Assessment 3
Complete a plan where you will identify three skills for development and reflect on your strengths and areas for growth as you move forward in your education and career.
What employability skills do you excel at? Which employability skills are more difficult for you? In this assessment, you will identify three of the skills that you would like to focus on and refine, and you will develop a plan to build those skills. As you think of which skills you would like to improve upon, consider choosing skills at varying levels. You might, for example, choose a skill that you are already strong in, but would like to continue exploring and building, as well as a skill where you might have more room for growth. Perhaps, you want to work on your ability to learn new technologies and be confident in dealing with technical challenges. Or, you find that you are usually productive but are looking for more effective ways to organize your time and plan your work activities. By completing this assessment, you will have a tangible plan for personal and professional development that you can review with the Career Center team.
Assessment Instructions
In this course, you have been learning how the 10 skills are an essential part of being successful in the future world of work. Your understanding of the skills has been refined, and now it’s time to reflect on your strengths and areas for growth again to develop a plan moving forward. For this assessment, you’ll identify three skills that you’d like to focus on and develop a plan for. As you think of which skills you’d like to improve upon, consider choosing skills at varying levels. You might, for example, choose a skill that you are already strong in, but would be excited to continue exploring and building upon, as well as a skill that you might have more room for growth in. At the end of the assessment, you’ll leave with the beginning of a tangible plan for personal and professional development that you can review with the Career Center team.
Review the template you completed for the Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and Accomplishments assessment and the feedback you received from your faculty. Download the Skill Development Plan [DOCX] 
template for this assessment. Identify the three skills you plan to focus on and develop.
Use the Skill Development Plan [DOCX] template to complete the following steps. You will repeat steps 1 through 5 for each of the three skills:
- Step 1: Identify strengths and areas of improvement for targeted professional skills.
- Identify the first targeted skill. Summarize your strengths and areas of improvement in this skill area. Then, identify your desired outcomes around this skill area and write a positive goal statement. Complete the Target Skill, Strengths, Areas of Improvement, Desired Outcome, and Goal Statement sections of the template.
- Step 2: Describe previous accomplishments that demonstrate professional skills.
- Step 3: Discuss specific strategies and practices that will be used to further develop professional skills.
- To complete Steps 2 and 3, specify the actions you can take to work toward your goals, with specific strategies and practices that you can apply. Identify any potential obstacles and challenges to achieving your goal. Complete the Practices for Growth, Action Steps, and Potential Obstacles/Challengessections of the template.
- Step 4: Identify supporters and resources that will contribute to the development of professional presence.
- Keeping your action plan in mind, identify trusted supporters and university resources that can help you in your skill development plan. Complete the Key Supporters and Supporting University Resources sections of the template.
- Step 5: Explain connections between skill development and personal, academic, and career goals.
- Reflect on the connections between skill development and your overall personal, academic, and professional goals. Complete the Benefits from Change/Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals section of the template.
- Step 6: Write coherently with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Additional Requirements
Your submission should also meet the following requirements:
- Written communication: Written communication is clear and complete and free from errors that detract from the overall message.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 1: Describe the importance and impact of key skills and behaviors that are necessary for success in the future of work.
- Identify strengths and areas of improvement for targeted professional skills.
- Competency 2: Analyze factors that contribute to professional presence.
- Identify supporters and resources that will contribute to the development of professional presence.
- Describe previous accomplishments that demonstrate professional skills.
- Competency 3: Develop skills to support a successful learning experience and career.
- Discuss strategies and practices that will be used to further develop professional skills.
- Explain connections between skill development and personal, academic, and career goals.
- Competency 4: Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience.
- Write coherently with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics
- Skill Development Plan Scoring Guide
Skill Development Plan Scoring Guide Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Identify strengths and areas of improvement for targeted professional skills.Does not identify strengths nor areas for improvement.Identifies strengths and/or areas of improvement, but identification is unclear and/or areas or strengths are not identified.Identifies strengths and areas of improvement for targeted professional skills.Describes strengths and areas of improvement for targeted professional skills. Describe previous accomplishments that demonstrate professional skills.Does not identify previous accomplishments.Identifies but does not describe previous accomplishments that demonstrate professional skills.Describes previous accomplishments that demonstrate professional skills.Analyzes previous accomplishments that demonstrate professional skills. Discuss strategies and practices that will be used to further develop professional skills.Does not identify strategies nor practices that will be used to further develop professional skills.Identifies but does not discuss strategies and practices that will be used to further develop professional skills.Discusses specific strategies and practices that will be used to further develop professional skills.Discusses specific strategies and practices that will be used to further develop professional skills, providing clear examples of how these strategies and practices can be implemented. Identify supporters and resources that will contribute to the development of professional presence.Does not identify supporters nor resources.Identifies supporters and resources, but identification is unclear or disconnected to the goal.Identifies supporters and resources that will contribute to the development of professional presence.Identifies supporters and resources that will contribute to the development of professional presence, connecting the resources to goals. Explain connections between skill development and personal, academic, and career goals.Does not attempt to explain connections between skill development and goals.Attempts to explain connections between skill development and goals, but the explanation is unclear and/or personal, academic, or career goals are not explained.Explains connections between skill development and personal, academic, and career goals.Explains clear connections between skill development and personal, academic, and career goals, elaborating on how these skills will impact larger goals. Write coherently with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.Writing is unclear as a result of poor organization, grammar, usage, or mechanics.Attempts to write coherently, but there are examples of incorrect grammar, usage, or mechanics. Writes coherently with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.Writes coherently with organization and correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.