· 800-1000 words (roughly 3-4 pages)
o Points will be deducted if the essay is shorter or significantly longer than this range.
· 1 inch margins
· Double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12
· Must be uploaded to Blackboard as a component of the Portfolio.
The Assignment: For this final reflective essay, your audience is a future employer. Your goal is to show how the knowledge and writing skills gained during this semester can be used within your profession, or in the workplace. To that end, you may want to write this final reflection as a memo. Think about the sort of writing that you may have to do as part of your profession. You want to think about writing as a process, one that began before your time in this class and which will continue throughout your student and professional career. How will the skills you learned in this class make you a better employee/colleague/boss? You will reflect on: (1) what you feel you learned or did well throughout the semester; (2) what you struggled with, or feel you might need to continue working on in future writing classes or for your own betterment as a writer; and (3) how you met the course’s ICaP outcomes listed below.
· Demonstrate rhetorical awareness of diverse audiences, situations, and contexts
· Critically think about writing and rhetoric through reading, analysis, and reflection
· Compose a variety of texts in a range of forms
· Provide constructive feedback to others and incorporate feedback into their writing
· Perform research and evaluate sources to support claims
To illustrate your growth in meeting the outcomes noted above, you will want to look to your previous three reflective essays, as those previous reflections asked you to consider several of these outcomes. You will need to explicitly mention the following rhetorical moves:
· Demonstrate rhetorical awareness of diverse audiences, situations, and contexts
o Citing specific examples, demonstrate how you thought about audience in two of your previous essays. Audience can refer to a text’s intended audience, or your own audience.
o Provide at least one specific example showing how you will need to consider audience, situation or context at some point in your career. Consider how awareness of these factors will make you a better employee/researcher/boss.
· Critically think about writing and rhetoric through reading, analysis, and reflection
o Explain how your thoughts, practices, and style have developed over the course of this semester and how such development can apply to your career.
§ Cite (quote!) specific changes you made from draft to draft, or from one essay to the next, to demonstrate the growth of an essay(s).
§ Discuss new techniques you learned this semester that you applied to an essay/essays written in this course (or to a reading assignment)
· Such techniques could be applied at any point in the writing process (brainstorm to final product).
· Compose a variety of texts in a range of genres
o Explain the differences you experienced writing in a variety of genres and producing a variety of texts over the semester.
§ Providing examples from any of the following assignments or genres we practiced this semester, including the writer’s autobiography, proposal, report (for the synthesis essay), argumentative essay, or journal blogs, how were you able to make the necessary changes from one genre to another?
§ Consider the different expectations for at least two of the genres you discuss and how you met those expectations. For instance, discuss how the expectations for a report guided the way you wrote the synthesis essay compared to the expectations for the writer’s autobiography.
· Provide constructive feedback to others and incorporate feedback into their writing
o Cite specific examples of how you incorporated feedback from your peers and me throughout the semester, thus showcasing your collaborative skills
o Explain how peer-reviewing others’ work benefitted your ability to assess your own work, and how this skill will translate to your career. That is, consider how you will need to work with others and provide feedback to colleagues in your professional career.
· Providing examples, explain how you performed research and evaluated sources for the synthesis essay and argumentative essay.
o Discuss how you located your sources (databases, Google searches, etc.).
o Explain how you evaluated your sources.
§ Were there any sources you decided not to use, or sources you changed from the synthesis essay to the argumentative essay? Why?
§ Explain if there were any sources you chose to prioritize over others. Why did you rely more heavily on those sources?
**Because it bears repeating, remember to cite direct examples from multiple assignments written during this semester (not just prior reflective essays)