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Preface xxv
About the Authors xxxiv
PART I Introduction to Analytics and AI 1 Chapter 1 Overview of Business Intelligence, Analytics,
Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence: Systems for Decision Support 2
Chapter 2 Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Drivers, Major Technologies, and Business Applications 73
Chapter 3 Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualization 117
PART II Predictive Analytics/Machine Learning 193 Chapter 4 Data Mining Process, Methods, and Algorithms 194
Chapter 5 Machine-Learning Techniques for Predictive Analytics 251
Chapter 6 Deep Learning and Cognitive Computing 315
Chapter 7 Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis, and Social Analytics 388
PART III Prescriptive Analytics and Big Data 459 Chapter 8 Prescriptive Analytics: Optimization and
Simulation 460
Chapter 9 Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Location Analytics: Concepts and Tools 509
PART IV Robotics, Social Networks, AI and IoT 579 Chapter 10 Robotics: Industrial and Consumer Applications 580
Chapter 11 Group Decision Making, Collaborative Systems, and AI Support 610
Chapter 12 Knowledge Systems: Expert Systems, Recommenders, Chatbots, Virtual Personal Assistants, and Robo Advisors 648
Chapter 13 The Internet of Things as a Platform for Intelligent Applications 687
PART V Caveats of Analytics and AI 725 Chapter 14 Implementation Issues: From Ethics and Privacy to
Organizational and Societal Impacts 726
Glossary 770
Index 785
Preface xxv
About the Authors xxxiv
PART I Introduction to Analytics and AI 1
Chapter 1 Overview of Business Intelligence, Analytics, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence: Systems for Decision Support 2 1.1 Opening Vignette: How Intelligent Systems Work for
KONE Elevators and Escalators Company 3
1.2 Changing Business Environments and Evolving Needs for Decision Support and Analytics 5
Decision-Making Process 6
The Influence of the External and Internal Environments on the Process 6
Data and Its Analysis in Decision Making 7
Technologies for Data Analysis and Decision Support 7
1.3 Decision-Making Processes and Computerized Decision Support Framework 9
Simon’s Process: Intelligence, Design, and Choice 9
The Intelligence Phase: Problem (or Opportunity) Identification 10 0 APPLICATION CASE 1.1 Making Elevators Go Faster! 11
The Design Phase 12
The Choice Phase 13
The Implementation Phase 13
The Classical Decision Support System Framework 14
A DSS Application 16
Components of a Decision Support System 18
The Data Management Subsystem 18
The Model Management Subsystem 19 0 APPLICATION CASE 1.2 SNAP DSS Helps OneNet Make
Telecommunications Rate Decisions 20
The User Interface Subsystem 20
The Knowledge-Based Management Subsystem 21
1.4 Evolution of Computerized Decision Support to Business Intelligence/Analytics/Data Science 22
A Framework for Business Intelligence 25
The Architecture of BI 25
The Origins and Drivers of BI 26
Data Warehouse as a Foundation for Business Intelligence 27
Transaction Processing versus Analytic Processing 27
A Multimedia Exercise in Business Intelligence 28
Contents v
1.5 Analytics Overview 30
Descriptive Analytics 32 0 APPLICATION CASE 1.3 Silvaris Increases Business with Visual
Analysis and Real-Time Reporting Capabilities 32 0 APPLICATION CASE 1.4 Siemens Reduces Cost with the Use of Data
Visualization 33
Predictive Analytics 33 0 APPLICATION CASE 1.5 Analyzing Athletic Injuries 34
Prescriptive Analytics 34 0 APPLICATION CASE 1.6 A Specialty Steel Bar Company Uses Analytics
to Determine Available-to-Promise Dates 35
1.6 Analytics Examples in Selected Domains 38
Sports Analytics—An Exciting Frontier for Learning and Understanding Applications of Analytics 38
Analytics Applications in Healthcare—Humana Examples 43 0 APPLICATION CASE 1.7 Image Analysis Helps Estimate Plant Cover 50
1.7 Artificial Intelligence Overview 52
What Is Artificial Intelligence? 52
The Major Benefits of AI 52
The Landscape of AI 52 0 APPLICATION CASE 1.8 AI Increases Passengers’ Comfort and
Security in Airports and Borders 54
The Three Flavors of AI Decisions 55
Autonomous AI 55
Societal Impacts 56 0 APPLICATION CASE 1.9 Robots Took the Job of Camel-Racing Jockeys
for Societal Benefits 58
1.8 Convergence of Analytics and AI 59
Major Differences between Analytics and AI 59
Why Combine Intelligent Systems? 60
How Convergence Can Help? 60
Big Data Is Empowering AI Technologies 60
The Convergence of AI and the IoT 61
The Convergence with Blockchain and Other Technologies 62 0 APPLICATION CASE 1.10 Amazon Go Is Open for Business 62
IBM and Microsoft Support for Intelligent Systems Convergence 63
1.9 Overview of the Analytics Ecosystem 63
1.10 Plan of the Book 65
1.11 Resources, Links, and the Teradata University Network Connection 66
Resources and Links 66
Vendors, Products, and Demos 66
Periodicals 67
The Teradata University Network Connection 67
vi Contents
The Book’s Web Site 67 Chapter Highlights 67 • Key Terms 68
Questions for Discussion 68 • Exercises 69
References 70
Chapter 2 Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Drivers, Major Technologies, and Business Applications 73 2.1 Opening Vignette: INRIX Solves Transportation
