Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership
SAT Task 2
Name without credentials
Western Governors University
Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership SAT Task 2
A. Root Cause Analysis
Explain the general purpose of conducting a root cause analysis (RCA).
The explanation accurately describes the general purpose for conducting an RCA.
A1. RCA Steps
Explain each of the six steps used to conduct an RCA, as defined by IHI.
The explanation accurately identifies and logically describes each of the 6 steps used to conduct an RCA, as defined by IHI.
A2. Causative and Contributing Factors
Apply the RCA process to the scenario to describe the causative and contributing factors that led to the sentinel event outcome.
The application of the RCA process to the scenario accurately describes the causative and contributing factors that led to the sentinel event outcome.
B. Improvement Plan
Propose a process improvement plan that would decrease the likelihood of a reoccurrence of the scenario outcome.
The proposal outlines a logical process improvement plan and logically discusses how the proposed plan will decrease the likelihood of a reoccurrence of the scenario outcome.
B1. Change Theory
Discuss how each phase of Lewin’s change theory on the human side of change could be applied to the proposed improvement plan.
The discussion logically describes how each phase of Lewin’s change theory could be applied to the proposed improvement plan.
C. General Purpose of FMEA
Explain the general purpose of the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) process.
The explanation accurately describes a general purpose of the FMEA process and logically discusses why the FMEA process would be used.
C1. Steps of FMEA Process
Describe the steps of the FMEA process as defined by IHI.
The description accurately defines each of the steps of the FMEA process.
C2. FMEA Table
Complete the attached FMEA table by appropriately applying the scales of severity, occurrence, and detection to the process improvement plan proposed in part B.
The completed FMEA table appropriately identifies failure modes related to the improvement plan proposed in part B and demonstrates accurate application of the scales of severity, occurrence, and detection in evaluating the identified failure modes.
D. Intervention Testing
Explain how you would test the interventions from the process improvement plan from part B to improve care.
The explanation describes steps of the testing procedures or practices that the candidate would use that are appropriate for testing the interventions from the process improvement plan in part B. The explanation logically describes how the intervention testing procedures or practices would improve care.
E. Demonstrate Leadership
Explain how a professional nurse can competently demonstrate leadership in each of the following areas:
• promoting quality care
• improving patient outcomes
• influencing quality improvement activities
The explanation logically describes how a professional nurse competently demonstrates leadership in each of the given areas.
E1. Involving Professional Nurse in RCA and FMEA Processes
Discuss how the involvement of the professional nurse in the RCA and FMEA processes demonstrates leadership qualities.
The discussion logically describes how the involvement of the professional nurse in both the RCA and FMEA processes demonstrates leadership qualities.
F. Sources
The Reference Page always starts on a new page, never at the tail end of the final paragraph. For tips on using APA style, including in-text citations and Reference page entries, please refer to the WGU Writing Center APA guide HERE . Any hyperlinks on the reference page must work – the evaluators WILL check these. Do not hyperlink to a page within an area accessible only through personal login, because the evaluator does not have your login and password.
Authors, R. & Alphabetic, O. (2010). Authors must be in alphabetic order. Search Owl at Purdue for APA Style Helps. (try not to allow blue hyperlinks).
Hope-this-helps, I. (2013). Use this document to create your own template: Fill in your own information. Mentoring Advice Times: 7, 1-3.
Last, N. & First, I. (1998). Title in italics without caps. Town, ST: Lippincott.
Updated: 2/1/19