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Practical english lesson 4 penn foster

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Study Guide

Advanced Composition

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Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to Copyright Permissions, Penn Foster, 925 Oak Street, Scranton, Pennsylvania 18515.

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All terms mentioned in this text that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Use of a term in this text should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.

Note: Students cannot take ENG300 until or unless they

take English Composition. Students need to show proof

of the prerequisite before they take this course.














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INTRODUCTION Welcome to your Advanced Composition course. In this course, you’ll practice research and writing skills by develop- ing papers that require you to use sources and correctly cite them using MLA formatting. You’ll learn to look at writing with a critical eye—a skill you can apply to your own work, as well as to the reading you do for research or in your daily activities. You’ll apply these skills to your own writing through editing and revising.

COURSE OBJECTIVES The primary objective of the course is to use research to plan, organize, develop, and edit a variety of papers with clarity and precision using standard MLA formatting.

When you complete this course, you’ll be able to

n Use the writing process to write essays using different patterns of development

n Apply an appropriate rhetorical style to an audience and purpose

n Write effective thesis statements

n Develop paragraphs using topic sentences, adequate detail, supporting evidence, and transitions

n Identify, define, and analyze literary elements

n Develop critical reading skills

n Use responsible research methods to locate appropriate secondary sources


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Note: For Lesson 7, you’re required to read one novel that has

been turned into a movie and to watch that movie. The list of

movies made from books is extensive and includes To Kill a

Mockingbird, The Princess Bride, and Girl with a Pearl Earring.

(A short story or children’s book isn’t an appropriate selection.

You must read a full-length novel.)

n Use Modern Language Association (MLA) citation and documentation style to reference secondary source mate- rial correctly and appropriately

n Quote, paraphrase, and summarize secondary source material correctly and appropriately

n Use the conventions of standard written American English to produce correct, well-written essays

COURSE MATERIALS The following materials are part of this course:

1. This study guide, which contains

n An introduction to your course

n A lesson assignments page, which outlines the study assignments in your textbook

n Self-checks and answers to help you assess your understanding of the material

2. Your course textbook, Successful College Writing, which contains your assigned readings, as well as additional quizzes, essay assignments, as well as additional quizzes and essay assignments.

Instructions to Students2

YOUR TEXTBOOK Your primary text for this course is Successful College Writing, 6th edition, by Kathleen T. McWhorter. Begin reviewing the text by reading the table of contents on pages xxvii–xlv. Then follow the study guide for directions on required reading assignments. Note the following features of your text:

n The “Quick Start” features at the beginning of each chapter are short introductions designed to help you get a head start on the material. Make sure you work through the exercises, even though they won’t be formally evaluated.

n The organization within chapters includes major head- ings and subheadings that break down each chapter’s content into manageable sections. Exercises and model essays are also important parts of every chapter.

n Modern Language Association and American Psychological Association (APA) style guides for citing and documenting your research. These can be found beginning on page 616 in Chapter 24.

n A grammar handbook that includes information and exercises on the foundational elements of writing, such as grammar, sentence structure, punctuation and word choice.

Instructions to Students 3

YOUR STUDY GUIDE This study guide is intended to help you get more out of the material in your textbook. It’s not a substitute for reading your text. The material for this course is divided into eight lessons. Each lesson contains one or more assignments. Here’s a good procedure to follow:

1. Read the introduction to each assignment in this study guide.

2. Read the required sections in the textbook, keeping your study guide handy as you read. If the study guide refers to a specific figure in the textbook, pay particular atten- tion to that item.

3. After you read the material in the textbook, return to this study guide and use the assignment summaries to quiz yourself on the material you’ve read. Use the headings in the outline to ask yourself questions.

4. When you feel confident that you understand the mate- rial for a particular assignment, complete the self-check in this study guide and compare your answers to those given at the end of this study guide. Do not submit the self-checks for grading.

5. When you’ve completed all the assignments for a particular lesson, review the material and complete the examination, quiz, and/or essay exam(s) for that lesson. Submit each written project for grading and evaluation as soon as you complete it.

6. Complete each lesson in this manner.

Instructions to Students4

Instructions to Students 5

A STUDY PLAN This study guide contains your lesson assignments, quizzes, exams, and essay exams for the eight lessons you’ll complete for this course. The self-checks at the end of each assign- ment will help you assess your understanding of the material so you’ll know whether you should move on to the next assignment or review the material before continuing.

Study pace. You have a study time limit for the semester but not one specific to Advanced Composition. You must pace yourself wisely through the semester’s courses to meet the expiration date, allowing sufficient time for reading, prewriting, drafting, revising, and grading. Generally, you should allot at least two weeks for each lesson, with some taking longer than that. You must complete each exam in the correct order.

The goal of this course is to help you grow as a writer by building on your strengths and improving your weaknesses with each assignment. Therefore, this course emphasizes the process approach to writing. Ideally, you’ll submit each exam, quiz, and prewriting and essay project in order after you’ve received your evaluation of the previous lesson, so that you can apply the instructor’s feedback to your next writing proj- ect. You must successfully complete the prewriting exams for Lessons 6 and 7 before you submit the essay exams. While you’re waiting for evaluations, you should begin to work on the next lesson’s assignments. If you have other courses available for study, you may work on those materials while taking this English course and submit any completed exams.

Organization. To keep your work for this course organized, create clearly labeled files in your word processing program. We recommend you create a primary file folder named “Advanced Composition.” Within that folder, create separate folders, such as “Self-Checks” and “Course Notes.” Also cre- ate a folder for each written exam (Lessons 5, 6, 7, and 8), where you’ll keep files of your research notes, rough drafts, and final draft. Establish a clear naming system for each file so you don’t confuse early drafts with your final version of an essay. When you reopen a rough draft, immediately click

Instructions to Students6

Save As and add the date before further revision. That way you won’t lose anything you may delete but later wish you had kept.

Required video lectures. There are three required videos for the course posted on your student portal. Each video includes information that will help you to complete your assignments successfully.

Exam submissions. Use the following guidelines when submitting your exams:

n Multiple-choice quizzes and examinations: You’ll submit your answers for these exams online.

n Written essays and prewriting projects (Lessons 5, 6, 7, and 8): Unless the individual essay or project instruc- tions specify otherwise, papers must be typed double- spaced using a standard, 12-point font (Times New Roman or Calibri are good examples) and left justifica- tion. Use 1-inch margins on all sides. Each page must have a header in the proper format, containing student name, student number with exam number, page number, mailing address, and email address.

Jane Doe 23456789—50050400

987 Nice Street

My Town, AZ 34567 janedoe@yahoo.com

Name each document using your student number first, then the six-digit lesson number, and finally your name (for example, 23456789_500504_Jane Doe). Save each as “File Type: Rich Text Format” regardless of the word process- ing program you use. Follow the instructions in the textbook on pages 614–615 to ensure your paper is properly format- ted. Use “Instructor,” rather than an instructor’s name. The course is Advanced Composition ENG 300. Don’t use headings in the body of your paper.

Instructions to Students 7

Exams can be submitted online from the student portal using the Take Exam button next to the lesson number on the stu- dent portal. Check to be sure that the document you’ve uploaded is the one containing your final work for evaluation.

Evaluation. Evaluation usually occurs within seven business days of receipt. Exams are scored according to the parame- ters of the exam assignment using the Advanced Composition Course Rubric, which is located in the Appendix of this study guide with a complete explanation of evaluation criteria and skill levels. Instructors may write feedback on both the essay and the evaluation chart. To read the instructor’s comments, download the Instructor Feedback file. Be sure to save this file to your computer since it’s available on your student portal for just a brief time.

Evaluation Process Your instructors will score each writing assignment by apply- ing the rubric contained in this section to evaluate how well your work illustrates both the basic and advanced traits of good writing in various research settings (see Appendix). Although the basic techniques of writing aren’t taught in this course, you’re required to produce good writing. If you’re unsure of something, return to the textbook to fine-tune your skills. For general information, scan your textbook’s table of contents for a chapter breakdown and page numbers. For specific characteristics, use the textbook’s index.

On the chart in the Appendix, each trait is broken into three skill levels explaining what writing at each level looks like and to what extent the writing shows the listed trait. Each skill level is assigned a score that corresponds to the appro- priate letter grade within the Penn Foster College grading scale. (For information about the grading scale, see the Student Handbook.) As such, these scores don’t represent an amount awarded from a possible range of points. Instead, each score value is constant. That means if your writing exhibits the given characteristics, you automatically earn the designated score for that trait and skill level. Papers with inconsistencies among skill levels will be scored according to the middle ground. For example, you may have spelled and punctuated everything with excellent style but your grammar

Instructions to Students8

is poor. The evaluator will average the score of high Skill Realized for Conventions with the score of low Skill Emerging for the score on Conventions. The three levels of skill assess- ment are defined as follows:

n Skill Emerging describes writing that either doesn’t have the trait or that lacks controlled, deliberate application. Writing with traits at this level earns a D or an F.

n Skill Developing refers to writing which shows general competence in the trait but which lacks finesse or depth of understanding in application. Traits in this range earn a low B or a C.

n Skill Realized indicates the writing demonstrates the trait effectively and creatively, earning an A or a high B.

When evaluating your paper, the instructor first reads through your essay to become familiar with its content and flow. He or she then works through the essay, evaluating both problem areas and strengths related to the rubric. Next, he or she fills out a blank evaluation chart identifying where your writing falls within each trait, relying on the descrip- tions in the Appendix to provide the full explanation of the traits your writing displays. Consequently, while reviewing your evaluated exam, refer to the following rubric.

Instructions to Students 9

Thesis: Focus for Audience and Purpose

The thesis establishes a clearly defined, analytic focus unique to the assigned topic, purpose,

and audience.

Development and Structure of Ideas in Relation to Thesis

Using applicable pattern(s) of development, the writer explores in depth the relationship between

thesis, assertion, and evidence. The opening engages the reader with the thesis. The body para-

graphs develop the thesis in a controlled fashion. The discussion closes with a sense of finality

reinforcing the thesis.

Incorporation of Source Material

Paraphrases, summaries, and direct quotations are aptly integrated with the writer’s style for the

purpose and audience. Sources are relevant and reliable.

