Food hygiene and sanitation is an exciting topic that I have always had interested in. I was once in my second year of high school lucky to be among a group of ten people who were chosen by the course lecturer to research food hygiene in my home county, and it was a fantastic experience. The study sought to further insight into how food can be handled the right way right from its production to its consumption. The research was all-round since we looked at; hygiene in slaughterhouses, groceries, cereal stores, and fruit selling points in the market. It was very eye-opening since it brought to my concern issues that need to be addressed. Many food handlers lacked direct knowledge of proper food handling and handling food not to bring about health issues. In my senior school, my science teacher would always ensure that we wash our hands well before handling any delicacy and emphasize the need to leave our foods covered. These experiences have played a significant role in my understanding that not all people are as exposed.
Topic Proposal
This paper seeks to address the topic of food hygiene and sanitation. Food hygiene can be defined as proper handling, preparing, and preserving consumables such that they do not cause health risks such as food poisoning, which is caused by contamination. On the other hand, food sanitation includes personal cleanliness, clean kitchen, dining room, appliances, utensils, and equipment. Poor food hygiene and sanitation could lead to food-borne diseases such as cholera, which could also be fatal. Food poisoning again can happen as a result of poor handling of food. Civic education on proper food handling aims to prevent these health risks before they occur, recommended by the World Health Organization. It will help the community to learn proactive measures to undertake to avoid the earlier stated conditions.
This research's central question is how increased civic education can affect food hygiene and sanitation in the community. Several studies have been conducted on this topic where the activity has been put into use, which will provide the basis for my argument, (Cempaka, et al, 2019).
Why this is important
Research about food hygiene is important as it makes sure that the food handled and produced is safe for human consumption. If food hygiene is not maintained, the consumers of the food may become very ill with either food poisoning or foodborne is important to keep the food that we eat safe and the water that we drink clean. Foods should be cooked well to avoid illness. This is because of germs and other microorganisms getaway into foods that we are taking, they have the potential of making us ill, (Gusnadi & Taufiq, 2019)
Food hygiene is essential because it has constantly become prevalent and also because of the health conditions associated with it. Most primary food handlers, that is, the producers, have little or no knowledge of how food should be handled to bring out the best results. In a meat farm, for example, meat could be left uncovered and get contaminated by flies. Also, when measuring the weight, the handlers could use poorly stored and cleaned equipment that could lead to infections when the meat is consumed. It is important to note that these food-borne diseases manifest quickly and could also be severe, (Shuvo, 2018).
Significantly, I find various sources that I can use as grounds to back up my claims. So, I plan to interview a producer on a vegetable and fruit farm and the head of the catering department of a recognized hotel that happens to be my neighbor. I also plan to use resources from the library.
Cempaka, L., Rizki, A. A., & Asiah, N. (2019). Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Food Hygiene and Sanitation of Food Street Handlers in the Public Elementary School at Greater Jakarta, Indonesia. Asia Pacific Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy, 7(2), 1-8.
Shuvo, S. D. (2018). Assessing food safety and associated food hygiene and sanitary practices in food industries. Nutrition & Food Science.