Problems 74
2.2 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 76
Definitions 76
Major Characteristics of AI Machines 77
Major Elements of AI 77
AI Applications 78
Major Goals of AI 78
Drivers of AI 79
Benefits of AI 79
Some Limitations of AI Machines 81
Three Flavors of AI Decisions 81
Artificial Brain 82
2.3 Human and Computer Intelligence 83
What Is Intelligence? 83
How Intelligent Is AI? 84
Measuring AI 85 0 APPLICATION CASE 2.1 How Smart Can a Vacuum Cleaner Be? 86
2.4 Major AI Technologies and Some Derivatives 87
Intelligent Agents 87
Machine Learning 88 0 APPLICATION CASE 2.2 How Machine Learning Is Improving Work
in Business 89
Machine and Computer Vision 90
Robotic Systems 91
Natural Language Processing 92
Knowledge and Expert Systems and Recommenders 93
Chatbots 94
Emerging AI Technologies 94
2.5 AI Support for Decision Making 95
Some Issues and Factors in Using AI in Decision Making 96
AI Support of the Decision-Making Process 96
Automated Decision Making 97 0 APPLICATION CASE 2.3 How Companies Solve Real-World Problems
Using Google’s Machine-Learning Tools 97
Conclusion 98
Contents vii
2.6 AI Applications in Accounting 99
AI in Accounting: An Overview 99
AI in Big Accounting Companies 100
Accounting Applications in Small Firms 100 0 APPLICATION CASE 2.4 How EY, Deloitte, and PwC Are Using AI 100
Job of Accountants 101
2.7 AI Applications in Financial Services 101
AI Activities in Financial Services 101
AI in Banking: An Overview 101
Illustrative AI Applications in Banking 102
Insurance Services 103 0 APPLICATION CASE 2.5 US Bank Customer Recognition and
Services 104
2.8 AI in Human Resource Management (HRM) 105
AI in HRM: An Overview 105
AI in Onboarding 105 0 APPLICATION CASE 2.6 How Alexander Mann Solutions (AMS) Is
Using AI to Support the Recruiting Process 106
Introducing AI to HRM Operations 106
2.9 AI in Marketing, Advertising, and CRM 107
Overview of Major Applications 107
AI Marketing Assistants in Action 108
Customer Experiences and CRM 108 0 APPLICATION CASE 2.7 Kraft Foods Uses AI for Marketing
and CRM 109
Other Uses of AI in Marketing 110
2.10 AI Applications in Production-Operation Management (POM) 110
AI in Manufacturing 110
Implementation Model 111
Intelligent Factories 111
Logistics and Transportation 112 Chapter Highlights 112 • Key Terms 113
Questions for Discussion 113 • Exercises 114
References 114
Chapter 3 Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualization 117 3.1 Opening Vignette: SiriusXM Attracts and Engages a
New Generation of Radio Consumers with Data-Driven Marketing 118
3.2 Nature of Data 121
3.3 Simple Taxonomy of Data 125 0 APPLICATION CASE 3.1 Verizon Answers the Call for Innovation: The
Nation’s Largest Network Provider uses Advanced Analytics to Bring the Future to its Customers 127
viii Contents
3.4 Art and Science of Data Preprocessing 129 0 APPLICATION CASE 3.2 Improving Student Retention with
Data-Driven Analytics 133
3.5 Statistical Modeling for Business Analytics 139
Descriptive Statistics for Descriptive Analytics 140
Measures of Centrality Tendency (Also Called Measures of Location or Centrality) 140
Arithmetic Mean 140
Median 141
Mode 141
Measures of Dispersion (Also Called Measures of Spread or Decentrality) 142
Range 142
Variance 142
Standard Deviation 143
Mean Absolute Deviation 143
Quartiles and Interquartile Range 143
Box-and-Whiskers Plot 143
Shape of a Distribution 145 0 APPLICATION CASE 3.3 Town of Cary Uses Analytics to Analyze Data
from Sensors, Assess Demand, and Detect Problems 150
3.6 Regression Modeling for Inferential Statistics 151
How Do We Develop the Linear Regression Model? 152
How Do We Know If the Model Is Good Enough? 153
What Are the Most Important Assumptions in Linear Regression? 154
Logistic Regression 155
Time-Series Forecasting 156 0 APPLICATION CASE 3.4 Predicting NCAA Bowl Game Outcomes 157
3.7 Business Reporting 163 0 APPLICATION CASE 3.5 Flood of Paper Ends at FEMA 165
3.8 Data Visualization 166
Brief History of Data Visualization 167 0 APPLICATION CASE 3.6 Macfarlan Smith Improves Operational
Performance Insight with Tableau Online 169
3.9 Different Types of Charts and Graphs 171
Basic Charts and Graphs 171
Specialized Charts and Graphs 172
Which Chart or Graph Should You Use? 174
3.10 Emergence of Visual Analytics 176
Visual Analytics 178
High-Powered Visual Analytics Environments 180
3.11 Information Dashboards 182
Contents ix
0 APPLICATION CASE 3.7 Dallas Cowboys Score Big with Tableau and Teknion 184
Dashboard Design 184 0 APPLICATION CASE 3.8 Visual Analytics Helps Energy Supplier Make
Better Connections 185
What to Look for in a Dashboard 186
Best Practices in Dashboard Design 187
Benchmark Key Performance Indicators with Industry Standards 187
Wrap the Dashboard Metrics with Contextual Metadata 187
Validate the Dashboard Design by a Usability Specialist 187
Prioritize and Rank Alerts/Exceptions Streamed to the Dashboard 188
Enrich the Dashboard with Business-User Comments 188
Present Information in Three Different Levels 188
Pick the Right Visual Construct Using Dashboard Design Principles 188
Provide for Guided Analytics 188 Chapter Highlights 188 • Key Terms 189
Questions for Discussion 190 • Exercises 190
References 192
PART II Predictive Analytics/Machine Learning 193