Overall Organization of Writing

Transitional words and connective phrasing guide the reader through the relationships between

ideas. Each paragraph contains one idea that supports the thesis. The supporting sentences

connect to/develop the paragraph’s focus.

Word Choice and Presentation Style

The writer shows a consistent point of view, captivating the reader with skillful, precise language

for the purpose and audience. The essay is graceful and easy to read aloud with a natural, pleas-

ant rhythm through varied sentence length and structures.

MLA Citation

Using the MLA citation style, the writer accurately documents the required number of sources.


According to standard written American English, the writer correctly applies spelling, punctuation

(including sentence structure), and grammar. These choices make the writing professional and

easy to understand. The writing meets the required length and overall submission format for

the assignment.

The instructor may provide further comments or explanation about a particular strength or weakness within a trait, but primarily you’ll depend on the information given in your study guide. In light of that feedback, you should reexamine your paper and review the textbook to learn ways to strengthen that trait the next time you write. With each exam, your goal is to craft your writing more deliberately and skillfully.

Retakes. Students are required to complete all assigned work, including a retake for any first-time failing attempt on an exam. The evaluation of any first-time failing exam will include a Required Retake form. That form must then be included with your retake exam submission to ensure proper handling. If the assigned work isn’t provided, submissions will be evaluated according to the criteria but additional points will be deducted for not following the instructions. In addition, please review school policy about retakes in the Student Handbook (available online).

Plagiarism policy. Carefully review the plagiarism policy in the Student Handbook (available online). The first submission that departs from this policy earns a grade of 1 percent. If it’s a first-time submission, you may retake the exam (per retake procedures). A second plagiarized submission will earn a final grade of 1% and will be reported to the Academic Review Board.

Instructions to Students10

ACADEMIC SUPPORT AND ONLINE RESOURCES Penn Foster’s digital library offers students access to online resources in all major disciplines and courses offered at Penn Foster, as well as one of the most comprehensive academic databases available today, Expanded Academic ASAP.

Penn Foster’s librarian is available to answer questions about research and to help students locate resources. You can find the librarian in The Community, by using the Contact an Instructor link in your student portal, or the Ask a Librarian link in the library.

Grammarly.com is offering discounts to Penn Foster students who register for a year of service. For a discounted fee, Penn Foster students have unlimited access to the Grammarly’s grammar, spell, and punctuation check, as well as the pla- giarism check. For students who have limited experience with research writing, Grammarly could be the helping hand you need to negotiate the research papers in your future. To register for Grammarly, please contact your English instructor.

Other Resources Other online resources for grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and mechanics include the following:

Instructions to Students 11

Daily Grammar: http://www.dailygrammar.com/archive.shtml

Blue Book of Grammar and Mechanics: http://www.grammarbook.com/

Guide to Grammar and Writing, sponsored by Capital Community College Foundation:


Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/

Instructions to Students12


Lesson 1: A Review of the Writing Process For: Read in the Read in the study guide: textbook:

Assignment 1 Pages 18–21 Pages 73–95

Assignment 2 Pages 22–24 Pages 118–137

Assignment 3 Pages 25–28 Pages 138–158

Assignment 4 Pages 29–32 Pages 159–173

Assignment 5 Pages 33–36 Pages 174–193

Examination 500520 Material in Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Planning a Research Project and Evaluating Sources For: Read in the Read in the study guide: textbook:

Assignment 6 Pages 38–43 Pages 558–565

Assignment 7 Pages 44–49 Pages 565–573

Examination 500497 Material in Lesson 2

Lesson 3: Finding Sources, Taking Notes, and Synthesizing For: Read in the Read in the study guide: textbook:

Assignment 8 Pages 52–55 Pages 575–581

Assignment 9 Pages 56–58 Pages 581–586

Assignment 10 Pages 59–66 Pages 586–596

Examination 500498 Material in Lesson 3


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Lesson Assignments14

Lesson 4: Drafting, Revising, and Formatting a Research Paper For: Read in the Read in the study guide: textbook:

Assignment 11 Pages 68–70 Pages 598–603

Assignment 12 Pages 71–76 Pages 603–612

Assignment 13 Pages 77–79 Pages 612–616

Assignment 14 Pages 80–84 Pages 616–638

Watch the “Using and Citing Sources” Lecture

Quiz 500496RR

Examination 500499 Material in Lesson 4

Lesson 5: Definition: Explaining What You Mean For: Read in the Read in the study guide: textbook:

Assignment 15 Pages 86–88 Pages 263–277, 283–286

Assignment 16 Pages 89–91 Pages 297–311, 318–320

Assignment 17 Pages 92–95 Pages 400–413

Assignment 18 Pages 96–100 Pages 429–457

Essay Examination: 50050400 Essay: Extended Definition

Lesson 6: Reading and Writing About Literature For: Read in the Read in the study guide: textbook:

Assignment 19 Pages 108–109 Pages 658–662

Assignment 20 Pages 110–112 Pages 662–673

Assignment 21 Pages 113–119 Pages 674–678

Assignment 22 Pages 120–121 Pages 679–688

Watch the “Figurative Language: Analyzing Poetry” Lecture

Quiz 500500RR

Prewriting Examination: 50050200 Prewriting: Literary Analysis Essay Examination: 50050300 Essay: Literary Analysis

Lesson 7: Comparison and Contrast For: Read in the Read in the study guide: textbook:

Assignment 23 Pages 138–140 Pages 365–378

Assignment 24 Pages 141–143 Pages 378–388, 394-396

Assignment 25 Pages 144–147 Pages 459–488

Watch the “Using Comparison and Contrast: Analyzing a Novel” Lecture

Quiz 500522RR

Prewriting Examination: 50050500 Prewriting: Comparison and Contrast

Essay Examination: 50050600 Essay: Comparison and Contrast

Lesson 8: Arguments For: Read in the Read in the study guide: textbook:

Assignment 26 Pages 162–165 Pages 500–512

Assignment 27 Pages 166–168 Pages 512–525

Assignment 28 Pages 169–172 Pages 526–551

Assignment 29 Pages 172–173 Pages 552–555

Essay Examination: 50050700 Essay: Argument

Lesson Assignments 15

Note: For Lesson 7, you’re required to read one novel that has been

turned into a movie and to watch that movie. The list of movies

made from books is extensive and includes To Kill a Mockingbird, The

Princess Bride, and Girl with a Pearl Earring. (A short story or children’s

book isn’t an appropriate selection. You must read a full-length novel.)

Note: To access and complete any of the examinations for this study

guide, click on the appropriate Take Exam icon on your student

portal. You should not have to enter the examination numbers.

These numbers are for reference only if you have reason to

contact Student CARE.


Advanced Composition16


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Lesson 1: A Review of the Writing Process

INTRODUCTION In this section, you’ll practice some of the basic writing skills you’ve learned in other courses, such as English Composition or another English course. Because you’re expected to know how to put together balanced sentences and cohesive para- graphs, this review won’t be teaching you how to use the basic tools of writing. Instead, it reminds you to use the skills you have and gives you some practice before asking you to put them to use in your lesson exam.


In this lesson, you’ll learn how to

n Use active reading methods to understand and interpret text

and graphics

n Identify bias and recognize the difference between fact and


n Develop effective thesis statements and support them with

appropriate evidence

n Develop unified paragraphs using supportive details

n Use transitions to express coherent ideas

n Use methods of organization in writing, including topic sen-

tences and supporting details

n Apply appropriate techniques of revision and organization to

your writing

n Apply the rules of standard written American English for punc-

tuation and spelling

ASSIGNMENT 1: THINKING CRITICALLY ABOUT TEXT AND VISUALS Read the assignment in this study guide. Then read pages 73–95 in your textbook. Then, test your progress using the self-check.

Introduction As you may recall, there are two parts to the reading process. First, you must comprehend what the author says, and second, you must figure out what the author means. Interpreting the author’s use of words and their connotations or symbolism isn’t always as straightforward as it may seem. No matter how schol- arly an article seems, you must approach it with a critical eye. Sorting out facts and opinions or generalizations and valid con- clusions comes easier with practice. You’ll become more skillful in active reading the more you use it.

Reading Highlights

Pages 74–88

Succeeding in college and, ultimately, in your career depends heavily on developing the skills necessary to read and think critically about texts and visuals. It’s important to understand what an author means, as well as what he or she writes, to determine whether there’s more going on in a text than meets the eye. You need to make inferences (reasonable guesses based on the available facts and information) to draw logical connec- tions between what the writer states and what he or she implies. You’ll need to look closely at the available evidence, or note whether there’s no evidence to support either the author’s points or your inferences and decide what that means for the information he or she is attempting to convey. You’ll need to distinguish facts from opinions to determine if you can rely upon the author, and analyze his or her language to ensure that you aren’t being manipulated by connotations, figurative language, euphemisms, and doublespeak. Finally, look for any

Advanced Composition18

Lesson 1 19

generalizations and assumptions the author makes. If you have doubts about the author’s claims, you’ll want to check other more reliable sources.

Pages 88–95

This section offers you some helpful tips on making sense of visuals, such as photographs or computer-generated images, as well as charts and graphs designed to illustrate relation- ships among observable datasets. For most readers, interpreting visuals poses two basic challenges. First, you may get stuck on a particularly engaging image; you can get distracted from the flow of the written text. Second, you may simply tend to skip over or ignore the image. Instead, you should stop, look, and reflect on the image consciously. Then, as you study the image, reflect on its message and how it relates to the text. Always assume that the image is there to enhance the author’s narrative. Table 4.2 on page 89 of your textbook provides some helpful guidelines for analyzing photographs.

When it comes to graphics such as charts, graphs, or com- plex tables and figures, readers may be inclined to scan the graphic without analyzing it. That’s not a good idea. A better idea can be illustrated by how you should read text material related to mathematics. When you get to an equation, stop. Study it until you actually understand what it means. Apply that same principle to tables, charts, and graphs. Table 4.3 on page 91 of your textbook offers a handy reference for understanding common types of graphics, while Table 4.4 on page 92 provides useful guidelines for analyzing graphics.

