Dr. Pradeep Nair
Introduction to Computer Engineering
P.S. Nair
Engineering involves the application of science and math principles to solve problems subject to constraints such as cost and practicality
Engineering consists of the synthesis or design of a desired
product or outcome using available resources Design and analysis using scientific and mathematical
principles are important aspects of engineering
Computer Engineering
P.S. Nair
Computer engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with the design, analysis, performance estimation, application, verification, testing and synthesis of computer systems
Computer systems come in different shapes and sizes: desktop
computers, laptop computers, super-computers, embedded computers
Embedded computers are almost ubiquitous – they are present
in microwave ovens, TVs, cars, air-conditioners, smart-phones and many other things – even though we may not notice them readily
Computer Engineering – cont’d
P.S. Nair
Computer engineering involves two aspects: computer hardware and computer software
Traditionally, the emphasis in basic computer engineering tends to be slightly more on the hardware aspects although a deep knowledge of both hardware and software is required to design efficient computer systems
Software-related aspects find more emphasis in computer science
Computer hardware includes the physical components of the computer and its design involves the application of electronics principles
Computer software involves the utilization of algorithms and programming languages to create system software and applications (apps) that run on the computer hardware and perform desired tasks
Common Computer Engineering Job Titles
P.S. Nair
Performance engineer Design engineer Applications engineer Verification engineer Validation engineer Circuit design engineer Systems architect
Computer Engineering Specialties
P.S. Nair
Computer Architecture Hardware system design Design verification Design validation Design for testability VLSI circuit design Cryptography Image processing Embedded systems design Firmware design Operating systems design CAD tool design
Computer Engineering Program at CSUF
P.S. Nair
The Computer Engineering Program at CSUF currently offers the following degree programs:
B.S. degree in Computer Engineering 4-year integrated BS/MS in Computer Engineering MS degree in Computer Engineering
The Computer Engineering (CpE) B.S. curriculum is a blend of hardware
and software courses, in addition to science, math and GE courses The emphasis on hardware is more as compared to software Total units required for graduation for the B.S. degree: 120 General education courses (unduplicated): 24 units Foundation math and science courses: 31 units Required core courses: 56 units Technical electives: 9 units
Computer Engineering Core Courses
P.S. Nair
The core courses for the B.S. degree program in CpE is focused on achieving the right blend of knowledge in hardware systems, software and electronics
Consequently, the core courses are drawn from three sources –
Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The list of core courses includes a Multidisciplinary Project in
the senior year. This is a team project and usually involves the design and implementation of a solution using knowledge from more than one discipline
Computer Engineering Program: Subject Areas
P.S. Nair
Digital Systems Computer Architecture Signals and Systems Electronics Microcontrollers Embedded Systems Operating systems Hardware and software-related technical elective areas
Computer Engineering Program: Facilities
P.S. Nair
FPGA and Digital Electronics Lab VLSI Lab Microcomputer Lab ECS Open computing labs Library
Computer Engineering Program: Opportunities
P.S. Nair
Scholarships Book-awards Student-assistant positions Internship opportunities Networking opportunities with industry Networking opportunities with local community Opportunities to participate in professional organizations such
as the IEEE Computer Society
Career Options after Graduation Computer Industry Entertainment Industry Sports Industry Government Military Graduate school, followed by a career in academia/
industry/government/military P.S. Nair
Examples of Computer Engineering Designs
Computer Engineering Labs
P.S. Nair
Open Computing Lab VLSI Lab Microcontroller Lab FPGA and Digital Electronics Lab
Computer Engineering – Student Services
P.S. Nair
CpE major advising by CpE faculty Advising by ECS retention specialists GE advising at Academic Advisement Center CSUF Career Center
Computer Engineering One of the Top-Paid Majors
Mean wages of Engineers and Computer Scientists Mean wages (as of May 2013) Aerospace Engineers – $105,450 Biomedical Engineers – $93,960 Chemical Engineers – $104,340 Civil Engineers – $85,640 Computer Hardware Engineers – $106,930 Computer Programmers – $80,930 Database Administrator – $80,740 Electrical Engineers – $93,380 Electronics Engineers (except computer) – $97,870 Environmental Engineers – $85,520 Materials Engineers – $89,930 Mechanical Engineers – $85,930 Network and Computer Systems Administrator – $77,910 Nuclear Engineers – $106,860 Petroleum Engineers – $149,180 Software Developers (applications) – $96,260 Software Developers (system software) – $104,480 Web Developers – $67,540
Source: Occupational Employment and Wages – May 2013, Bureau of Labor Statistics (Release date: April 1, 2014). Available at: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/ocwage.pdf
Introduction to Computer Engineering
�Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering – cont’d
Common Computer Engineering Job Titles
Computer Engineering Specialties
Computer Engineering Program at CSUF
Computer Engineering Core Courses
Computer Engineering Program: Subject Areas
Computer Engineering Program: Facilities
Computer Engineering Program: Opportunities
Career Options after Graduation
Slide Number 13
Computer Engineering Labs
Computer Engineering – Student Services
Slide Number 16
Mean wages of Engineers and Computer Scientists