Chapter 4 Data Mining Process, Methods, and Algorithms 194 4.1 Opening Vignette: Miami-Dade Police Department Is Using
Predictive Analytics to Foresee and Fight Crime 195
4.2 Data Mining Concepts 198 0 APPLICATION CASE 4.1 Visa Is Enhancing the Customer
Experience while Reducing Fraud with Predictive Analytics and Data Mining 199
Definitions, Characteristics, and Benefits 201
How Data Mining Works 202 0 APPLICATION CASE 4.2 American Honda Uses Advanced Analytics to
Improve Warranty Claims 203
Data Mining Versus Statistics 208
4.3 Data Mining Applications 208 0 APPLICATION CASE 4.3 Predictive Analytic and Data Mining Help
Stop Terrorist Funding 210
4.4 Data Mining Process 211
Step 1: Business Understanding 212
Step 2: Data Understanding 212
Step 3: Data Preparation 213
Step 4: Model Building 214 0 APPLICATION CASE 4.4 Data Mining Helps in Cancer Research 214
Step 5: Testing and Evaluation 217
x Contents
Step 6: Deployment 217
Other Data Mining Standardized Processes and Methodologies 217
4.5 Data Mining Methods 220
Classification 220
Estimating the True Accuracy of Classification Models 221
Estimating the Relative Importance of Predictor Variables 224
Cluster Analysis for Data Mining 228 0 APPLICATION CASE 4.5 Influence Health Uses Advanced Predictive
Analytics to Focus on the Factors That Really Influence People’s Healthcare Decisions 229
Association Rule Mining 232
4.6 Data Mining Software Tools 236 0 APPLICATION CASE 4.6 Data Mining goes to Hollywood: Predicting
Financial Success of Movies 239
4.7 Data Mining Privacy Issues, Myths, and Blunders 242 0 APPLICATION CASE 4.7 Predicting Customer Buying Patterns—The
Target Story 243
Data Mining Myths and Blunders 244 Chapter Highlights 246 • Key Terms 247
Questions for Discussion 247 • Exercises 248
References 250
Chapter 5 Machine-Learning Techniques for Predictive Analytics 251 5.1 Opening Vignette: Predictive Modeling Helps
Better Understand and Manage Complex Medical Procedures 252
5.2 Basic Concepts of Neural Networks 255
Biological versus Artificial Neural Networks 256 0 APPLICATION CASE 5.1 Neural Networks are Helping to Save
Lives in the Mining Industry 258
5.3 Neural Network Architectures 259
Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Feature Maps 259
Hopfield Networks 260 0 APPLICATION CASE 5.2 Predictive Modeling Is Powering the Power
Generators 261
5.4 Support Vector Machines 263 0 APPLICATION CASE 5.3 Identifying Injury Severity Risk Factors in
Vehicle Crashes with Predictive Analytics 264
Mathematical Formulation of SVM 269
Primal Form 269
Dual Form 269
Soft Margin 270
Nonlinear Classification 270
Kernel Trick 271
Contents xi
5.5 Process-Based Approach to the Use of SVM 271
Support Vector Machines versus Artificial Neural Networks 273
5.6 Nearest Neighbor Method for Prediction 274
Similarity Measure: The Distance Metric 275
Parameter Selection 275 0 APPLICATION CASE 5.4 Efficient Image Recognition and
Categorization with knn 277
5.7 Naïve Bayes Method for Classification 278
Bayes Theorem 279
Naïve Bayes Classifier 279
Process of Developing a Naïve Bayes Classifier 280
Testing Phase 281 0 APPLICATION CASE 5.5 Predicting Disease Progress in Crohn’s
Disease Patients: A Comparison of Analytics Methods 282
5.8 Bayesian Networks 287
How Does BN Work? 287
How Can BN Be Constructed? 288
5.9 Ensemble Modeling 293
Motivation—Why Do We Need to Use Ensembles? 293
Different Types of Ensembles 295
Bagging 296
Boosting 298
Variants of Bagging and Boosting 299
Stacking 300
Information Fusion 300
Summary—Ensembles are not Perfect! 301 0 APPLICATION CASE 5.6 To Imprison or Not to Imprison:
A Predictive Analytics-Based Decision Support System for Drug Courts 304
Chapter Highlights 306 • Key Terms 308
Questions for Discussion 308 • Exercises 309
Internet Exercises 312 • References 313
Chapter 6 Deep Learning and Cognitive Computing 315 6.1 Opening Vignette: Fighting Fraud with Deep Learning
and Artificial Intelligence 316
6.2 Introduction to Deep Learning 320 0 APPLICATION CASE 6.1 Finding the Next Football Star with
Artificial Intelligence 323
6.3 Basics of “Shallow” Neural Networks 325 0 APPLICATION CASE 6.2 Gaming Companies Use Data Analytics to
Score Points with Players 328
0 APPLICATION CASE 6.3 Artificial Intelligence Helps Protect Animals from Extinction 333
xii Contents
6.4 Process of Developing Neural Network–Based Systems 334
Learning Process in ANN 335
Backpropagation for ANN Training 336
6.5 Illuminating the Black Box of ANN 340 0 APPLICATION CASE 6.4 Sensitivity Analysis Reveals Injury Severity
Factors in Traffic Accidents 341
6.6 Deep Neural Networks 343
Feedforward Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)-Type Deep Networks 343
Impact of Random Weights in Deep MLP 344
More Hidden Layers versus More Neurons? 345 0 APPLICATION CASE 6.5 Georgia DOT Variable Speed Limit Analytics
Help Solve Traffic Congestions 346
6.7 Convolutional Neural Networks 349
Convolution Function 349
Pooling 352
Image Processing Using Convolutional Networks 353 0 APPLICATION CASE 6.6 From Image Recognition to Face
Recognition 356
Text Processing Using Convolutional Networks 357
6.8 Recurrent Networks and Long Short-Term Memory Networks 360 0 APPLICATION CASE 6.7 Deliver Innovation by Understanding
Customer Sentiments 363
LSTM Networks Applications 365