Advanced Composition20

Self-Check 1 At the end of each section of Advanced Composition, you’ll be asked to pause and check

your understanding of what you’ve just read by completing a “Self-Check” exercise.

Answering these questions will help you review what you’ve studied so far. Please com-

plete Self-Check 1 now.

1. Read the following passage from the essay “Civil Disobedience,” written by Henry David

Thoreau in 1849, and answer the following questions.

This American government—what is it but a tradition, though a recent one, endeavoring to

transmit itself unimpaired to posterity, but each instant losing some of its integrity? It has not

the vitality and force of a single living man; for a single man can bend it to his will. It is a sort

of wooden gun to the people themselves. But it is not the less necessary for this; for the peo-

ple must have some complicated machinery or other, and hear its din, to satisfy that idea of

government which they have. Governments show thus how successfully men can be imposed

on, even impose on themselves, for their own advantage. It is excellent, we must all allow.

Yet this government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it

got out of its way. It does not keep the country free. It does not settle the West. It does not

educate. The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accom-

plished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in

its way. For government is an expedient by which men would fain succeed in letting one

another alone; and, as has been said, when it is most expedient, the governed are most let

alone by it. Trade and commerce, if they were not made of India rubber, would never manage

to bounce over the obstacles which legislators are continually putting in their way; and, if one

were to judge these men wholly by the effects of their actions, and not partly by their inten-

tions, they would deserve to be classed and punished with those mischievous persons who put

obstructions on the railroads.

a. What reasonable inference can you make about the author’s opinion of the American gov-

ernment? In composing your inference, use three adjectives that the author would use to

describe American government.

b. Which specific words or phrases in the selection provide hints regarding his attitude

toward American government?

c. What details are particularly revealing about American government?

2. Complete Exercise 4.6 on page 80 of your textbook.

3. Turn to Exercise 4.7 on page 81 of your textbook and answer question 1.

4. Complete Exercise 4.9 on page 82 of your textbook


Lesson 1 21

Self-Check 1 5. Read “American Jerk: Be Civil, or I'll Beat You to a Pulp” on pages 49–50. Complete Exercise

4.11 on page 84 of your textbook.

6. The following topic sentence is an opinion. Which one of the answers gives a fact that sup-

ports this topic sentence?

Although boxing can be a great way to keep in shape, it’s too dangerous for young

adults to pursue boxing seriously.

a. Approximately fifteen to twenty percent of long-term boxers experience the disease

dementia pugilistica, or “punch-drunk syndrome,” which causes loss of memory, speech

impairments, and difficulties in moving.

b. Boxing has a long history and was even selected by the ancient Greeks as an Olympic


c. The violence of boxing makes it unpleasant to watch.

d. Although homicide, suicide, and cancer are among the leading causes of death for

American teenagers, more teens die in automobile accidents each year than from any

other cause.

7. The following topic sentence is an opinion. Which one of the answers gives a fact that sup-

ports this topic sentence?

If you want to get the most out of your reading, it’s important to read actively by

taking notes, underlining, and carefully focusing on the material rather than rushing

through it.

a. It’s now possible to multitask on public transportation, waiting at the doctor’s offices, and-

while at the gym.

b. A Stanford study has suggested that reading with close attention, rather than just for

pleasure, sends blood to many areas of the brain that are important in thinking and deci-

sion making.

c. The only kind of reading students should skim is material they already understand.

d. Some teachers recommend that students practice quickly skimming to determine if a

bookwill be helpful for their research.

Check your answers on page 175 of this study guide.

Advanced Composition22

ASSIGNMENT 2: DEVELOPING AND SUPPORTING A THESIS Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read pages 118–137 in your textbook. Check your progress by completing the self-check exercises.

Introduction You may recall from previous writing courses that a thesis statement serves as a unifying principle for an essay or an article. It summarizes the key idea you want to convey, high- lights your approach to the topic, and stimulates the reader to follow your thought process. It must accomplish those feats in a clear, tightly focused way, however. Otherwise, you—and your reader—can become lost in a confusing, vague, or overly broad tangle of ideas.

Reading Highlights

Pages 119–124

A thesis statement is the main point of an essay. It tells you what the essay is about and what the author’s position is on the chosen topic. Although a thesis statement is usually short, comprised of one or two sentences, creating an effec- tive statement typically requires a good deal of synthesizing ideas and details that you discovered during the prewriting process. The following guidelines for writing effective thesis statements can be found on pages 122–124.

n Make an assertion.

n Be specific.

n Focus on a central point.

n Offer an original perspective on your topic.

n Avoid making an announcement.

n Use the thesis to preview the organization of your essay.

Lesson 1 23

Pages 125–131

A thesis must be supported by evidence; otherwise it will be considered a generalization or opinion. There are many differ- ent kinds of evidence you can use to back up your thesis and give it substance. Common types of evidence include exam- ples, explanation of a process, advantages and disadvantages, comparison and contrast, historical background, definitions, and explanation of causes and their effects, among others. Study Table 6.1 on page 126, which shows you the types of evidence that can be used to support a specific working the- sis: Namely, “Acupuncture, a form of alternative medicine, is becoming more widely accepted in the United States.” Figure 6.2, on page 129, offers an example of a worksheet you might use to organize evidence to support your thesis.

Pages 131–137

Read and analyze the essay “Internet Addiction” by Greg Beato. As you read, take note of the strategies and the evi- dence the author uses to poke fun at overblown concerns about Internet addiction, calling attention to expensive treat- ments and dire predictions from the 1990s, when the Internet was too slow to do much harm. Note also how he shifts his tone and presents evidence that suggests that, while the likelihood of serious social problems resulting from Internet addiction are unlikely, some form of Internet obses- sion could affect society because of the number of people spending so much of their lives online.

Advanced Composition24

Self-Check 2 1. You’ve been researching adult illiteracy in the United States and have a 14-page draft that

includes two pages about how widespread the problem is, six pages analyzing the causes of

the problem, and six pages evaluating possible solutions and proposing one you feel would be

effective. Write a brief evaluation of the appropriateness of each of the following thesis state-

ments in terms of what you’ve already written.

a. Adult illiteracy poses the greatest threat to America today.

b. Adult illiteracy in America has many causes, but it can be eliminated.

c. How can the problem of adult illiteracy in America be effectively addressed?

d. Subsuming a myriad of causal factors, adult illiteracy manifests itself throughout contem-

porary American society.

2. From the following, choose the best working thesis for a research paper about the impact of

governmental policies on the way hospitals provide health care.

a. U.S. government policies on health care have changed during the past 20 years resulting

in hospitals that currently function as oligopolies.

b. U.S. government policies on health care differ greatly from those of Asian nations due to

the different social and economic structures underlying the government.

c. U.S. government policies on health care should be changed to reflect citizens’ current


3. Read the following thesis statements and decide whether they’re effective. Mark each one as

either effective or not effective. If the statement isn’t effective, revise it to make it so.

a. The American economy should provide jobs, fair wages, and police instances of

discrimination in hiring.

b. The point I want to emphasize is that sex education in public schools can reduce the rate

of teenage pregnancies.

c. A healthy exercise program must be based on a person’s level of fitness.

d. I learned a lot about nature from hiking.

4. Read (or reread) George Beato’s essay, “Internet Addiction.” Then turn to page 135 and

respond to the three questions under “Analyzing the Writer’s Technique.”

5. Read (or reread) George Beato’s essay, “Internet Addiction.” Then turn to page 135 and

respond to the three questions under “Thinking Critically about the Reading.”

Check your answers with those on page 176.

Lesson 1 25

ASSIGNMENT 3: DRAFTING AN ESSAY Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read pages 138–158 in your textbook. Check your progress by answering the self-check exercises.

Introduction To make a point with your essay, you obviously must get people to read it. A strong introduction will grab your readers’ attention and let them know what to expect. As you make your points, effective illustrations can help readers follow your argument and influence their thinking toward your point of view. Your ending should tie it all up in a conclusion that completes your argument, reflects your thesis, and leaves your audience thinking.

Reading Highlights

Pages 138–140

The introductory section of this chapter examines a general structure of an essay. Figure 7.1 on page 139 presents an overview of the entire process of writing an essay, from prewriting to editing and proofreading the final draft. Figure 7.2 on page 140 offers a graphical illustration of the main features of an essay, which include

n A title that states your topic in a way that generates readers’ interest

n An introduction that presents your narrowed topic, states your thesis, offers background, and endeavors to capture and hold readers’ interest

n The body, which is typically composed of four or more paragraphs that support and explain your thesis using evidence

n A conclusion that draws your essay to a close by reaf- firming your thesis without simply restating it

Advanced Composition26

Pages 140–146

This section looks at various methods of organizing evidence within the body of an essay. Among the most common strate- gies are

n “Most-to-least” or “least-to-most,” through which evidence is presented according to importance or relevance to the thesis

n Chronological order, in which supporting details are pre- sented in the order in which they occurred—an organizational method often used in narrative essays

n Spatial order, often used in descriptive essays, presents details in terms of location

This section also discusses different ways in which you might approach creating an outline for your essay. Once you’ve determined the organizational method. Informal outlines (sometimes referred to as scratch outlines) are shorthand summaries of each paragraph using key words and/or phrases. Formal outlines typically use numbers and letters to organize paragraphs in a logical order that begins with a gen- eral statement, under which specific details are listed. Formal outlines may be composed of either sentences or topics and subtopics. Some writers prefer to use a graphic organizer. A sample is presented in Figure 7.3 on page 147.

Pages 146–152

This section examines strategies for writing a strong intro- ductions, effective conclusions, and titles that present the topic in a way that captures readers’ attention and suggests your approach.

Pages 152–156

Chapter 7 concludes with two essays, which illustrate the principles of organizing an essay discussed in the chapter. The “Students Write” essay (pages 152–154), “No Place Left for Privacy,” is the first draft of an essay by Latrisha Wilson. The process though which she established her working thesis was covered in Chapter 6. The second essay, “Black Men and

Lesson 1 27

Public Space,” by Brent Staples (pages 154–156), is a narra- tive in which the author recounts a number of incidents in which his blackness inspired such fear that he was afraid for his own safety, explains how he tries to set his “victims” at ease, and touches on his feelings of anger at so often being mistaken for a criminal.

