Each student is required to write a reporton the conceptof a store of their own personal original idea, usingthe course materials. The concept will includethe choice of the goods/services offered, the premises as imagined, the overall looks (design and/or describe), a description of the scenario of the consumer experience, and, mandatory, the use of the various concepts that were introduced throughout the class. To improvise on the theme is not enough –this has to be professional !
To document your answers, you may describe, provide imagesand/ordevelop plans and illustrations.**
In order to create a well-structured projectreport, please consider the following:
•Your report and analyses must be structured using the appropriate theories, concepts, and models;
•You’ll try and link the issues to the markets you are close to;
•Sections and ideas should be coherently linked together;
•Make sure that your statementsaddress the issues covered.
In order to provide a greatproject,you need considerfollowing points:
*Apply theories learned during class,
*Use techniques and tools learned,
*Use, where possible,academic sources (min. 5-6) in order to contrast and compare the information,
*In case you decide to use non-academic sources (newspapers, articles) they are not part of the required 5-6 academic sources. Non-academic sources are allowed for the descriptive part of your work and need to be included in your bibliography.
*Critically analyze the information acknowledged in your project and distinguish clearly from your own research,
*Structure your answersusing the appropriate theories, concepts,and models,
*Sections and ideas should be coherently linked together,oMake sure that your statementsaddress the questions,
Grading Criteria:
•The recognition and application of tools and theories as provided in the course should be provided as basis for originality in developing your answers(30%)
•The application of knowledge and understanding as provided in the course should be directed to develop the project(40%)
•The ability to contrast the projectwith further data and academic papers that allow to enlarge the research scope and bring new perspectives to the project(10%)
•The ability to make judgments and recommendations and thus,elaborate your conclusions (10%)
•The right use of the Harvard Referencing Styleand adequate bibliography(10%)
Word count:3’000words.
Structure of your Final Assignment:
1.Cover page: The first page must contain the full name of the student, the logo of the school as well as the name of the course and the name of the professor.
2.Table of Contents
3.Introduction: Background, Scope,Method of Investigation, Research Questions(this would be discussed with the lecturer), Objectives.
4.Project Description: Provide a clear description using theories and models studied in classas well as your own academic resources. You can use facts, figures and graphs.
5.Conclusionand Recommendations: Explain potential actions and recommendations to be implementedand critically discuss positive and negative effects.
6.Bibliography: You should use the Harvard Referencing System.
7.Appendix Please see EUBS’s recommendations for citations, i.e.similarity or plagiarism, located in the Master’s and MBA Student Guidelines.