6.9 Computer Frameworks for Implementation of Deep Learning 368
Torch 368
Caffe 368
TensorFlow 369
Theano 369
Keras: An Application Programming Interface 370
6.10 Cognitive Computing 370
How Does Cognitive Computing Work? 371
How Does Cognitive Computing Differ from AI? 372
Cognitive Search 374
IBM Watson: Analytics at Its Best 375 0 APPLICATION CASE 6.8 IBM Watson Competes against the
Best at Jeopardy! 376
How Does Watson Do It? 377
What Is the Future for Watson? 377 Chapter Highlights 381 • Key Terms 383
Questions for Discussion 383 • Exercises 384
References 385
Contents xiii
Chapter 7 Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis, and Social Analytics 388 7.1 Opening Vignette: Amadori Group Converts Consumer
Sentiments into Near-Real-Time Sales 389
7.2 Text Analytics and Text Mining Overview 392 0 APPLICATION CASE 7.1 Netflix: Using Big Data to Drive Big
Engagement: Unlocking the Power of Analytics to Drive Content and Consumer Insight 395
7.3 Natural Language Processing (NLP) 397 0 APPLICATION CASE 7.2 AMC Networks Is Using Analytics to
Capture New Viewers, Predict Ratings, and Add Value for Advertisers in a Multichannel World 399
7.4 Text Mining Applications 402
Marketing Applications 403
Security Applications 403
Biomedical Applications 404 0 APPLICATION CASE 7.3 Mining for Lies 404
Academic Applications 407 0 APPLICATION CASE 7.4 The Magic Behind the Magic: Instant Access
to Information Helps the Orlando Magic Up their Game and the Fan’s Experience 408
7.5 Text Mining Process 410
Task 1: Establish the Corpus 410
Task 2: Create the Term–Document Matrix 411
Task 3: Extract the Knowledge 413 0 APPLICATION CASE 7.5 Research Literature Survey with Text
Mining 415
7.6 Sentiment Analysis 418 0 APPLICATION CASE 7.6 Creating a Unique Digital Experience to
Capture Moments That Matter at Wimbledon 419
Sentiment Analysis Applications 422
Sentiment Analysis Process 424
Methods for Polarity Identification 426
Using a Lexicon 426
Using a Collection of Training Documents 427
Identifying Semantic Orientation of Sentences and Phrases 428
Identifying Semantic Orientation of Documents 428
7.7 Web Mining Overview 429
Web Content and Web Structure Mining 431
7.8 Search Engines 433
Anatomy of a Search Engine 434
1. Development Cycle 434
2. Response Cycle 435
Search Engine Optimization 436
Methods for Search Engine Optimization 437
xiv Contents
0 APPLICATION CASE 7.7 Delivering Individualized Content and Driving Digital Engagement: How Barbour Collected More Than 49,000 New Leads in One Month with Teradata Interactive 439
7.9 Web Usage Mining (Web Analytics) 441
Web Analytics Technologies 441
Web Analytics Metrics 442
Web Site Usability 442
Traffic Sources 443
Visitor Profiles 444
Conversion Statistics 444
7.10 Social Analytics 446
Social Network Analysis 446
Social Network Analysis Metrics 447 0 APPLICATION CASE 7.8 Tito’s Vodka Establishes Brand Loyalty with
an Authentic Social Strategy 447
Connections 450
Distributions 450
Segmentation 451
Social Media Analytics 451
How Do People Use Social Media? 452
Measuring the Social Media Impact 453
Best Practices in Social Media Analytics 453 Chapter Highlights 455 • Key Terms 456
Questions for Discussion 456 • Exercises 456
References 457
PART III Prescriptive Analytics and Big Data 459
Chapter 8 Prescriptive Analytics: Optimization and Simulation 460 8.1 Opening Vignette: School District of Philadelphia Uses
Prescriptive Analytics to Find Optimal Solution for Awarding Bus Route Contracts 461
8.2 Model-Based Decision Making 462 0 APPLICATION CASE 8.1 Canadian Football League Optimizes Game
Schedule 463
Prescriptive Analytics Model Examples 465
Identification of the Problem and Environmental Analysis 465 0 APPLICATION CASE 8.2 Ingram Micro Uses Business Intelligence
Applications to Make Pricing Decisions 466
Model Categories 467
8.3 Structure of Mathematical Models for Decision Support 469
The Components of Decision Support Mathematical Models 469
The Structure of Mathematical Models 470
Contents xv
8.4 Certainty, Uncertainty, and Risk 471
Decision Making under Certainty 471
Decision Making under Uncertainty 472
Decision Making under Risk (Risk Analysis) 472 0 APPLICATION CASE 8.3 American Airlines Uses Should-Cost
Modeling to Assess the Uncertainty of Bids for Shipment Routes 472
8.5 Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets 473 0 APPLICATION CASE 8.4 Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange Uses
Spreadsheet Model to Better Match Children with Families 474
0 APPLICATION CASE 8.5 Metro Meals on Wheels Treasure Valley Uses Excel to Find Optimal Delivery Routes 475
8.6 Mathematical Programming Optimization 477 0 APPLICATION CASE 8.6 Mixed-Integer Programming Model
Helps the University of Tennessee Medical Center with Scheduling Physicians 478
Linear Programming Model 479
Modeling in LP: An Example 480
Implementation 484
8.7 Multiple Goals, Sensitivity Analysis, What-If Analysis, and Goal Seeking 486
Multiple Goals 486
Sensitivity Analysis 487
What-If Analysis 488
Goal Seeking 489
8.8 Decision Analysis with Decision Tables and Decision Trees 490
Decision Tables 490
Decision Trees 492
8.9 Introduction to Simulation 493
Major Characteristics of Simulation 493 0 APPLICATION CASE 8.7 Steel Tubing Manufacturer Uses a
Simulation-Based Production Scheduling System 493