Advanced Composition28

Self-Check 3 Study the following paragraph, and then complete items 1–4.

How did a handful of Spanish conquistadors overcome a Mexican empire comprising a popula-

tion in the millions? The mighty, literate, and culturally sophisticated Aztec society of Mexico

may have appeared invincible. But two factors seem paramount in their conquest. First, the

Europeans had superior weaponry. Second, and perhaps of much greater interest, subtle cul-

tural factors were involved. Ancient prophecies recorded by Aztec priests foretold the arrival of

a bearded god, an incarnation of the mighty Quetzalcoatl, arriving in the Aztec year Reed I

(1516)—exactly when Hernando Cortez arrived. Had Cortez been viewed as a demonic, rather

than a divine, apparition, superior weaponry wouldn’t have saved the Spaniards from Aztec

fury. Cortez took practical advantage of his temporary “godliness” to gather indigenous allies

against the hated Aztecs. Meanwhile, to hasten the success of the Spanish conquest, both

Aztecs and their oppressed populations began to succumb to European diseases like typhoid,

measles, and cholera.

1. Does the first sentence of this paragraph engage the reader? Explain your view in a

few sentences.

2. Create a thesis statement for an essay based on the paragraph.

3. Read this concluding paragraph; then note which two tips for writing a conclusion were used.

The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire of Mexico was aided by one of the great ironies of

history, the myth of the return of the bearded god Quetzalcoatl. Yet, as we revisit this terrible

drama, we are reminded of a broader fact and a wider context: Similar tragedies still occur

today when Western civilization encroaches on ancient indigenous cultures.

4. Which one of the following titles would be best? Why did you reject the others?

a. They Expected a God and Got a Grandee

b. Cortez and the Prophecy that Betrayed the Aztecs

c. An Empire Falls for a Fable

5. Having read or reread the essay by Brent Staples on pages 154–156, turn to page 157. Under

“Analyzing the Writer’s Technique,” respond to all five items.

Check your answers with those on page 180.

Lesson 1 29

ASSIGNMENT 4: WRITING EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPHS Read the assignment in this study guide. Then, read pages 159–173 in your textbook. Check your progress by answering the self-check exercises.

Introduction You’ve no doubt studied paragraph writing before. However, to prepare for your writing assignments, it won’t hurt to review the process. In some ways, the same skills used for writing paragraphs also apply to research writing. Your text- book effectively presents the steps you need to take to write a strong paragraph (pages 159-161). Remember, a paragraph is likely to be well crafted if it

n Addresses only one topic. The topic sentence should clearly relate to and support the thesis statement.

n Develops the idea set for the topic sentence by providing appropriate details including definitions, analysis, and evidence

n Employs transitions and repetitions to help readers fol- low the logical flow of ideas through the paper

To review paragraph structure, study Figure 8.1 on page 161.

Reading Highlights

Pages 161–164

Keep in mind that the topic sentence of a paragraph is equiv- alent to a thesis in an essay. Just as each topic sentence should support the thesis of an essay, the supporting details and the concluding or transitional sentence closing a para- graph should support the topic sentence. Make sure you fully understand the following principles:

Advanced Composition30

n A topic sentence should be focused. That is, it should tell the reader what the paragraph is about while expressing the author’s point of view, possibly while making a point about the topic. Avail yourself of the material offered in your text, and especially the comparisons between focused and unfocused topic sentences.

n A topic sentence may be used to preview the organization of the paragraph. Again, your text samples will help you grasp that idea.

n The topic sentence of a paragraph should support the thesis of your essay. If it doesn’t, you’ve gone off on a tangent; you’ve jumped the track that should lead from your introduction to your conclusion.

n A topic sentence should be strategically placed. As you may know at this point, that means that a topic sentence is sometimes best placed early in the paragraph or even at the end of the paragraph.

Pages 164–168

To write a unified, well-developed paragraph, you must have supporting details. You can use the process of crafting your supporting details to detect related topics that don’t support your topic sentence. If a detail doesn’t support your topic, it will lead your reader astray. By the same token, practice in writing supporting details will help you avoid generalizations in lieu of concrete specific details. Keep in mind that you want to focus on the who, what, when, where, how, and why of your topic. Also keep in mind that concrete examples and illustrations are more likely to keep your reader engaged. Be sure to study the five tips for writing concrete specific details on pages 167–168 of your text.

Lesson 1 31

Pages 169–173

Good writing should flow. One paragraph should lead com- fortably and logically to the next paragraph. A good example is a well-written and well-directed screenplay. In a well-edited movie, transitions allow the viewer to follow the plot. The next time you watch a movie, study the way one scene is crafted to lead into the next. Are you able to follow the action smoothly or does it leave you confused? Effective transitions will keep your reader engaged with your topic. Study the list of commonly used transitions on page 169 in your textbook to match types of prose connections with useful and appro- priate transitions.

This section includes a draft of “The Value of Volunteering,” an essay by Robin Ferguson, on pages 171–173. Study it to see how effectively Ferguson uses transitions and repetitions.

Advanced Composition32

Self-Check 4 Revise each of the following sentences using the specified guideline.

1. Use who, what, when, where, and how questions: Bats hunt at night because they have built-

in sonar.

2. Name people, places, or objects: Waiting for the bus, my brother stood at the corner holding a

furled umbrella.

3. Use active verbs: Seeing the taxi pull up outside, Miranda went to the door to greet

her husband.

4. Use descriptive language that appeals to the senses: I enjoy the view from Walker Point.

Read the following paragraph; then answer questions 5–8 using the sentence numbers

given in the instructions.

(1) The two primary schools of behavioral psychology are classical conditioning and operant

conditioning. (2) There are three keys to understanding these perspectives. (3) First, both

perspectives focus on behavior, not consciousness, thoughts, or subjective feelings. (4)

Second, both perspectives aim at ways to change or modify a subject’s behavior. (5) Third,

both perspectives attempt to predict future behaviors based on providing specific techniques

for modifying present behavior. (6) A key to understanding and differentiating the two schools

of behaviorism is recognizing that both classical conditioning and operant conditioning are

based on a few basic concepts. (7) These concepts, such as “conditioned response,” “operant,”

or “partial reinforcement,” must be carefully learned. (8) Once they are, you’ll be fairly well

informed about how behaviorists view human behavior and how they conduct their research.

5. List the transitional expressions used in sentences 3, 4, and 5.

6. Describe the type of connection these terms provide in the sentences.

7. Write a summary that condenses these three sentences into a single sentence. Remove or add

words as necessary.

8. Expand sentence 8 to summarize the content of the paragraph.

Check your answers with those on page 181.

Lesson 1 33

ASSIGNMENT 5: REVISING CONTENT AND ORGANIZATION Read the following assignment. Then read pages 174–193 in your textbook. To gauge your progress, complete the self-check.

Introduction Mark Twain once said, “The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is you really want to say.” He wasn’t kidding. Researching and writ- ing an essay is a process of discovery that begins when you choose your topic and doesn’t end until you’ve revealed to your reader what you’ve learned. It’s only after you read your “finished” paper that you know whether you’ve succeeded.

Reading Highlights

Pages 175–176

While researching and drafting your paper seem to be the most time-consuming tasks, make sure you don’t rush through the revision process. If you look at Figure 9.1 on page 175, “An Overview of the Writing Process,” you’ll see that much analysis and reworking is in order. If you let your paper “rest” for a day or two, you may discover on the first reading that your conclusion doesn’t match your thesis. You may also find that your organization or transitions need work or that you need more detail to support an area. Fixing these flaws takes time, and sometimes even additional research, so allow at least a week to thoroughly analyze and revise your paper.

Pages 176–177

This section briefly examines some useful techniques of revision. While they may be familiar to you, you may not have tried all of them. Give particular attention to the following points.

Advanced Composition34

n Allow your draft to rest before you read it for revision, so you’ll see it with fresh eyes.

n Read your draft aloud to get the sense of its flow and coherence. If you stumble or can’t follow the logic, it needs rewriting.

n Print or type your draft. Working with a “hard copy” makes it easier to appraise the writing objectively.

n Draw a graphic organizer (see the sample on page 177) or outline.

Pages 177–181

Asking key questions will give you a clear picture of whether your essay needs minor or major revision. Use a flowchart like the one in Figure 9.3 on page 179 to analyze your para- graphs and your essay as a whole to list revisions you need to make. The following are some further suggestions for reviewing points of analysis:

n Write a sentence or two describing your audience and make sure all the elements of your paper address that group.

n State the purpose of your paper in a single sentence; a carefully crafted thesis statement should have summed up that purpose.

n Make sure your title, introduction, and conclusion effec- tively address your thesis.

n Use a flowchart like the one shown in Figure 9.4 on page 181 to evaluate your entire essay.

Pages 182–184 This section is concerned with finding a good reviewer who can give feedback on your writing. If you’re studying at home, you won’t have classmates with whom to get together and read assignments, but if you have email contact with fellow students, you may want to network with them that way. Otherwise, ask a family member or friend to read and review your essay using the questions and suggestions listed in these pages as a guide. Once again, evaluate each of your paragraphs using the flowchart on page 179.

Please note Penn

Foster’s Code of

Conduct, Academic

Dishonesty, and

Plagiarism policies.

Review your student

handbook before you

share your work with

another student.

Lesson 1 35

Pages 184–187

This section on using your instructor’s comments includes the rough draft of an essay about guerilla street art. It’s marked up by highlights linked to editorial comments. Once you’ve read the rough draft and comments, study the six tips on pages 186–187 to think about how to use an instructor’s comments to improve your essays.

Page 187

This section provides some helpful comments about consider- ing your learning style. To assess your learning style, read pages 30–37 of Chapter 2.

Pages 188–192

Under the “Students Write” section, you’ll consider the revi- sions Latrisha Wilson adopted to improve her essay, “No Place Left for Privacy.” She used a graphic organizer for that purpose, so you’ll want to study Figure 9.6 on pages 188–190 to see just what she revised and why. You’ll then take a guided tour through Ms. Wilson’s final draft.

