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29/11/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

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4.0.0 edu.kings.cs480 BluePrints war BluePrints http://maven.apache.org edu.kings.cs480.BluePrints.BluePrintsMain UTF-8 1.8 org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-parent 1.5.9.RELEASE org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-tomcat provided org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-data-jpa org.apache.tomcat.embed tomcat-embed-jasper provided com.unboundid unboundid-ldapsdk org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-freemarker org.webjars bootstrap 4.0.0-beta.3 org.webjars.bower popper.js 1.12.9 org.json json org.postgresql postgresql org.webjars datatables 1.10.16 runtime org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-log4j2 org.apache.logging.log4j log4j-slf4j-impl com.h2database h2 runtime javax.xml.bind jaxb-api runtime 2.3.0 org.webjars jquery 3.0.0 runtime org.springframework.boot spring-boot-maven-plugin 1.0
Source Code Citations: Author(s): Martin Konicek and Maarten Bodewes Date: 4/18/18 Title: Password Version: 06-14-2012 Type: Source Code Web Site: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2860943/how-can-i-hash-a-password-in-java?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa

package edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . ActiveDirectory ;

import javax . naming . NamingException ;
import javax . naming . directory . Attributes ;

* This class represents a user from the Active Directory.
public class AuthenticatedUser {

/** Keeps track of the user's king's id. */
private String kingsid ;

/** Keeps track of the user's first name. */
private String firstName ;

/** Keeps track of the user's last name. */
private String lastName ;

/** Keeps track of the user's email address. */
private String email ;

* Creates a user with the provided information.
* @param attr
* - the set of attributes which contains information about this
* user.

protected AuthenticatedUser ( Attributes attr ) throws NamingException {

firstName = ( String ) attr . get ( "givenName" ). get ( 0 );
lastName = ( String ) attr . get ( "sn" ). get ( 0 );
kingsid = ( String ) attr . get ( "KingsID" ). get ( 0 );
email = ( String ) attr . get ( "mail" ). get ( 0 );


* Returns the user's first name.
* @return the user's first name.
public String getFirstName () {
return firstName ;

* Returns the user's last name.
* @return the user's last name.
public String getLastName () {
return lastName ;

* Returns the user's email.
* @return the user's email.
public String getEmail () {
return email ;

* Returns the user's king's id.
* @return the user's king's id.
public String getKingsId () {
return kingsid ;

package edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . ActiveDirectory ;

import java . util . Hashtable ;

import javax . naming . Context ;
import javax . naming . NamingEnumeration ;
import javax . naming . NamingException ;
import javax . naming . directory . Attribute ;
import javax . naming . directory . Attributes ;
import javax . naming . directory . SearchResult ;
import javax . naming . directory . SearchControls ;
import javax . naming . ldap . InitialLdapContext ;
import javax . naming . ldap . LdapContext ;

* AuthenticationService
* Provides an interface to authenticate against the King's Active Directory server.
public class AuthenticationService {

// the domain name to authenticate against.
private static String domain = "kings.edu" ;

* AuthenticationService()
private AuthenticationService () {

* authenticate
* Try to authenticate against active directory via ldap and return the status of the authentication.
* @param email The email to authenticate against.
* @param password The password associated with the email
* @return true if authentication was successful, otherwise false.
* @throws NamingException When communication or authentication fails against the domain controller.
public static LdapContext authenticate ( String email , String password ) throws NamingException {

// Define our properties of LDAP.
Hashtable < String , String > adProps = new Hashtable < String , String > ();
adProps . put ( Context . SECURITY_PRINCIPAL , email );
adProps . put ( Context . SECURITY_CREDENTIALS , password );
adProps . put ( Context . INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY , "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory" );
adProps . put ( Context . PROVIDER_URL , "ldap://" + domain );

// Try created a connection based on the above properties that we defined.
try {
return new InitialLdapContext ( adProps , null );
catch ( javax . naming . CommunicationException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ();
throw new NamingException ( "Failed to connect to " + domain );
catch ( NamingException e ) {
throw new NamingException ( "Failed to authenticate against " + domain );

* getUser
* Returns the user object based on the user from AD, otherwise return null.
* @param email The email to retrieve.
* @param context The context connection to the AD directory.
* @return A user if the user exists, otherwise return null.
public static AuthenticatedUser getUser ( String email , LdapContext context ) {

try {

String [] requestedAttrs = new String [] { "sn" , "givenName" , "KingsID" , "mail" , "userPrincipalName" };