Advantages of Simulation 494
Disadvantages of Simulation 495
The Methodology of Simulation 495
Simulation Types 496
Monte Carlo Simulation 497
Discrete Event Simulation 498 0 APPLICATION CASE 8.8 Cosan Improves Its Renewable Energy
Supply Chain Using Simulation 498
8.10 Visual Interactive Simulation 500
Conventional Simulation Inadequacies 500
Visual Interactive Simulation 500
xvi Contents
Visual Interactive Models and DSS 500
Simulation Software 501 0 APPLICATION CASE 8.9 Improving Job-Shop Scheduling Decisions
through RFID: A Simulation-Based Assessment 501
Chapter Highlights 505 • Key Terms 505
Questions for Discussion 505 • Exercises 506
References 508
Chapter 9 Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Location Analytics: Concepts and Tools 509 9.1 Opening Vignette: Analyzing Customer Churn in a Telecom
Company Using Big Data Methods 510
9.2 Definition of Big Data 513
The “V”s That Define Big Data 514 0 APPLICATION CASE 9.1 Alternative Data for Market Analysis or
Forecasts 517
9.3 Fundamentals of Big Data Analytics 519
Business Problems Addressed by Big Data Analytics 521 0 APPLICATION CASE 9.2 Combines Multiple Datasets
to Understand Customer Journeys 522
9.4 Big Data Technologies 523
MapReduce 523
Why Use MapReduce? 523
Hadoop 524
How Does Hadoop Work? 525
Hadoop Technical Components 525
Hadoop: The Pros and Cons 527
NoSQL 528 0 APPLICATION CASE 9.3 eBay’s Big Data Solution 529
0 APPLICATION CASE 9.4 Understanding Quality and Reliability of Healthcare Support Information on Twitter 531
9.5 Big Data and Data Warehousing 532
Use Cases for Hadoop 533
Use Cases for Data Warehousing 534
The Gray Areas (Any One of the Two Would Do the Job) 535
Coexistence of Hadoop and Data Warehouse 536
9.6 In-Memory Analytics and Apache Spark™ 537 0 APPLICATION CASE 9.5 Using Natural Language Processing to
analyze customer feedback in TripAdvisor reviews 538
Architecture of Apache SparkTM 538
Getting Started with Apache SparkTM 539
9.7 Big Data and Stream Analytics 543
Stream Analytics versus Perpetual Analytics 544
Critical Event Processing 545
Data Stream Mining 546
Applications of Stream Analytics 546
Contents xvii
e-Commerce 546
Telecommunications 546 0 APPLICATION CASE 9.6 Salesforce Is Using Streaming Data to
Enhance Customer Value 547
Law Enforcement and Cybersecurity 547
Power Industry 548
Financial Services 548
Health Sciences 548
Government 548
9.8 Big Data Vendors and Platforms 549
Infrastructure Services Providers 550
Analytics Solution Providers 550
Business Intelligence Providers Incorporating Big Data 551 0 APPLICATION CASE 9.7 Using Social Media for Nowcasting
Flu Activity 551
0 APPLICATION CASE 9.8 Analyzing Disease Patterns from an Electronic Medical Records Data Warehouse 554
9.9 Cloud Computing and Business Analytics 557
Data as a Service (DaaS) 558
Software as a Service (SaaS) 559
Platform as a Service (PaaS) 559
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 559
Essential Technologies for Cloud Computing 560 0 APPLICATION CASE 9.9 Major West Coast Utility Uses Cloud-Mobile
Technology to Provide Real-Time Incident Reporting 561
Cloud Deployment Models 563
Major Cloud Platform Providers in Analytics 563
Analytics as a Service (AaaS) 564
Representative Analytics as a Service Offerings 564
Illustrative Analytics Applications Employing the Cloud Infrastructure 565
Using Azure IOT, Stream Analytics, and Machine Learning to Improve Mobile Health Care Services 565
Gulf Air Uses Big Data to Get Deeper Customer Insight 566
Chime Enhances Customer Experience Using Snowflake 566
9.10 Location-Based Analytics for Organizations 567
Geospatial Analytics 567 0 APPLICATION CASE 9.10 Great Clips Employs Spatial Analytics to
Shave Time in Location Decisions 570
0 APPLICATION CASE 9.11 Starbucks Exploits GIS and Analytics to Grow Worldwide 570
Real-Time Location Intelligence 572
Analytics Applications for Consumers 573 Chapter Highlights 574 • Key Terms 575
Questions for Discussion 575 • Exercises 575
References 576
xviii Contents
PART IV Robotics, Social Networks, AI and IoT 579
Chapter 10 Robotics: Industrial and Consumer Applications 580 10.1 Opening Vignette: Robots Provide Emotional Support
to Patients and Children 581
10.2 Overview of Robotics 584
10.3 History of Robotics 584
10.4 Illustrative Applications of Robotics 586
Changing Precision Technology 586
Adidas 586
BMW Employs Collaborative Robots 587
Tega 587
San Francisco Burger Eatery 588
Spyce 588
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 589
Robots in the Defense Industry 589
Pepper 590
Da Vinci Surgical System 592
Snoo – A Robotic Crib 593
MEDi 593
Care-E Robot 593
10.5 Components of Robots 595
10.6 Various Categories of Robots 596
10.7 Autonomous Cars: Robots in Motion 597
Autonomous Vehicle Development 598
Issues with Self-Driving Cars 599
10.8 Impact of Robots on Current and Future Jobs 600
10.9 Legal Implications of Robots and Artificial Intelligence 603
Tort Liability 603
Patents 603
Property 604
Taxation 604
Practice of Law 604
Constitutional Law 605
Professional Certification 605
Law Enforcement 605 Chapter Highlights 606 • Key Terms 606
Questions for Discussion 606 • Exercises 607
References 607
Contents xix
Chapter 11 Group Decision Making, Collaborative Systems, and AI Support 610 11.1 Opening Vignette: Hendrick Motorsports Excels with