Editing and Proofreading for C onventions All areas of life operate according to certain codes or rules. Readers expect academic essays to reflect the rules or con- ventions governing such writing. When a writer fails to polish a paper so it follows these customs, readers will not only be disappointed but also will lose confidence in the writer, and they may not understand what the writer is trying to commu- nicate. The conventions of writing include correct and appropriate grammar, diction, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, and spelling. For this course, your papers must follow the conventions of standard American English.

If you need to refresh your understanding of these conven- tions, make use of the various resources available to you. Part 7 of your textbook (pages 721–814) provides a useful ref- erence to common grammatical and punctuation questions.

Advanced Composition36

You may also refer back to the academic support and online resources on pages 11–12 of this study guide. Links to other applicable websites are available at the Library Services link on your student page.

Before moving on to Lesson 2, please complete the examina- tion for Lesson 1.

Self-Check 5 1. Complete exercise 9.1 on page 186 of your textbook.

2. In “Working Together” on page 193, respond to all five questions.

Check your answers with those on page 182.


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Lesson 2: Planning a Research Paper and Evaluating Sources

INTRODUCTION The writer Isaac Asimov is said to have written many of his popular-science books without doing any research. But Asimov was a professor of biochemistry and vice president of Mensa International, an organization for people with excep- tionally high intelligence. While most of us use the reservoir of knowledge and experience in our minds when we write, it’s unlikely that the average person can write competently and extensively using only that mental filing cabinet. Even if you think you know something—for example, a quote you memo- rized long ago—when you check it against the original, it may not be precisely as you remembered it. That’s why we use sources to check, and while we’re checking, we may find additional information that’s relevant to our topics.

Research papers aren’t busy work. You’ll learn not only how to think, write, and organize, but also how to pay attention to detail, communicate your ideas to others, and find support for your ideas. The skills used in developing a research paper are all transferable to the job market.


When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to

n Develop a feasible topic

n Describe techniques for choosing and narrowing a topic

n Frame useful research questions

n Establish a working thesis statement

n Explain the difference between primary and secondary sources

n Evaluate the relevance and reliability of sources

n Read actively and critically to analyze sources

Advanced Composition38

ASSIGNMENT 6: USING SOURCES AND PLANNING YOUR RESEARCH PROJECT Read the following assignment. Then read pages 558–565 in your textbook. Be sure to complete the self-check to gauge your progress.

Introduction People in any society depend on each other for sustenance of all kinds. That’s definitely true in the world of scholars. Those who acquire and express ideas through the written word rely on many resources, and they understand the need to acknowledge the work of other thinkers and writers. Like Isaac Asimov, they may have assimilated a lot of general knowledge and made conclusions of their own; but anytime a writer borrows ideas or words directly from another person, that person must be cited as the source for those ideas.

Complete freedom to choose a topic might make the job of planning a research paper harder, not easier. A writing assignment will usually be accompanied by some limits to work within and some description of what’s expected, so begin planning your paper by defining the assignment. First, think about the objective of the paper. A good place to start is with the verbs—what are they asking you to do? Verbs like describe, persuade or convince, or compare and contrast tell you what you need to accomplish with the paper, as well as what primary pattern of development to apply. Once you have your objective clearly in mind, you’ll be able to explore appro- priate sources.

Reading HIghlights

Pages 558–561

When should you use sources to find information you don’t know? The simple answer is when they help you achieve your purpose with your audience. In most cases, making a point

Lesson 2 39

and drawing a conclusion require information and examples. You’ll also need to use sources to turn general statements into compelling specific bits of information. Depending on the nature of your essay, sources are also used to provide histor- ical background, context, or technical information, as well as to support opinions with facts. Exploring different sources can also help you to synthesize your ideas, understand your topic in more detail, and discover contrasting points of view that might lend fresh insight to your thesis.

Review Figure 22.1 on page 559, which shows you the steps involved in writing a paper using sources. This chapter’s skills are outlined in detail. The basic steps in selecting, nar- rowing, and discovering ideas for a research topic are similar to methods used in any other essay writing. They include preliminary reading, prewriting, and viewing your topic from different perspectives.

Pages 561–565

In this section, you’ll study five practical guidelines for choosing an appealing and feasible topic. Consider what these recommendations mean to you.

After defining the assignment, and perhaps above all, it makes sense to choose a topic that interests you. However, in actual experience, some topics may seem interesting at first glance but then seem less interesting as you learn more. In other cases, a random idea or topic may catch your attention while you’re exploring on the Internet or in an online catalog at the library. That’s why seeking out an interesting topic requires an open mind, as the following scenario shows. Think through it carefully, because it will reappear as this lesson proceeds.

Suppose your composition teacher requires you to develop a paper with some connection to Central Africa, leaving the details to your interests. You’re interested in what motivated Joseph Conrad when he wrote The Heart of Darkness. The novel contrasts the mentality of Westerners to the apparently random savagery of Central Africa, where nature seems to overwhelm the order and reason of civilization. You do some Internet searching, but as you do, you find that English grad- uate students and scholars of all kinds have written

Advanced Composition40

mountains of material on this topic. Not only would the topic be unmanageable, it’s also unlikely that you could come up with a fresh perspective on the topic.

However, you do find that the film Apocalypse Now is based on Conrad’s book. Now you may be on to something. But soon the same problem arises. You’ll have to know Conrad literary criticism inside out to write anything fresh and engaging about the film.

So your search continues.

Then, skimming a page on Central Africa, you discover that civil war and mass murder in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (formerly Zaire) involve international corporate interest in a mineral called columbite-tantalite, popularly known as coltan. You’ve never heard of coltan, but a quick Internet search reveals that coltan is essential to the produc- tion of cell phones and other electronic products. Quickly searching some more, you find that the topic yields sources, the topic is fresh and current (but not too new, since there’s information available), and it seems manageable.

As you know, a reasoned approach to narrowing and discov- ering ideas about a topic is preliminary reading, prewriting, and viewing your topic from different perspectives. You’re interested in the coltan issue, and so far, in your preliminary reading, you’ve unearthed the following facts:

n Coltan is a mineral that combines niobium and tanta- lum. Tantalum is a rare metal that’s a crucial component of the transistors used in cell phones and in some other technological contexts.

n As the demand for coltan has soared, so has its price in international markets.

n Roughly 80 percent of the global supply of coltan is found in the far eastern highland regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

n The Democratic Republic of Congo is the third-largest African nation. Its capital, Kinshasa, is near the mouth of the Congo River, far to the west of the highland region.

Lesson 2 41

n The government centered at Kinshasa oversees a land of poverty and political corruption.

n The coltan mining region borders Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi.

n A brutal civil war, characterized by rape, torture, and random murder, disrupts the entire coltan mining region.

n The violence of the civil war is strongly related to the smuggling of coltan from the DRC.

n International interests, out of Belgium and other nations, will buy the coltan wherever they can get it.

n Efforts by the United Nations and other nations to con- tain the violence have had little or no success.

n The mining is creating extensive environmental destruction.

n The habitat of the endangered Eastern Lowland Gorilla is being destroyed by the mining operations.

At this point, you can think about different perspectives on the general topic of coltan mining. Different points of view and, therefore, different narrowed topics can be explored by using research questions. For example,

n What’s the history of Western colonialism in this region?

n What are the uses of coltan?

n What cultural and sociological impacts does coltan min- ing bring about?

n What’s the economic importance of coltan locally and globally?

n Who benefits from the use of coltan?

n What’s the environmental impact of coltan mining?

n What parties are responsible for coltan smuggling, and how are they involved in the civil war (to what advantage)?

Advanced Composition42

Clearly, addressing all of those aspects of the coltan issue would be unmanageable within the limits of a relatively brief research paper. You’ll need to create a working thesis that helps you narrow your topic. Reviewing all of your questions, you decide to concentrate on the environmental issue. You write, “Regional conflicts in Africa are threatening the last habitat of the rare Eastern Lowland Gorilla.”

To develop this thesis, you have to confine yourself to sum- marizing the coltan issue while focusing on the Eastern Lowland Gorilla and its threatened habitat. Now you need new research questions for your narrowed topic. They might include

n What’s the Eastern Lowland Gorilla’s habitat like?

n How is the mining affecting it?

n How long has the habitat destruction been going on?

n Can the damage be reversed?

n How else can the gorillas be protected?

Lesson 2 43

Self-Check 6 Use this background material to complete the self-check. Keep your answers in a self-

check file or a separate notebook.

n According to Queensland’s Environmental Protection Agency, more than 90 percent of the

species that have existed on Earth are now extinct.

n Natural habitats and particular species have been affected by human activity, sometimes lead-

ing to the extinction of a species (bison, mountain lions, and gray wolves are nearly wiped


n Over millions of years, many species died out when they couldn’t adapt to an environment

altered by climate change.

n Natural selection is the process by which species develop traits favorable to survival within a

particular habitat.

1. Review the material about using questioning to explore your topic from different perspectives

under “Try Prewriting” on pages 563–564. Narrow the topic “extinction of animal species” by

listing one or more questions each from the perspective of biology, geology, history, and


2. After reviewing the material on pages 564–565, create a working thesis and at least three

research questions to address one of the perspectives further.

Check your answers with those on page 183.

Advanced Composition44

ASSIGNMENT 7: CONSIDERING SOURCE TYPES AND EVALUATING SOURCES Read the following assignment. Then read pages 565–573 in your textbook. Be sure to complete the self-check to gauge your progress.

Introduction Before you begin your search for sources, make sure you have a copy of your working thesis and your research ques- tions in front of you. Refer to it each time you locate a potential source, and make sure it’s relevant to your topic before you print or copy any articles or borrow any books. While you may not want to take time to thoroughly read each piece, at least look in a book’s index or table of contents to see if your topic is covered and scan any item you believe you need. The information you find might be a repetition of some- thing you already have, it may be out of date, or it may be too general for your needs. Select only those sources that you’re likely to use before closely reading the source.

