Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Read the required materials on emotional intelligence (EQ) and take the EQ assessment.
Do not post your results.
For your initial post to this discussion:
Teach the class: Explain what you have learned about EQ.
Then, expand on the following questions:
Did you discover something that you were not aware of before in relation to your own emotional intelligence?
How does your emotional intelligence impact (a) your current or future career in human services and (b) your performance in groups?
What can you do to continue to improve in this area?
Be sure to cite and reference your work in APA format and respond to at least two other posts by Day 7. Provide your peers with helpful sources that you find online that are intended to help enhance self-awareness and emotional intelligence
Required References
Chapman, A. (2014). Emotional intelligence [Web page]. Retrieved from https://www.businessballs.com/building-relationships/emotional-intelligence-eq-1991/ (Links to an external site.)
Queendom. (n.d.). Emotional intelligence text [Web page]. Retrieved from http://www.queendom.com/tests/access_page/index.htm?idRegTest=3037 (Links to an external site.)
EQI.com. (n.d.). Definition of emotional intelligence [Web page]. Retrieved from http://eqi.org/eidefs.htm#Innate (Links to an external site.)
Goleman, D. (n,d.). Emotional intelligence [Web page]. Retrieved on January 10, 2016, from http://www.danielgoleman.info/topics/emotional-intelligence/ (Links to an external site.)
Kahn Academy. (2014, February 15). Self-concept, self-identity, and social identity: Individuals and society [Video file]. Retrieved from Self concept, self identity, and social identity | Individuals and Society | MCAT | Khan Academy (Links to an external site.)
Institute for Health and Human Potential (IHHP). (n.d.). Test your emotional intelligence [Web page]. Retrieved from http://www.ihhp.com/free-eq-quiz/ (Links to an external site.)
Weis, W. L., Hanson, L., & Arnesen, D. W. (2009). The use of training groups in raising self and social awareness and enhancing emotional intelligence. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict 13(2), 83-103.
Recommended References
Masland, L. C., & Lease, A. M. (2013). Effects of achievement motivation, social identity, and peer group norms on academic conformity. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal, 16(4), 661-681. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11218-013-9236-4