I’m studying for my Science class and need an explanation.
Define the classification of dental caries and restoration.
Define the following terms with a diagram/picture with it.
Class I Malocculusion
Class II Malocculsion
Class III Malocculsion
Difine following carious lesion.
Pit and fissure caries
Proximal caries
Smooth caries
Early childhood caries
Rampant caries
Chronic caries
Arrested caries
Recurrent caries
Define following restorations and find an example of pictures of each restoration. (Some may not be in your textbooks)
Resin-modified glass ionomer
Preformed stainless steel crowns
Gold Alloy Crown
Porcelain Crown
Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown
Fixed two units bridge
Dental Implant
Pit and Fissure Sealant