Collaborative Teams 611
11.2 Making Decisions in Groups: Characteristics, Process, Benefits, and Dysfunctions 613
Characteristics of Group Work 613
Types of Decisions Made by Groups 614
Group Decision-Making Process 614
Benefits and Limitations of Group Work 615
11.3 Supporting Group Work and Team Collaboration with Computerized Systems 616
Overview of Group Support Systems (GSS) 617
Time/Place Framework 617
Group Collaboration for Decision Support 618
11.4 Electronic Support for Group Communication and Collaboration 619
Groupware for Group Collaboration 619
Synchronous versus Asynchronous Products 619
Virtual Meeting Systems 620
Collaborative Networks and Hubs 622
Collaborative Hubs 622
Social Collaboration 622
Sample of Popular Collaboration Software 623
11.5 Direct Computerized Support for Group Decision Making 623
Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) 624
Characteristics of GDSS 625
Supporting the Entire Decision-Making Process 625
Brainstorming for Idea Generation and Problem Solving 627
Group Support Systems 628
11.6 Collective Intelligence and Collaborative Intelligence 629
Definitions and Benefits 629
Computerized Support to Collective Intelligence 629 0 APPLICATION CASE 11.1 Collaborative Modeling for Optimal
Water Management: The Oregon State University Project 630
How Collective Intelligence May Change Work and Life 631
Collaborative Intelligence 632
How to Create Business Value from Collaboration: The IBM Study 632
xx Contents
11.7 Crowdsourcing as a Method for Decision Support 633
The Essentials of Crowdsourcing 633
Crowdsourcing for Problem-Solving and Decision Support 634
Implementing Crowdsourcing for Problem Solving 635 0 APPLICATION CASE 11.2 How InnoCentive Helped GSK Solve a
Difficult Problem 636
11.8 Artificial Intelligence and Swarm AI Support of Team Collaboration and Group Decision Making 636
AI Support of Group Decision Making 637
AI Support of Team Collaboration 637
Swarm Intelligence and Swarm AI 639 0 APPLICATION CASE 11.3 XPRIZE Optimizes Visioneering 639
11.9 Human–Machine Collaboration and Teams of Robots 640
Human–Machine Collaboration in Cognitive Jobs 641
Robots as Coworkers: Opportunities and Challenges 641
Teams of collaborating Robots 642 Chapter Highlights 644 • Key Terms 645
Questions for Discussion 645 • Exercises 645
References 646
Chapter 12 Knowledge Systems: Expert Systems, Recommenders, Chatbots, Virtual Personal Assistants, and Robo Advisors 648 12.1 Opening Vignette: Sephora Excels with Chatbots 649
12.2 Expert Systems and Recommenders 650
Basic Concepts of Expert Systems (ES) 650
Characteristics and Benefits of ES 652
Typical Areas for ES Applications 653
Structure and Process of ES 653 0 APPLICATION CASE 12.1 ES Aid in Identification of Chemical,
Biological, and Radiological Agents 655
Why the Classical Type of ES Is Disappearing 655 0 APPLICATION CASE 12.2 VisiRule 656
Recommendation Systems 657 0 APPLICATION CASE 12.3 Netflix Recommender: A Critical Success
Factor 658
12.3 Concepts, Drivers, and Benefits of Chatbots 660
What Is a Chatbot? 660
Chatbot Evolution 660
Components of Chatbots and the Process of Their Use 662
Drivers and Benefits 663
Representative Chatbots from Around the World 663
12.4 Enterprise Chatbots 664
The Interest of Enterprises in Chatbots 664
Contents xxi
Enterprise Chatbots: Marketing and Customer Experience 665 0 APPLICATION CASE 12.4 WeChat’s Super Chatbot 666 0 APPLICATION CASE 12.5 How Vera Gold Mark Uses Chatbots to
Increase Sales 667
Enterprise Chatbots: Financial Services 668
Enterprise Chatbots: Service Industries 668
Chatbot Platforms 669 0 APPLICATION CASE 12.6 Transavia Airlines Uses Bots for
Communication and Customer Care Delivery 669
Knowledge for Enterprise Chatbots 671
12.5 Virtual Personal Assistants 672
Assistant for Information Search 672
If You Were Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO 672
Amazon’s Alexa and Echo 672
Apple’s Siri 675
Google Assistant 675
Other Personal Assistants 675
Competition Among Large Tech Companies 675
Knowledge for Virtual Personal Assistants 675
12.6 Chatbots as Professional Advisors (Robo Advisors) 676
Robo Financial Advisors 676
Evolution of Financial Robo Advisors 676
Robo Advisors 2.0: Adding the Human Touch 676 0 APPLICATION CASE 12.7 Betterment, the Pioneer of Financial Robo
Advisors 677
Managing Mutual Funds Using AI 678
Other Professional Advisors 678
IBM Watson 680
12.7 Implementation Issues 680
Technology Issues 680
Disadvantages and Limitations of Bots 681
Quality of Chatbots 681
Setting Up Alexa’s Smart Home System 682
Constructing Bots 682 Chapter Highlights 683 • Key Terms 683
Questions for Discussion 684 • Exercises 684
References 685
Chapter 13 The Internet of Things as a Platform for Intelligent Applications 687 13.1 Opening Vignette: CNH Industrial Uses the Internet of
Things to Excel 688
13.2 Essentials of IoT 689
Definitions and Characteristics 690
xxii Contents
The IoT Ecosystem 691
Structure of IoT Systems 691
13.3 Major Benefits and Drivers of IoT 694
Major Benefits of IoT 694
Major Drivers of IoT 695
Opportunities 695
13.4 How IoT Works 696
IoT and Decision Support 696
13.5 Sensors and Their Role in IoT 697
Brief Introduction to Sensor Technology 697 0 APPLICATION CASE 13.1 Using Sensors, IoT, and AI for
