News Messages 337

Understand How the Bad News Will Affect Your Audience 338 Gather Information from a Variety of Sources 340 Develop Your Message 340

Getting the Tone, Style, and Design Right 342 Delivering Bad News to Clients 343 Delivering Bad-News Announcements 345 Turning Down Requests and Ideas 346 Delivering Bad News to Customers 348 Delivering and Receiving Negative Performance Reviews 351

Deliver Negative Feedback 351 Receive Negative Feedback 355


Get Feedback and Reread 356 Apply the FAIR Test 357


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Chapter Takeaway for Bad-News Messages 359 Key Terms 360 Discussion Exercises 360 Evaluation Exercises 361 Application Exercises 362 Language Mechanics Check 364

Part 5 Reports and Presentations

12 Research and Business Proposals and Planning for Business Reports 368

WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 369 Chapter Case: Analyzing Customer Satisfaction at the Prestigio Hotel 369

Analyzing Your Audience for Business Reports 370 Gathering Information through Primary Research 370

Develop Research Objectives 371 Create Surveys 371 Analyze Your Data 374 Communicate with Charts and Tables 376 Create Effective Charts 377 General Rules of Chart Formatting 378 Design Effective Tables 383

TECHNOLOGY TIPS: USING ONLINE SURVEY SOFTWARE 385 Gathering Information through Secondary Research 386

Choose a Research Topic 386 Evaluate Data Quality 387 Conduct Library Research 389 Document Your Research 391 Use Online Information for Business Research 392

Applying the FAIR Test to Your Research Data and Charts 395 COMMUNICATION Q&A 396 Chapter Takeaway for Research and Business Proposals and Planning for Business Reports 398 Key Terms 399 Discussion Exercises 399 Evaluation Exercises 400 Application Exercises 401 Language Mechanics Check 403

13 Completing Business Proposals and Business Reports 404

WHY DOES THIS MATTER? 405 Chapter Case: Reporting about Customer Satisfaction at the Prestigio Hotel 405

Developing Business Proposals 406 Demonstrating Excellent Thinking by Applying a Precision-Oriented Style 406

Start with a Clear Statement of the Business Problem or Challenge 409 Use Fact-Based Language 409 Document Secondary Research and Avoid Plagiarism 409 Base Recommendations on Facts and Conclusions in the Report 412 Provide Specific and Actionable Recommendations 414

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