An Internet search engine may be your favorite place to find information quickly, but don’t depend too heavily on the arti- cles you find there. A lot of the best, in-depth information for a research paper is found only in print sources. Make sure you consult your library’s “search engine”—the reference librarian. He or she can show you where to find excellent sources online as well as in print. Make a point of choosing at least a few print sources, particularly when you need primary sources.

The school’s library

provides access to

many print sources

online through the

Expanded Academic

ASAP periodical data-

base. Use the library

link from your home-

page at the school’s



Virtual Library

Lesson 2 45

Reading Highlights

Pages 565–569

The sources you select for your research will fall into two distinct categories. Primary sources come “from the horse’s mouth.” That is, the information is available in a first-person document or recording, rather than a quote or interpretation by another person. Such sources are considered extremely reliable. Primary sources include letters, novels, speeches, diaries, the writings of scientists and philosophers, and many other types of text or records. It may be a personal account of a battle or an interview with a celebrity.

The following are some examples of primary sources:

n A letter from James Madison to his wife Dolley

n Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address

n Nineteen Eighty-Four, a novel by George Orwell

n A diary kept by a soldier during the Korean War

n The poetry of Emily Dickinson

n A radio broadcast from a reporter observing the destruc- tion of the Hindenburg

n Albert Einstein’s published papers on the special theory of relativity

Secondary sources either support or comment on primary sources. They may serve your purpose better than primary sources if you’re looking for authority to back up an argu- ment. If an original manuscript of a play is the primary source, then a critical essay discussing the work is the sec- ondary source. An author interested in the life of Samuel Adams would consult as many primary sources (actual writ- ings by Adams himself) as he or she could before writing a biography of Adams. If you used the resulting biography as a source for your paper, that would be a secondary source. The author may have quoted the primary sources and collected facts from them, but he or she also went on to interpret and draw conclusions from the material.

Advanced Composition46

Even when using primary sources, you must be careful of translations. For example, Plato’s dialogues have been trans- lated differently by different scholars; Emily Dickinson’s poems were arbitrarily edited in early editions. You may have to do further research to determine the professional reputa- tion of the translator or editor. Also be careful with websites; it’s often difficult to verify the credentials of a website’s author(s).

The following are examples of secondary sources:

n Ken Burns’ documentary, The Civil War

n An Encyclopedia Britannica article on Freud’s theories

n Rome: The Biography of a City by Christopher Hibbert

Sources can also be categorized by type. Scholarly sources, for example, include articles and books written by academics and scientific researchers. Reference works are compilations of facts, data, and other sorts of information, among which can be considered encyclopedias, dictionaries and the- sauruses. Popular sources encompass a wide range of materials, such as newspapers, magazines, and general interest works of nonfiction. Table 22.1 on page 568 offers a handy comparison between scholarly journals and popular sources.

Page 569

When is a source relevant? Use common sense. If the source helps you answer one of your research questions, it’s rele- vant. But remember to consider your audience, your thesis, and the timeliness of your source.

Your audience and your purpose—the way you intend to develop your thesis—will affect the sources and information you choose to review and to include in your paper. Suppose you’re looking at the pros and cons of DNA testing in crime investigations. A scientific work in population genetics might be too technical for your audience. A mainstream magazine article on how DNA testing is used in novels or television pro- grams may be biased and misleading. Your most relevant sources will be articles from law enforcement agencies or civil rights organizations that focus on this issue.

Lesson 2 47

Also remember that the world changes quickly, particularly in respect to technology. When evaluating a source, you may find that it’s simply out of date. On the other hand, older sources may be helpful if you’re researching the historical background of an issue.

Pages 570–571

How can you decide if a source is reliable? Your text offers you four guidelines. In general, scholarly sources are more factual and balanced than general-interest sources. Some news sources are considered reliable—the New York Times has a better reputation than a supermarket tabloid, and a website that ends in .edu is more reliable than a blog. A good source names the author, so you can check his or her cre- dentials. But even among scientists and scholars, judgments and opinions differ. You may have to check facts and other opinions to tell whether an article is biased, but be aware of your own biases, too.

The techniques for evaluating Internet sources aren’t much different from those used for evaluating print sources. The main difference is that the accuracy, purpose, and timeliness of Internet sources can be somewhat difficult to evaluate. If you can’t verify a fact or a site’s credibility, it’s best not to use it.

Pages 571–573

When reviewing sources for a research paper, you’ll need to examine them critically, using many of the same techniques for analyzing writing that you reviewed in Lesson 1. For example, you’ll need to distinguish between fact and opinion and examine the source author’s use of language. Look for generalizations, assumptions, and omissions, and scrutinize the material for signs of bias, which may not be immediately apparent.

Before moving on to Lesson 3, please complete the examina- tion for Lesson 2.

Advanced Composition48

Self-Check 7 1. Write a brief paragraph differentiating primary and secondary sources, and give one example

of each. Then, in a second paragraph, describe the advantages and disadvantages of second-

ary sources.

2. In a paragraph, explain the difference between relevant and reliable sources to support the

thesis of a research paper or essay. Use examples to support your ideas.

3. List three questions you could use to evaluate the accuracy of an Internet source.

4. Which of the following will probably contain the most objective data?

a. A report with charts documenting hourly wage rates by an occupational group

b. A memoir about working in a coal mine

c. An editorial in the Washington Post

d. A letter rebutting an article in a medical journal

5. You may consider an article from an Internet source reliable if the article

a. first appeared in a print source or publication.

b. contains the author’s name and the publication date.

c. provides documented information.

d. is published by a national association.

6. Label each of the following statements as fact (F), opinion (O), or expert opinion (EO).

a. A Gallup poll indicated that 60 percent of respondents agree that it’s better to marry

someone who shares similar interests.

b. According to Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University, there are at least eight different

kinds of intelligence.

c. The Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee offer unsurpassed opportunities for landscape


d. The attention span of adults is about 20 minutes.

e. Denver, the so-called Mile-High City, is the site of a U.S. government mint.


Lesson 2 49

Self-Check 7 7. Label each of the following as fact (F) or generalization (G). Explain your choice, and indicate

what kind of support or documentation would be necessary for you to evaluate each state-

ment’s accuracy.

a. Most people who live in San Francisco hold far-left political views.

b. Jupiter’s atmosphere is rich in methane.

c. People in many nations opposed the invasion of Iraq.

d. The average summer temperature in Seattle is 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

8. In one or two short paragraphs, identify and explain what assumption or assumptions you find

in the following paragraph.

I love man as my fellow; but his scepter, real or usurped, extends not to me, unless the rea-

son of an individual demands my homage; and even then the submission is to reason, and not

to man. In fact, the conduct of an accountable being must be regulated by the operations of

its own reason; or on what foundation rests the throne of God?

—Mary Wollstonecraft (1759–1797), excerpt from A Vindication of the Rights of Women

(Second Revised Edition, 1792)

Check your answers with those on page 184.

Advanced Composition50



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Lesson 3: Finding Sources, Taking Notes, and Synthesizing

INTRODUCTION Many students have been trained to think that the first thing they need to do when they have a research assignment is to visit libraries, log onto the Internet, or interview other people in search of information. But you yourself are an important source of information—in fact, you should be the first source of ideas for your research project. No matter what subject or topic you’re researching, you probably have some knowledge or ideas about it. That’s why we covered the various ways to generate ideas, consider different perspectives from which to view topics, and develop research questions—all before you looked for any source material.

This lesson guides you through the next phase of the process—locating, choosing, and using sources to develop and support your narrowed topic (your working thesis). We begin at the library, a resource often neglected today because Google searches are so easy. For an academic research paper, however, the library is your most essential tool and should act as the starting point for your search process. Use your local library (and, in particular, the reference librarian) as well as virtual libraries, such as the college’s library (click the Library Services link on your student page) or others including the following sites:

Internet Public Library: http://www.ipl.org

The WWW Virtual Library: http://vlib.org

Advanced Composition52

ASSIGNMENT 8: USING LIBRARY SOURCES Read the following assignment. Then read pages 575–581 in your textbook. Be sure to complete the self-check to gauge your progress.

Reading Highlights

Pages 575–577

The best way to learn your way around a library is to take an actual tour of the library. Ask for a map or floor plan at the circu- lation desk. Take some time to look around. Locate the stacks, the periodical section, and the microfiche and microfilm resources. Talk to the reference librarians about the types of resources they offer. Ask about the library’s website and how to link to the library catalog or databases to which the library subscribes. You might even take a tour of the library’s website. Figure 23.2 shows an example of a university library home page.

Be sure to study Figure 23.1 on page 575. It will guide you through the steps involved in researching your topic.

Carefully study the material under “An Overview of Library Sources.” Refer to it often as you learn to locate useful library sources.


When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to

n Use keywords, library catalogs, databases, and periodical

indexes to locate sources in the library

n Locate and evaluate sources on the Internet

n Take effective notes from sources

n Explain techniques for gathering citation information

n Correctly paraphrase information taken from sources

n Properly incorporate direct quotations

n Explain how to synthesize information from sources

n Discuss approaches to field research

Lesson 3 53

Pages 578–579

Quite often, library resources such as catalogs and journals are located on databases. To search efficiently, remember to use keywords to access information in a database of any kind. Suppose you enter the word “Napoleon” into a com- puter linked to a database and click Go or Search. The keyword will bring up a list of resources that contain the word “Napoleon”—probably hundreds or thousands of them. If you’ve already narrowed your topic, add the area of your focus, such as “unification” or “Napoleonic Code,” to limit the number of sources to those most likely to be useful. Each database links keywords to subject matter in different ways; your reading will help you understand some of those differences.

In general, keywords are words or phrases related to your topic. If you’ve used search engines like Google or Yahoo, you’re already familiar with the concept. You’ll need to keep in mind that library resource databases often categorize information under subject headings. The issue here for a researcher is the fact that subject headings, like substance abuse or financial services, may be quite distant from key- words you might use to look for information on an Internet search engine. When information is arranged under subject headings, you might want to use a strategy suggested in your text. For example, if your topic is the causes of residential segregation, you could look enter key words or subject head- ings like urban racial segregation, mortgage red-lining, or urban renewal.

