Why do organizations need to develop strategic plans? (Discussion 9)
In order to understand the importance of a need of a thing, it is first important to know what that thing is. A strategic plan can be defined as an organizations game plan (David & David, 2017). When I envision a strategic plan, I think of football and basketball teams. Coaches develop different plays to utilize to assist the team in bringing home the win. So, it is with strategic planning. Strategic planning derived in the 1950’s and have emerged over the years. Strategic planning assist organizations to not only plan for now, but also optimizing opportunities for the future. It is imperative that leaders understand the significance of strategic planning.
Benjamin Franklin once stated, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail (Hall, 2019). This statement alone speaks volume as I can personally relate. No one was prepared for COVID-19. There are plans in place in the event a natural disaster occurs, an attack occurs, etc. However, when the pandemic hit, there was no plan. Although this pandemic may be one of the biggest pandemics, with more than expected or wanted fatalities. However, envision if there was a plan developed that would have decreased the number of cases as well as the number of deaths surrounding the COVID-19.
Organizations are constantly competing with one another. Therefore, it is vital for leaders to ensure that their strategic plan is effectively developed. Part of developing a strategic plan is first envisioning where the owner/leader desires for the organization to be. Based on where the organization is going, the vision, mission, assessing internal abilities and external threats and opportunities, assessing strategies, and prioritizing those strategies can assist in the formulation of a strategy, within the organization (David & David, 2017). Goals and objectives are also established within the organization. Another element essential to having an effective strategic plan is developing policies and procedures. Policies and procedures can assist organizations with maintaining order within as well as the do’s and don’ts within the organization. Some policies can include, safety, risk, trainings, health concerns, leave, etc. It is imperative to recognize that each component of the strategic plan is vital to the success of the organization. Therefore, it is vital for organizations to develop a strategic plan, to be prepared for adversity, even before it arises.
David, F. R., & David, F. R. (2017). Strategic management: A competitive advantage approach. Boston: Pearson.
Hall, S. (2019, August 01). PR Insight: If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail. Retrieved October 16, 2020, from
Discussion 9
Topic: Why do organizations need to develop strategic plans?
The development of an effective strategy can assist a company in ensuring long-term profits and the maximum growth of the company. However, in order to secure this success a strategic plan must be developed and implemented. According to Bryson and Alston (2011), strategic planning is defined as a set of concepts, procedures, tools, and practices designed to help an organization’s (collaboration’s or community’s) leaders, managers, planners, staff, and other stakeholders to think, act, and learn strategically. Strategic planning assists business owners and leaders in knowing what to do to alleviate a problem and how to do it. This process is a direct guide that aids businesses in traveling from where they currently are to where they want to be. Bryson and Alston (2011) highlights six benefits of utilizing strategic planning. The first benefit is that strategic planning can be used to help organize and manage effective organizational processes. The second benefit is that strategic planning assist with improved decision making. The third benefit is that strategic planning enhances the organizations effectiveness, responsiveness, and resilience. The fourth benefit is that strategic planning enhances the legitimacy of the organization. The fifth benefit is that strategic planning enhances the effectiveness of broader societal systems. The last benefit is that strategic planning can directly benefit the people involved. These benefits demonstrate the vitality of employing strategic planning.
In Martin Reeve’s video (2014), “Your strategy needs a strategy”, he mentions that one approach to strategy doesn’t fit all. He furthers that the approach to strategy has to match the issue. For example, I work for a very large mental health agency and this agency has been around for a very long time. As one can imagine, things in health care are constantly changing. Consequently, the company has to stay on top of those changes and the issues that arise because of those changes. The changes that occur in health care effects the business, their consumers, their employees and so on. Therefore, it’s impossible to implement only one strategy and then apply it to each issue that arises within the company. As a result, the company is constantly developing plans to assist with problems as they arise within the business.
Bryson, J.M. & Alston, F.K. (2011). Creating your strategic plan: A workbook for
public and nonprofit organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Reeves, M. (2014, October). Your strategy needs a strategy [video]. Retrieved from