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EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership-Week 5 Assignment
Week 5: Ongoing Follow-up after Professional Development and Constructed Response
NELP Standard 4 : Learning and Instruction
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to evaluate, develop, and implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, data systems, supports, and assessment.
PSEL 4: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Effective educational leaders develop and support intellectually rigorous and coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.
Texas Principal Standards Pillar: Professional Development
Principal Domain and Competency
Domain II: Leading Learning
Competency 2
Domain II/Competency 4 A
Domain III: Human Capital
Competency 5
Domain III/Competency 5 C& D
Competency 6
Domain III/Competency 6 B
Domain V: Strategic Operations
Competency 9
Domain V/Competency 9 B
Course-level Objectives (CLOs):
1. Develop a fundamental understanding of instructional leadership. (Evaluating) (CLO1)
2. Identify and interpret core elements of curriculum alignment used to improve student achievement (Knowledge & Analyzing) (CLO2)
3. Analyze and evaluate data to drive instruction. (Analyzing) (CLO3)
4. Formulate a professional development plan applying data driven decision making. (Creating) (CLO4)
5. Exemplify requisite credentials and program requirements. (Understanding) (CLO5)
Week 5 Learning Objectives (W5LO):
1. W5LO1: (CLO4)-Formulate a professional development ongoing yearlong follow-up process to ensure sustainable instructional practices that improve student achievement.
2. W5LO3: (CLO2)- Organize and interpret evidence in a scenario
3. W5LO2: (CLO3)- Provide evaluation, justification, and explanation supported by evidence.
4. W5LO4: (CLO1)- Complete Constructed Response as an Instructional Leadership.
5. W5LO5: (CLO5)- Program Requirements: Schedule your post conference with your Field Supervisor.
In Week 1 of Instructional Leadership you examined the framework of the Instructional Core. Aligning in Week 2, you focused on the curriculum by examining both external and internal accountability when aligning curriculum. Driving the data in Week 3, you focused on growing your understanding of the importance of making data driven decisions about the instructional practices on your campus. Developing and instructing in Week 4, you focused on students having academically challenging instruction in the classroom by developing teachers' instructional practices. Ongoing and follow-up will wrap up with Week 5, you will focus on the importance of building ongoing observations, walkthroughs, data meetings, action plans, needs assessments, and many other tools that you will work on throughout the year. You will grow your knowledge, skills, and mindset on the importance of ongoing follow-up practices and schedules to ensure the time you spend professionally developing your faculty has the ongoing support it needs to be sustainable development. This focus is the hardest to maintain as it requires time, planning, and personnel, but it is still important for continuous school improvement for Instructional Leaders during the 21st century. Finally, building a Constructed Response will wrap up this course. This process will allow you to formulate root cause(s) of identified areas to improve student learning by developing an in-depth coaching plan for a teacher. This assignment will assist you in preparation of the TExES 268 exam, Principal as Instructional Leader.
Week 5 Readings: Be sure you are logged into Blackboard in order to access all of the readings from these links.
1. EL Education Core Practices. (2017) (n.d.). Retrieved from https://eleducation.org/resources/core-practices-beta-version-2017, pp 83-84
2. Bambrick-Santoyo, P. (2018). Leverage Leadership 2.0: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools. John Wiley & Sons. pp.335-345
3. Texas Examination of Educators Standards (TExES) Program, Preparation Manual: A Candidate and Program Planning Guide, Principal as Instructional Leader (268). pp.165-199 https://www.tx.nesinc.com/TestView.aspx?f=HTML_FRAG/TX268_PrepMaterials.html
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). The CDC professional development follow-up support tool kit . Review Document
Week 5 Assignment Rubric:
Use the Rubric to guide your writing.
Level 1: Does not meet the minimum criteria
0 points
Level 2: Approaches minimum criteria
10 points
Level 3: Meets minimum criteria
15 points
Level 4: Meets target criteria
25 points
Part 1:
Ongoing Follow-up after Professional Development:
Principal as Instructional Leader.
Candidate creates a Principal as Instructional Leader Monthly Map that provides them a Year-At-a-Glance to sustain ongoing follow-up from their professional development.
W5LO1: (CLO4)
Candidate lists no elements on the monthly map. (K)
Candidate lists a few elements on the monthly map, but it was incomplete. (K)
Candidate completed the elements on the monthly map but was not descriptive about the Action. (K)
Candidate a comprehensive list of the elements on the Monthly Map with clarity and specificity. (K)
Part 2:
Constructed Response as an Instructional Leader:
Principal as Instructional Leader.
Candidate identifies an area of need, provides evidence to justify the need identified, creates action steps for a coaching plan, gives explanation of how this will be implemented as an Instructional Leader.
W5LO1: (CLO4), W5LO2: (CLO3), W5LO3: (CLO2), W5LO4: (CLO1).
