Reflective Essay: Classroom Management Reflection
Part 1: Classroom Management Self-Inventory include the following paper.
Part 2: Motivation and Engagement include the following in paper
Part 3: Final Conclusion Reflection include the following in paper.
(View assignment attachment and respond to questions)
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Education Grade K-3
Reflective Essay: Classroom Management Reflection
Write a 3-4-page paper that includes the following 3 parts & respond to the questions. Include smart goals in 3 parts of the paper. Using APA style and references
Part 1: Classroom Management Self-Inventory include the following paper.
· Based on completing the Classroom Management Self-Inventory for a second time, how have your classroom management skills evolved? Be sure to cite and explain specific changes from Module 1 to Module 7.
· In what specific areas do you feel you need to continue to improve? Be sure to cite specific details and examples from your past professional experiences.
· Develop 2 SMART goals for further development of these areas in relation to specific statements from the Classroom Management Self-Inventory. Be sure to include the action steps/resources needed to help you reach those goals.
Part 2: Motivation and Engagement include the following in paper.
· Explain the motivation strategies and reward systems you have implemented since Module 3 of this course. What strategies are proving effective? What modifications need to be made to ensure other strategies are effective?
· Develop 2 SMART goals for increasing student motivation and engagement in your classroom setting. List the action steps/resources to help you obtain those goals.
Part 3: Final Conclusion Reflection include the following in paper.
· Explain the 2 key insights you gained throughout this course using reference.
· What was new information for you? What do you want to learn more about? How has the course material and resources changed your thinking regarding classroom management?
· Develop 2 SMART goals for creating an effective and positive classroom learning environment. Be sure to include the action steps/resources needed to help you reach those goals.
· Explain your plan for using your professional development presentation as a professional tool for others. In your response, explain one way to use it with your school setting colleagues and one way you might use it with an additional audience.
Helpful reference from this course.
Module 1 & 7 reference
Jones, S. M., Bailey, R., & Jacob, R. (2014). Social-emotional learning is essential to classroom management. Phi Delta Kappan, 96(2), 19–24.
Jones, K. A., Jones, J. L., & Vermette, P. J. (2013). Exploring the complexity of classroom management: 8 components of managing a highly productive, safe, and respectful urban environment. American Secondary Education, 41(3), 21–33.
Mouzakitis, A., Codding, R. S., & Tryon, G. (2015). The effects of self-monitoring and performance feedback on the treatment integrity of behavior intervention plan implementation and generalization. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 17(4), 223–234.
Carter, D. R., Carter, G. M., Johnson, E. S., & Pool, J. L. (2013). Systematic implementation of a tier 2 behavior intervention. Intervention in School and Clinic, 48(4), 223–231.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2016a). Classroom management self-inventory [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Mouzakitis, A., Codding, R. S., & Tryon, G. (2015). The effects of self-monitoring and performance feedback on the treatment integrity of behavior intervention plan implementation and generalization. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 17(4), 223–234
Baker, B., & Ryan, C. (2014). The PBIS team handbook: Setting expectations and building positive behavior. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing. (2015). Tier 2: Reward system. Retrieved from
McCoy, B. (2013). Active and reflective learning to engage all students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 1(3), 146–153. Retrieved from
Cramer, E. D., & Bennett, K. D. (2015). Implementing culturally responsive positive behavior interventions and supports in middle school classrooms. Middle School Journal, 46(3), 18–24.
Kern, L., & Wehby, J. H. (2014). Using data to intensify behavior interventions for individual students. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 46(4), 45–53.
McDonald, J. P., & Hudder, D. (2014). Uncovering the deal in classroom management. Phi Delta Kappan, 96(2), 44–47.
Eisenman, G., Edwards, S., & Cushman, C. A. (2015). Bringing reality to classroom management in teacher education. Professional Educator, 39(1), 1–13.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2015). Are your goals S.M.A.R.T.? [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.