Environmental Control at the Athens, Greece, International Airport 697
How Sensors Work with IoT 698 0 APPLICATION CASE 13.2 Rockwell Automation
Monitors Expensive Oil and Gas Exploration Assets to Predict Failures 698
Sensor Applications and Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Sensors 699
13.6 Selected IoT Applications 701
A Large-scale IoT in Action 701
Examples of Other Existing Applications 701
13.7 Smart Homes and Appliances 703
Typical Components of Smart Homes 703
Smart Appliances 704
A Smart Home Is Where the Bot Is 706
Barriers to Smart Home Adoption 707
13.8 Smart Cities and Factories 707 0 APPLICATION CASE 13.3 Amsterdam on the Road to Become a
Smart City 708
Smart Buildings: From Automated to Cognitive Buildings 709
Smart Components in Smart Cities and Smart Factories 709 0 APPLICATION CASE 13.4 How IBM Is Making Cities Smarter
Worldwide 711
Improving Transportation in the Smart City 712
Combining Analytics and IoT in Smart City Initiatives 713
Bill Gates’ Futuristic Smart City 713
Technology Support for Smart Cities 713
13.9 Autonomous (Self-Driving) Vehicles 714
The Developments of Smart Vehicles 714 0 APPLICATION CASE 13.5 Waymo and Autonomous Vehicles 715
Flying Cars 717
Implementation Issues in Autonomous Vehicles 717
Contents xxiii
13.10 Implementing IoT and Managerial Considerations 717
Major Implementation Issues 718
Strategy for Turning Industrial IoT into Competitive Advantage 719
The Future of the IoT 720 Chapter Highlights 721 • Key Terms 721
Questions for Discussion 722 • Exercises 722
References 722
PART V Caveats of Analytics and AI 725
Chapter 14 Implementation Issues: From Ethics and Privacy to Organizational and Societal Impacts 726 14.1 Opening Vignette: Why Did Uber Pay $245 Million to
Waymo? 727
14.2 Implementing Intelligent Systems: An Overview 729
The Intelligent Systems Implementation Process 729
The Impacts of Intelligent Systems 730
14.3 Legal, Privacy, and Ethical Issues 731
Legal Issues 731
Privacy Issues 732
Who Owns Our Private Data? 735
Ethics Issues 735
Ethical Issues of Intelligent Systems 736
Other Topics in Intelligent Systems Ethics 736
14.4 Successful Deployment of Intelligent Systems 737
Top Management and Implementation 738
System Development Implementation Issues 738
Connectivity and Integration 739
Security Protection 739
Leveraging Intelligent Systems in Business 739
Intelligent System Adoption 740
14.5 Impacts of Intelligent Systems on Organizations 740
New Organizational Units and Their Management 741
Transforming Businesses and Increasing Competitive Advantage 741 0 APPLICATION CASE 14.1 How Uses Intelligent
Systems for Competitive Advantage 742
Redesign of an Organization Through the Use of Analytics 743
Intelligent Systems’ Impact on Managers’ Activities, Performance, and Job Satisfaction 744
Impact on Decision Making 745
Industrial Restructuring 746
xxiv Contents
14.6 Impacts on Jobs and Work 747
An Overview 747
Are Intelligent Systems Going to Take Jobs—My Job? 747
AI Puts Many Jobs at Risk 748 0 APPLICATION CASE 14.2 White-Collar Jobs That Robots Have
Already Taken 748
Which Jobs Are Most in Danger? Which Ones Are Safe? 749
Intelligent Systems May Actually Add Jobs 750
Jobs and the Nature of Work Will Change 751
Conclusion: Let’s Be Optimistic! 752
14.7 Potential Dangers of Robots, AI, and Analytical Modeling 753
Position of AI Dystopia 753
The AI Utopia’s Position 753
The Open AI Project and the Friendly AI 754
The O’Neil Claim of Potential Analytics’ Dangers 755
14.8 Relevant Technology Trends 756
Gartner’s Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2018 and 2019 756
Other Predictions Regarding Technology Trends 757
Summary: Impact on AI and Analytics 758
Ambient Computing (Intelligence) 758
14.9 Future of Intelligent Systems 760
What Are the Major U.S. High-Tech Companies Doing in the Intelligent Technologies Field? 760
AI Research Activities in China 761 0 APPLICATION CASE 14.3 How Is Conducting AI 762
The U.S.–China Competition: Who Will Control AI? 764
The Largest Opportunity in Business 764
Conclusion 764 Chapter Highlights 765 • Key Terms 766
Questions for Discussion 766 • Exercises 766
References 767
Glossary 770
Index 785
Analytics has become the technology driver of this decade. Companies such as IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, and others are creating new organizational units focused on analytics that help businesses become more effective and efficient in their operations. Decision makers are using data and computerized tools to make better decisions. Even consumers are using analytics tools directly or indirectly to make decisions on routine activities such as shopping, health care, and entertainment. The field of business analytics (BA)/data sci- ence (DS)/decision support systems (DSS)/business intelligence (BI) is evolving rapidly to become more focused on innovative methods and applications to utilize data streams that were not even captured some time back, much less analyzed in any significant way. New applications emerge daily in customer relationship management, banking and fi- nance, health care and medicine, sports and entertainment, manufacturing and supply chain management, utilities and energy, and virtually every industry imaginable.