Candidate provides no response. OR Candidate provides fails to respond to most parts of the question and/or demonstrates little or no understanding of the overall situation. (S)
Candidate provides a partial response to all parts of the question with limited demonstrated understanding of the overall situation. (S)
Candidate provides a general response to all parts of the question with demonstrated general understanding of the overall situation. (S)
Candidate provides a comprehensive response to all parts of the question with demonstrated depth of understanding of the overall situation. (S)
Candidate provides no response. OR Candidate provides inappropriate and/or ineffective actions in response to the area of need. (S)
Candidate provides partially accurate and appropriate actions that are based on some misconceptions in response to the area of need.(S)
Candidate provides general, actions that are mostly appropriate and effective in response to the area of need. (S)
Candidate provides detailed, prioritized actions that are appropriate and effective in response to the area of need. (S)
Candidate provides no response. OR Candidate identifies weak or ineffective leadership strategies that contain serious misconceptions of the given situation. (S)
Candidate identifies limited or inappropriate leadership strategies that contain misconceptions of the given situation. (S)
Candidate identifies generally appropriate leadership strategies that may contain minor errors for the given situation. (S)
Candidate identifies detailed and specific leadership strategies that are highly effective for the given situation. (S)
Candidate provides no response. OR Candidate provides little or no explanation/rationale for actions and strategies to address the area of need, or explanation/rationale contains serious misconceptions. (S)
Candidate provides a simplistic explanation/rationale for actions and strategies to address the area of need. (S)
Candidate provides general explanation/rationale for actions and strategies to address the area of need. (S)
Candidate provides specific, detailed and insightful explanation/rationale for actions and strategies to address the area of need. (S)
Part 1: Ongoing Follow-up after Professional Development
A. Ongoing Follow-up W5LO1: (CLO4): Use your Leverage Leadership 2.0 textbook and resources as a guide in building a Principal as Instructional Leader Monthly Map. This map will assist you in time management, planning, and designating personnel to assist you in your efforts to establish ongoing follow-up practices and schedules. This ensures the time you spent professionally developing your faculty has the ongoing support it needs to be sustainable development. This Monthly Map should grow and change throughout the year as your campus needs grow and change. Leverage Leadership 2.0 Chapter 3: Observation and Feedback (127-180), Ch. 8: Finding the Time (315-346). Also, reference the CD Resource Document from that textbook named: “001 DDI-6B –Monthly-Map—DDI-Sample” this is an Exemplar example of the Monthly Map you will need during this process to sustain your Professional Development efforts. Examples are listed in gray for you to reference, delete examples prior to beginning. Provide at least one item per month. Complete the table.
B. Use 12 pt. black font: Times New Roman. The table cells will expand to fit your text.
Ongoing Follow-up after Professional Development
Principal as Instructional Leader Monthly Map
Designated Personnel:
Assist. Principal
New Teachers
1. Provide previous year’s PD for upcoming year’s new initiatives
2. Build upcoming year’s Assessment Calendar
Part 2: Constructed Response as an Instructional Leader
Directions: Constructed Response W5LO1: (CLO4), W5LO2: (CLO3), W5LO3: (CLO2), W5LO4: (CLO1).
A. Complete the Constructed Response as an Instructional Leader by implementing actions through a coaching plan to target a teacher’s instructional practice(s) to improve student learning.
B. Quick Steps : Sketch Your Response
To help you organize and sketch your response before you write do the following:
· Use all data and information provided in the given documents to assist in your content analysis to determine the area of need for improvement or root cause(s).
· Organize the information you will use to answer the question using the adapted R.A.C.E. Model & Sketch Your Response for a Constructed Response tool
· ___R=Reword and address what was stated in the question.
· ____A= Answer all aspects of the question (A, B, C) using detailed and specific evidence found in the information provided to justify why you chose that area of need.
· Create plan to support two Action Steps as your Coaching Plan:
· ____C=Use where the evidence was found in the data and information provided to develop an action step for a coaching plan to support your response in developing a teacher’s instructional practice(s) that target the area of need or root cause(s). Action Step #1.
· ____E=Provide an in-depth explanation about the how you will implement the action step. Include specific, detailed leadership strategies to explain the coaching plan to target a teacher’s instructional practice(s) to improve student learning.
· Then repeat C & E for Action Step #2.
C. Cite any sources and/or readings used as evidence to support your statements in APA format.
Constructed Response as an Instructional Leader:
Directions: Complete Constructed Response as an Instructional Leader. Use the Instructional Practice Scenario with Constructed Response Question document to assist you as you complete your assignment. (1-page minimum response)
Record your answer below.
R & A: The instructional practice areas in need for development and improvement are …..
C: Action Step #1: As an Instructional Leader I will develop a coaching plan that will develop the teacher’s instructional practice by……
Action Step #1:
E: In order to differentiate instruction…..
C: Action Step #2: As an Instructional Leader I will develop a coaching plan that will develop the teacher’s instructional practice by……
Action Step#2:
E: In order to address the missing small group instruction…..
Lamar University Revised Spring 2020 v.02.20