Mark the following sentences with F (Fragment), R (Run-On), C.S. (Comma Splice), or OK (Does not
need fixing), then correct the faulty sentence structure.
1. Ingrid won $1,000 on a quiz show. Because she knew that shoelaces had not been invented until the
2. Flood waters ruined the carpet, many pieces of furniture were damaged beyond repair.
3. I didn’t expect to be late, however, I wasn’t counting on such a traffic tie-up.
4. John Steinbeck was a Nobel Prize-winning novelist. Who wrote about the difficult life of migrant farm
workers in California.
5. Two on trial for robbery.
6. The grocery store is on the left; the laundromat is on the right.
7. Because the grizzly bear population of the United States has shrunk to fewer than 800.
8. The students wanted to protest against lumber companies. In order to support environmental causes.
9. Women jockeys have had great success they work hard to achieve their goals.
10. Missionaries who arrived in 1870.
11. Although Morton is an Independent, he has earned the respect of both Democrats and Republicans.
12. The new tenants moved in they rented the entire third floor.
13. Although a grizzly bear weighs less than one pound at birth.