// Setup a search control.
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls ();
// Limit our search, otherwise we will time out traversing the whole directory.
controls . setSearchScope ( javax . naming . directory . SearchControls . SUBTREE_SCOPE );
// Limit our attributes, AD has 100+ fields, we don't need all of them.
controls . setReturningAttributes ( requestedAttrs );
// Define our connection string, this format is required for LDAP.
// TODO: Refactor this.
NamingEnumeration < SearchResult > result = context . search ( "OU=User_New,DC=kings,DC=edu" , "(& (userPrincipalName=" + email + ")(objectClass=user))" , controls );
// Search our attributes until we come across one that matches the email we specified.
if ( result . hasMore ()) {
Attributes attr = result . next (). getAttributes ();
Attribute user = attr . get ( "userPrincipalName" );
if ( user != null ) return new AuthenticatedUser ( attr );
catch ( NamingException e ) {
// TODO: Handle this gracefully.
e . printStackTrace ();

return null ;

package edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Adapters ;

import java . util . List ;
import java . util . UUID ;

import org . springframework . beans . factory . annotation . Autowired ;
import org . springframework . stereotype . Service ;

import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . AppUser ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . AppUserRepository ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . Building ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . BuildingCoordinate ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . BuildingRepository ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . CoordinateRepository ;

* This class is responsible for handling method used in the Map Manager Page.
@ Service
public class BuildingAdapter {

/** Used to query data from the buildings table in the database. */
@ Autowired
private BuildingRepository buildingRepo ;

/** Handles calls to the database about the users in the BluePrints System. */
@ Autowired
private AppUserRepository userRepo ;

/** Handles calls to the database about the coordinate data for buildings. */
@ Autowired
private CoordinateRepository coordinateRepo ;

* Returns all the buildings stored in the system.
* @return all the buildings stored in the system.
public List < Building > getBuildings () {
return buildingRepo . findAll ();

* Returns the building with the corresponding id provided.
* @param buildingId
* - the id of the building being returned.
* @return the building corresponding to the provided id.
public Building getBuilding ( UUID buildingId ) {

Building building = null ;
building = buildingRepo . findOne ( buildingId );

return building ;

* Updates the building with corresponding id, with the information provided.
* @param buildingId
* - the id of the building being updated.
* @param buildingName
* - the new name of the building.
* @return whether, or not, the building was successfully updated.
public boolean updateBuilding ( UUID buildingId , String buildingName ) {

boolean updated = false ;

Building building = buildingRepo . findOne ( buildingId );

if ( building != null ) {

building . setName ( buildingName );
buildingRepo . save ( building );
updated = true ;

return updated ;

* Removes the building with the provided id from the system.
* @param buildingId
* - the id of the building being deleted.
* @return whether, or not, the building was successfully removed.
public boolean deleteBuilding ( UUID buildingId ) {
boolean deleted = false ;
Building building = getBuilding ( buildingId );

if ( building != null ) {
buildingRepo . delete ( building );
deleted = true ;

return deleted ;


* Adds a new building with the provided name, and creator id.
* @param buildingName
* - the name of the building.
* @param creatorId
* - the id of the person creating the building.
* @return the newly added building.
public Building addBuilding ( String buildingName , UUID creatorId ) {

Building building = null ;

AppUser creator = userRepo . findOne ( creatorId );

if ( creator != null ) {
building = new Building ( buildingName , creator );
buildingRepo . save ( building );

return building ;


* Adds the coordinates to the database for the building with the corresponding
* building id.
* @param buildingId
* - the id of the building the coordinate belongs to.
* @param coordinateData
* - the data being stored in the database.
* @return whether, or not, the data was successfully added.
public boolean addCoordinates ( UUID buildingId , String coordinateData ) {

boolean added = false ;

Building building = buildingRepo . findOne ( buildingId );

if ( building != null ) {
BuildingCoordinate coordinates = new BuildingCoordinate ( building , coordinateData );

coordinateRepo . save ( coordinates );
added = true ;

return added ;

* Updates the coordinate data for the building with the corresponding building
* id.
* @param buildingId
* - the id of the building the coordinate belongs to.
* @param coordinateData
* - the data being stored in the database.
* @return whether, or not, the data was successfully updated.
public boolean updateCoordinates ( UUID buildingId , String coordinateData ) {

boolean updated = false ;

Building building = buildingRepo . findOne ( buildingId );

if ( building != null ) {
BuildingCoordinate coordinates = coordinateRepo . findByBuilding ( building );

coordinates . setCoordinateData ( coordinateData );
coordinateRepo . save ( coordinates );
updated = true ;

return updated ;

* Returns the coordinate data for the building with the corresponding building
* id.
* @param buildingId
* - the id of the building the coordinates are being requested for.
* @return the coordinates for the building.
public BuildingCoordinate getCoordinates ( UUID buildingId ) {

BuildingCoordinate coordinates = null ;

Building building = buildingRepo . findOne ( buildingId );

if ( building != null ) {
coordinates = coordinateRepo . findByBuilding ( building );

return coordinates ;


package edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Adapters ;

import org . springframework . beans . factory . annotation . Autowired ;
import org . springframework . stereotype . Service ;

import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . Comment ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . CommentRepository ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . Floor ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . FloorRepository ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . AppUser ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . AppUserRepository ;

import java . util . UUID ;
import java . util . List ;