When searching databases for topics or sources, it helps to be famil-

iar with Boolean operators. Boolean searches use words like and,

not, and or to limit or expand search results to focus or broaden your

search. Reference librarians are experts in the use of Boolean opera-

tors, so ask them to show you how it’s done.

Advanced Composition54

Pages 579–581

You can use a library catalog to locate books and, in many cases, periodicals, newspapers, government documents, and electronic sources (websites). The illustrations in Figures 23.3 and 23.4 on pages 580 and 581 of your textbook show sam- ple search pages and search results. However, your library’s format and procedures for accessing the library’s catalog may differ. Check the menus on the monitor screen to help you get started, but always ask for help if you don’t know how to begin or can’t find what you want on the menus.

Libraries may subscribe to both general and specialized data- bases. The former, such as Academic Search Complete, offers access to the full text of thousands of articles on a wide range of subjects. You have access to several databases through the Library Services link on your student portal. Specialized periodical indexes and abstracts generally list technical and academic articles within a specific academic discipline, such as art history, biology, or education.

Entries are usually accompanied by an abstract, which pro- vides a useful summary of the article along with other pertinent information. Full-text articles may be directly accessed if they’re offered in HTML. Articles in PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar programs to view or print the material. Make sure you have this free download on your computer.

Reference books include general-interest encyclopedias, spe- cialized encyclopedias, dictionaries, specialized dictionaries, atlases, and almanacs. If you want to look up a fact, read a concise discussion of the history of a topic, or find basic background information, use a reference book. In addition to reference books for the general reader, specialized reference books offer more academic and detailed discussions.

Lesson 3 55

Self-Check 8 1. Access http://www.vt.edu/ and study the homepage. Then answer these


a. Where are Virginia Tech Extended Campus facilities located?

b. Click the Libraries link at the top of the page (there’s another one at the bottom of the

page, as well). This will take you to a slightly different page, on which you’ll find a search

box. Click the Addison tab. Select “Author” from the Keyword drop-down menu. Then

enter “Freud, Sigmund” and click Search. You’ll open a list of sources for Sigmund Freud.

Scroll down to the book Civilization and Its Discontents. Where is it located in the Newman

Library? What is this book’s call number? Who translated and edited this work, and who

was the publisher?

c. Click on the link for this entry. Explore the information available in this area. What are

the subject categories for this book?

Check your answers with those on page 186.

Advanced Composition56

ASSIGNMENT 9: INTERNET RESEARCH AND FIELD RESEARCH Read the following assignment. Then read pages 581–586 in Chapter 22 of your textbook. Be sure to complete the self- check to gauge your progress.

Introduction Electronic media have radically transformed the way people transmit, store, and access information. You’re probably familiar with the Internet and sites like Twitter and YouTube. However, this assignment will show you how to locate Internet sources you can use to write a serious essay or a research report. Internet sources include listservs, news- groups, and the web. While much of this material may sound familiar, reading it can help you understand more about the Internet and how to find your way around.

Reading Highlights

Pages 581–583

The Web was originally designed to allow scientists and aca- demics to share information. Today, the Web links millions of websites across the globe and facilitates quick communication, commerce, and information access. Websites are accessed through online web browsers, such as Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome. Each website is identified by a uniform resource locator (URL) with three parts.


1 2 3

Part 1, http, stands for hypertext transfer protocol and will be a part of most Web addresses. Part 2 identifies the server where the website is hosted. Opening it should lead to a site’s homepage. Part 3 identifies a cyber-path to the location of a particular web page.

Countries have exten-

sions, such as .uk for

the United Kingdom

and .jp for Japan. For

some purposes, the

website’s country of

origin may be a factor

in how useful it is.

Lesson 3 57

Part 2 is the key element to examine. It identifies the server where the site’s information is stored and explains extensions— the tag that identifies the type of entity publishing the site. For research purposes, .edu and .gov are usually the most reliable, although reputable news, medical, and business organizations may have a different tag, such as .org or .com. You must be more careful with those, because some may contain seriously slanted information. If you access them, read the content care- fully and critically to determine their worth to your topic.

Be sure to note the list of search engines on page 582, along with handy tips on how to use keywords. Keep in mind that dif- ferent search engines often provide different responses to key words. For that reason, it may make sense to check out key- word responses on more than one search engine.

Locating useful Internet sources demands care and good judg- ment. Because some of the material on the Web is inaccurate, biased, invented, or merely entertaining, you must make an effort to identify authoritative websites. When you find good sites, you can bookmark them, but remember to keep a sepa- rate list of the sites from which you copied or printed information for your in-text citations and works-cited page. Review the lists of news sites and government document sites on pages 582–583, which can be handy starting points for research.

Page 583

Listservs and newsgroups connect groups of people through particular servers. College listservs, for example, may inform faculty members of the Biochemistry Department about upcoming events, grade deadlines, and so on. Newsgroups may serve as discussion forums among people, such as the editorial staff of a daily newspaper or the sales representa- tives of a company or industry.

Pages 584–586

For many writers, field research yields results that can’t be found in published sources. This section examines the proper techniques of three forms of field research: interviews, surveys, and direct field observation.

Advanced Composition58

Self-Check 9 Questions 1–7: Indicate whether the questions are true or false.

1. An article in Reader’s Digest on carpal tunnel syndrome, written by a chef who has the ail-

ment, is an accurate source for a paper on carpal tunnel.

2. Information found on a .gov website is likely to be accurate.

3. Any information published on the Web undergoes a stringent review process.

4. A website called http://members.aol.com/~sstevens/mywebsite.html is probably not a reli-

able source for factual information.

5. All information found on the Web has an author listed.

6. An article by the National Rifle Association on the importance of gun ownership will proba-

bly present all sides of the issue.

7. A book written in 1988 discussing demographics in China is likely to be the most appropri-

ate source for a paper on the 2003 SARS disease outbreak.

To answer the following questions, imagine that you’ve been assigned an art history paper

on female artists in history, and you chose Artemisia Gentileschi, born in Rome in 1593. To

learn more about Artemisia, choose a search engine and type in her name. Explore at least

three websites that are, in your judgment, reliable for this assignment. Look for both biog-

raphical information and examples of her work, and then answer the following questions.

8. Who was Artemisia’s first art teacher?

9. What was the name of her first dated and signed painting?

10. What event scarred her life when she was 19 years old?

11. Which of her paintings is considered a reaction to that event?

12. Other than Orazio, which baroque artist’s influence is seen in Artemisia’s work?

13. What criteria did you use to choose reliable websites?

Check your answers with those on page 186.

Lesson 3 59

ASSIGNMENT 10: WORKING WITH SOURCES Read the following assignment. Then read pages 586–596 in Chapter 22 of your textbook. Be sure to complete the self- check to gauge your progress.

Introduction In this section, you’ll study techniques for gathering citation information from sources, taking notes, paraphrasing, recording direct quotations, evaluating and synthesizing your sources, and writing an annotated bibliography. You’ll also learn what constitutes plagiarism and how to use sources ethically and responsibly. Learning the art of correct para- phrasing and the procedures for using a direct quotation are crucial to writing a research report or a thoughtful essay, so make careful notes on these procedures.

Reading Highlights

Pages 586–587

Extracting information from sources must be systematic. Some people prefer using index cards (see Figure 23.5 on page 587 for an example). Others create computer files organized for taking notes, writing out quotations, and making comments. Still others may take advantage of computer-based citation (or reference managers). Keep in mind that the advan- tage of note cards is that you can arrange them according to the points you wish to make, and they can be easily rearranged if you find something new and worthwhile toward the end of your search for information. But whichever method you choose, be sure to mark each page with its source, both for citation purposes and in case you have to revisit the material for additional information.

Another possibility is printing or photocopying material and then underlining and writing margin notes directly on the copies. Annotations are an important step toward being able to synthesize sources and draw conclusions of your own

Advanced Composition60

about your topic. In many ways, a personal comment is a type of freewriting. When a bit of information captures your attention, you need to write down the connection to your nar- rowed topic and your thoughts while they’re fresh. Finally, such annotation helps you put your ideas together as you go, thereby providing a great deal of the writing needed for your paper. Just be sure you keep careful track of which ideas and information come from sources and which are your own personal comments.

Page 588

When you take information from sources, you’ll note it in one of the following ways, each of which must include correct documentation of the source:

n Direct quote

n Summary

n Paraphrase

n Combination of quote with summary or paraphrase

Pages 588–589

In business and professional research projects, it’s often the job of the researcher to read through a source, or a number of sources, and summarize the findings for a CEO or other individual. That person depends on the researcher to accu- rately convey the essence of the information—but not waste time by presenting more than what’s necessary. The same principle applies to the summarizing notes for the research papers you’ll write.

Although summary notes convey the same information as the source you’re working with, it shortens or condenses the wording, sometimes drastically. It restates, in just a few sen- tences, the ideas that are contained in a paragraph, a few paragraphs, or even several pages. For instance, you might need to summarize background information so your reader has an understanding of the context of an issue you’re reporting on or give some history to clarify a problem you’ve

Lesson 3 61

uncovered. The following are the six basic steps to take as you read through several pages of a source you want to summarize:

1. Underline the main ideas or key facts related to your purpose.

2. Cross out details and facts that aren’t important to your purpose.

3. Scan through what you’ve underlined from beginning to end and then set the source aside.

4. Write down the main ideas in your own words without looking at the source.

5. Scan the underlined material again to verify the facts you’ve included in your summary.

6. Condense the main ideas into one sentence or a few sentences, depending on how much of the information you need for your research project.

Carefully study the five guidelines for writing summary notes offered on page 588 in your textbook, and bookmark the page for future reference. Also remember that even though your summary notes are written in your words, you must cite the source if you use all or part of a summary from your notes when writing your paper. In the next lesson, you’ll learn dif- ferent ways to integrate each of the note-taking methods into your actual paper. For now, include careful, detailed source information for any note that you make when researching.

