Create an answer sheet that numbers 1-20. Identify the pronoun error in each sentence and record the pronoun by the corresponding number. Besides the number, write the revision.
Before and while completing the exercise, refer to the attached pronoun reference rule sheet. The assignment is due by 1:00 pm July 18.PRONOUN REFERENCE What is pronoun reference? Pronoun reference is the practice of making pronouns refer clearly to the words they replace. A pronoun takes the place of a noun; thus, the pronoun must agree with the noun it replaces in number and person. Also, it must be clear which noun the pronoun is substituting for. The noun that the pronoun is the substitute for is called the antecedent. What are the basic rules for pronoun reference? 1. A pronoun must agree in number with the noun it refers to. If the noun is singular, then the pronoun must be singular. Incorrect: Everyone is studying hard for their exams. Correct: Everyone is studying hard for his or her exams. Correct: All of the students are studying hard for their exams. 2. A pronoun must agree in person with the noun it refers to. Be consistent with first person, second person and third person. Incorrect: If a student studies hard, you should succeed. Correct: If a student studies hard, he or she should succeed. 3. There should be only one possible antecedent for a singular pronoun. Only the noun that the pronoun refers to should come before the pronoun. Incorrect: Nguyen and Mohammed walked to his English class. Correct: Nguyen and Mohammed walked to Nguyen’s English class. Correct: Nguyen walked to his English class and Mohammed accompanied him. 4. There must be an explicit antecedent. Don’t make the reader guess what the antecedent is. Incorrect: In the study, they state that writing skills are important. Correct: In the study, the researchers state that writing skills are important. 5. A pronoun should not refer to a possessive noun. When a noun is possessive, it functions as an adjective and so can’t be replaced with a pronoun. Incorrect: In the professor’s comments, she was very encouraging.