* This adapter is responsible for handling data involving comment.
@ Service
public class CommentAdapter {

/** Handles calls to the Floor table in the database. */
@ Autowired
public FloorRepository floorRepo ;

/** Handles calls to the App User table in the database. */
@ Autowired
public AppUserRepository userRepo ;

/** Handles calls to the floor comment table in the database. */
@ Autowired
public CommentRepository commentRepo ;

* This method adds a comment to the floor.
* @param floorId
* - the id of the floor that comment is being added to.
* @param creatorId
* - the id of the creator of this comment.
* @param commentMsg
* - the comment being added to the floor.
public boolean addComment ( UUID floorId , UUID creatorId , String commentMsg ) {

boolean added = false ;

AppUser user = userRepo . getOne ( creatorId );
Floor floor = floorRepo . getOne ( floorId );

if ( floor != null && user != null ) {

Comment newComment = new Comment ( floor , user , commentMsg );

commentRepo . save ( newComment );

added = true ;

return added ;


* This method updates a comment with the new message provided.
* @param commentId
* - the id of the comment being updated.
* @param editorId
* - the id of the user updating this comment.
* @param newMsg
* - the content of the new message for the comment.
public boolean updateComment ( UUID commentId , UUID editorId , String newMsg ) {

boolean updated = false ;

AppUser user = userRepo . findOne ( editorId );
Comment comment = commentRepo . findOne ( commentId );

if ( comment != null && user != null ) {

comment . setCreator ( user );
comment . setMessage ( newMsg );
commentRepo . save ( comment );

updated = true ;

return updated ;


* This method returns the comments which corresponds to the floor id provided.
* @param floorId
* - the id of the floor the comment belong to.
* @return the comment for corresponding floor id.
public List < Comment > getFloorComments ( UUID floorId ) {

List < Comment > floorComment = null ;

floorComment = commentRepo . findByFloorIdOrderByCreatedDateAsc ( floorId );

return floorComment ;

public void clearFloorComments ( UUID floorId ) {

commentRepo . delete ( this . getFloorComments ( floorId ));



package edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Adapters ;

import org . springframework . beans . factory . annotation . Autowired ;
import org . springframework . stereotype . Service ;

import java . util . UUID ;
import java . util . List ;
import java . util . Map ;
import java . util . HashMap ;
import java . util . LinkedList ;

import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . FloorRepository ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . Floor ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . Building ;
import edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Database . BuildingRepository ;

* This adapter is responsible for handling data involing
* floors.
@ Service
public class FloorAdapter {

/** Used to handle calls to the database. */
@ Autowired
private FloorRepository floorRepo ;

/** Used to query data from the buildings table in the database. */
@ Autowired
private BuildingRepository buildingRepo ;

* This method takes a building id, and the name of a floor,
* then adds it to the system.
* @param buildingId - the id of the building the floor is being added to.
* @param floorName - the name of the floor being added to the building.
public Floor addFloor ( UUID buildingId , String floorName ) {

Floor newFloor = null ;

Building building = buildingRepo . getOne ( buildingId );

if ( building != null ) {

newFloor = new Floor ( building , floorName );

floorRepo . save ( newFloor );


return newFloor ;


public boolean deleteFloor ( UUID floorId ) {

boolean deleted = false ;

Floor floor = floorRepo . findOne ( floorId );

if ( floor != null ) {

floorRepo . delete ( floor );
deleted = true ;

return deleted ;


public boolean deleteFloorsInBuilding ( Building building ) {

boolean deleted = false ;

List < Floor > floors = floorRepo . findByBuilding ( building );

if ( floors != null ) {
for ( Floor floor : floors ) {
deleteFloor ( floor . getId ());

deleted = true ;

return deleted ;


* Returns all the floors.
public Map < String , List < Floor >> getFloors () {

HashMap < String , List < Floor >> buildingFloors = new HashMap <> ();
List < Floor > floors = floorRepo . findAll ();

for ( Floor floor : floors ) {

Building building = floor . getBuilding ();
String buildingId = building . getId (). toString ();

if ( buildingFloors . containsKey ( buildingId )) {
buildingFloors . get ( buildingId ). add ( floor );
System . out . println ( String . format ( "added Floor %s to list." , floor . getName ()));
} else {
LinkedList < Floor > newFloorList = new LinkedList <> ();
newFloorList . add ( floor );
buildingFloors . put ( buildingId , newFloorList );
System . out . println ( String . format ( "Created a new list for Building %s, and added Floor %s." , building . getName (), floor . getName ()));


return buildingFloors ;


* This method returns the floor which corresponds
* to the id provided.
* @param floorId - the id of the floor being requested.
* @return the floor corresponding to the id provided.
public Floor getFloor ( UUID floorId ) {

Floor floor = null ;

floor = floorRepo . getOne ( floorId );

return floor ;

package edu . kings . cs480 . BluePrints . Adapters ;

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