Pages 589–591

As with summaries, paraphrasing restates an author’s ideas in your own words. Whereas a summary greatly condenses the facts and ideas, a paraphrase keeps the same basic order of information. Paraphrases are useful for many reasons. As a student, if you can read a passage and put it into your own words, then you can be sure you understand that passage. Being able to write a good paraphrase also shows that you grasp the material well enough to translate the ideas into your own words. As a writer, paraphrasing helps you avoid using too many direct quotes and encourages you to phrase the information in your own individual writing style. Finally,

Advanced Composition62

since most sources use language that’s not distinctive enough to quote directly, paraphrases simply convey the information you need to cover.

Incorrect paraphrasing, when your own phrasing and sen- tence structure are too close to the author’s, is considered plagiarism, a subject that will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 24. To avoid plagiarizing, set the source aside and work completely from what you remember of the passage, writing as if you were explaining the main idea to someone. Plagiarism often occurs when you haven’t taken enough time to understand the material. If you find yourself doing any of the following, you’re in danger of plagiarizing while trying to paraphrase:

n Going back and forth between a source and your writing

n Using a thesaurus to insert a different word here or there within a sentence

n Changing the form of the words, such as a verb to a noun (“clarify” to “clarification”)

n Putting the same words in different order

A direct quote is simply a unique phrase or sentence that you copy directly from the source, word for word. You indicate a direct quote by using quotation marks around the phrase, sentence, or sentences that you’ve taken from the source, along with the source citation—which often consists of the page number of the source in parentheses. If you’re including a direct quote within you own sentence, the citation is usually placed in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Use this style of punctuation not only in your paper, but also as you take notes, so you don’t inadvertently plagiarize. If you didn’t use quotation marks, you could mistake a quote for a sum- mary you wrote yourself. Even with the citation information, you would have committed plagiarism, because you didn’t indicate that you were using the author’s exact wording.

For further practice on writing paraphrases, visit the

Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) at


Lesson 3 63

A quote must exactly reproduce the author’s words, including spelling and punctuation, even if they’re outdated or incor- rect. As you record a quotation in your notes, don’t delete any words or change any word forms, even if you don’t think you’ll use that part of the quote or know you’ll have to change a present tense verb to a past tense. Instead, record it exactly, so you have the complete, accurate quotation before you when you’re ready to include it in your paper. Techniques for adjusting quotations to fit your sentence will be discussed in Chapter 24.

Pages 591–592

As you go through your research, it’s imperative to keep a detailed record of all the information you need in order to accurately cite your source. Figure 23.6 on page 592 offers a sample worksheet that simplifies the task of keeping track of your sources for further research or proper citation.

Pages 592–595

Researching your working thesis often unearths additional relevant sources. What’s more, you may discover information that affects how you planned to develop your working thesis. If you’re making personal comments or annotations while researching, you’re better able to determine if you’re getting sidetracked or need to revise your thesis. Modify your work- ing thesis as you go to save time and avoid disappointment. Throw away ideas for which you aren’t finding support, or adjust your direction based on a surprising discovery.

For example, say your working thesis is that a woman raised in a family where the head of the household is a professional in a given field is more likely to pursue a career in that field, but you then discover credible information from more than one source that indicates the impact of parent or guardian occupation doesn’t affect a woman in terms of career choice, but it does have an impact on overall grades at the high school and college levels, regardless of career goal. Your revised thesis might say that a woman raised with a parental figure who is a professional in his or her field is more likely to get good grades and pursue a career as a professional in a

Advanced Composition64

field of her choice. Making such decisions and changes as you go also helps you group similar ideas and details from different sources, thereby accomplishing the first steps in sorting and synthesizing your information. Use the exploratory questions on page 593 to guide you in revising your working thesis both while you’re researching and as you prepare to draft your paper.

You can begin arranging your ideas by choosing categories from among your sources, as shown on pages 593. A graphic organizer, such as the one in Figure 23.7 on page 595, is also a useful tool for grouping your sources. A list of pros and cons is a third way to organize ideas, which is especially use- ful for arguments or a compare-and-contrast approach.

Note: It’s sometimes useful to use more than one approach to the process of synthesis.

Pages 595–596

Occasionally, instructors may ask you to provide an anno- tated bibliography for a research paper. In such cases, in addition to providing the relevant publication information, you’ll follow each citation with a brief summary of each source. You can see a sample of an annotated bibliography on page 596.

Before moving on to Lesson 4, please complete the examina- tion for Lesson 3.

Lesson 3 65

Self-Check 10 Questions 1–4: Read the sample source, in which the underlined passages indicate quota-

tions to be used in the exercises. The sentences have been numbered to identify them. The

material appears on page 12 of the source. Once you finish reading, complete each of the

sentences, inserting the appropriate quote from the sample source. Be sure to use the

proper form and punctuation for in-text citations.

(1) I love man as my fellow; but his scepter, real or usurped, extends not to me, unless the rea-

son of an individual demands my homage; and even then the submission is to reason, and not

to man. (2) In fact, the conduct of an accountable being must be regulated by the operations

of its own reason; or on what foundation rests the throne of God?

(3) It appears to me necessary to dwell on these obvious truths, because females have been

insulated, as it were; and, while they have been stripped of the virtues that should clothe

humanity, they have been decked out with artificial graces that enable them to exercise a

short-lived tyranny. (4) Love, in their bosoms, taking place of every nobler passion, their sole

ambition to be fair, to raise emotion instead of inspiring respect; and this ignoble desire, like

the servility in absolute monarchies, destroys all strength of character. (5) Liberty is the

mother of virtue, and if women be, by their very constitution, slaves, and not allowed to

breathe the sharp invigorating air of freedom, they must ever languish exotics, and be reck-

oned beautiful flaws in nature.

—Mary Wollstonecraft (1759–1797), excerpt from A Vindication of the Rights of Women

(Second Revised Edition, 1792)

1. (Sentence 1) Wollstonecraft asserts that while she loves her fellow man

__________________________________ has no sway over her.

2. (Sentence 3) The author argues that people’s capacity to guide their lives through reason

is among ________________________________.

3. (Sentence 3) It’s in that context that she deplores the narrow restrictions of women’s pre-

scribed social roles, proclaiming that women are ________________________ designed to

attract, manipulate, and ____________________________ over the men in their lives.

4. (Sentence 5): Declaring that ___________________, Wollstonecraft argues that if women

are _________________, then they’re precluded from ever inhaling the



Advanced Composition66

Self-Check 10 Read the following passage carefully. Then write three research questions to begin your

search for material for an essay based on some aspect of the events described in the para-


In Britain, the July election of 1945 drove the Conservative party from power. It seems the

Brits had had their fill of “blood, toil, tears, and sweat.” Churchill resigned as Prime Minister

and became leader of the opposition. In the spring of 1946, Sir Winston traveled to Fulton,

Missouri to deliver a speech in the auditorium at Westminster College. In his address, he

warned that an “iron curtain” had fallen across Europe. He argued that the English-speaking

peoples had a common bond that would unite them in common defense against the looming

threat of the Soviet Union under Stalin. Indeed, his speech provided a narrative that would

shape the views of an entire generation. That was no mean feat. The state of the world was

by no means clear in the spring of 1946. Europe’s economy was mainly rubble and ashes.

Even as George Catlett Marshall prepared a plan to restore Europe’s economy, Stalin’s Soviet

Union was showing its colors and defining its intent. After so much blood and horror, another

kind of darkness rose across Eastern Europe. Just as, in March of 1942, it was not at all clear

how the war would turn out, in the spring of 1946, it was not at all clear what direction the

world would take.

5. ________________________________________________________




Check your answers with those on page 186.

Lesson 4: Drafting, Revising, and Formatting a Research Project

INTRODUCTION In this section, you’ll learn how to actually write your research paper. Once you've selected and narrowed your topic, prepared your thesis statement, and collected and organized your notes, it's time to write the first draft. If the first steps are completed properly, the writing should be fairly straightforward. You arrange your notes according to the pattern of development you’ve chosen and begin writing.

As you present your ideas, you may generate more questions requiring some additional research or find a gap in your logic, but you can easily fix these problems at this stage. Once you’re satisfied with your draft, you can edit and proofread to correct any technical errors.


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When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to

n Explain how to select a thesis topic

n Develop an effective thesis statement

n Provide effective support for your thesis statement

n Organize the first draft of a research paper

n Integrate sources into an essay or research paper

n Use formatting, editing, and proofreading techniques to revise

your work

n Describe the MLA style for in-text citations and a Works Cited


Advanced Composition68

ASSIGNMENT 11: ORGANIZING YOUR RESEARCH PROJECT AND AVOIDING PLAGIARISM Read the following assignment. Then read pages 598–603 in Chapter 23 of your textbook. Be sure to complete the self- check to gauge your progress.

INTRODUCTION You know how to select a topic and complete your research. Now you’re ready to see how everything comes together into a first draft. The better job you do of organizing your notes and sources, the easier it is to put them together into an essay or research paper. In this assignment, you’ll review effective techniques for sorting out your research and developing your ideas as you work on your first draft.


Pages 600–601

Before you start drafting a research project, you need to think about how to organize it. In other courses—English Composition or another English course—you probably stud- ied patterns of development, so you have some idea of how to choose a pattern that suits your thesis and your audience. You’ve defined the assignment and gone through the process of collecting and synthesizing sources. The next step is to arrange your notes according to the categories and subcate- gories you identified while evaluating and synthesizing your sources. The illustration on page 601 lists several possibili- ties, depending on the method you used to document your sources. Finally, you’ll need to create an outline or a graphic organizer to arrange your ideas and reference the sources you’ll use in your project.

Lesson 4 69

Pages 601–603

Lesson 3 introduced the important distinction between para- phrasing and plagiarism. This section examines the issue in further detail, explaining the difference between accidental and deliberate plagiarism. Either type of plagiarism carries heavy sanctions, which may include failure of the course, expulsion from the institution, or, in some cases, legal action. It’s simply unacceptable to copy someone else’s work and try to pass it off as your own. The box at the bottom of page 602 spells out the criteria for determining whether or not material has been plagiarized. Notice that simply omitting quotation marks from an attributed direct quote is a form of plagiarism. Page 603 contains a list of steps you can take to avoid plagia- rism, as well as a general guideline for deeming what to document.

TIP: Table 24.1 on page 604 offers a brief summary of examples that

can help you determine whether or not to document certain types of


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