The theme of this revised edition is analytics, data science, and AI for enterprise decision support. In addition to traditional decision support applications, this edition ex- pands the reader’s understanding of the various types of analytics by providing examples, products, services, and exercises by means of introducing AI, machine-learning, robotics, chatbots, IoT, and Web/Internet-related enablers throughout the text. We highlight these technologies as emerging components of modern-day business analytics systems. AI tech- nologies have a major impact on decision making by enabling autonomous decisions and by supporting steps in the process of making decisions. AI and analytics support each other by creating a synergy that assists decision making.
The purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to the technologies that are generally and collectively called analytics (or business analytics) but have been known by other names such as decision support systems, executive information systems, and business intelligence, among others. We use these terms interchangeably. This book pres- ents the fundamentals of the methods, methodologies, and techniques used to design and develop these systems. In addition, we introduce the essentials of AI both as it relates to analytics as well as a standalone discipline for decision support.
We follow an EEE approach to introducing these topics: Exposure, Experience, and Explore. The book primarily provides exposure to various analytics techniques and their applications. The idea is that a student will be inspired to learn from how other organizations have employed analytics to make decisions or to gain a competitive edge. We believe that such exposure to what is being done with analytics and how it can be achieved is the key component of learning about analytics. In describing the techniques, we also introduce specific software tools that can be used for developing such applica- tions. The book is not limited to any one software tool, so the students can experience these techniques using any number of available software tools. Specific suggestions are given in each chapter, but the student and the professor are able to use this book with many different software tools. Our book’s companion Web site will include specific soft- ware guides, but students can gain experience with these techniques in many different ways. Finally, we hope that this exposure and experience enable and motivate read- ers to explore the potential of these techniques in their own domain. To facilitate such exploration, we include exercises that direct them to Teradata University Network and other sites as well that include team-oriented exercises where appropriate. In our own teaching experience, projects undertaken in the class facilitate such exploration after the students have been exposed to the myriad of applications and concepts in the book and they have experienced specific software introduced by the professor.
xxvi Preface
This edition of the book can be used to offer a one-semester overview course on analytics, which covers most or all of the topics/chapters included in the book. It can also be used to teach two consecutive courses. For example, one course could focus on the overall analytics coverage. It could cover selective sections of Chapters 1 and 3–9. A second course could focus on artificial intelligence and emerging technologies as the enablers of modern-day analytics as a subsequent course to the first course. This second course could cover portions of Chapters 1, 2, 6, 9, and 10–14. The book can be used to offer managerial-level exposure to applications and techniques as noted in the previous paragraph, but it also includes sufficient technical details in selected chapters to allow an instructor to focus on some technical methods and hands-on exercises.
Most of the specific improvements made in this eleventh edition concentrate on three areas: reorganization, content update/upgrade (including AI, machine-learning, chatbots, and robotics as enablers of analytics), and a sharper focus. Despite the many changes, we have preserved the comprehensiveness and user friendliness that have made the textbook a market leader in the last several decades. We have also optimized the book’s size and content by eliminating older and redundant material and by adding and combining material that is parallel to the current trends and is also demanded by many professors. Finally, we present accurate and updated material that is not available in any other text. We next describe the changes in the eleventh edition.
The book is supported by a Web site ( We provide links to additional learning materials and software tutorials through a special section of the book Web site.
With the goal of improving the text and making it current with the evolving technology trends, this edition marks a major reorganization to better reflect on the current focus on analytics and its enabling technologies. The last three editions transformed the book from the traditional DSS to BI and then from BI to BA and fostered a tight linkage with the Teradata University Network (TUN). This edition is enhanced with new materials parallel- ing the latest trends in analytics including AI, machine learning, deep learning, robotics, IoT, and smart/robo-collaborative assisting systems and applications. The following sum- marizes the major changes made to this edition.
• New organization. The book is now organized around two main themes: (1) presentation of motivations, concepts, methods, and methodologies for different types of analytics (focusing heavily on predictive and prescriptive analytic), and (2) introduction and due coverage of new technology trends as the enablers of the modern-day analytics such as AI, machine learning, deep learning, robotics, IoT, smart/robo-collaborative assisting systems, etc. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the journey of decision support and enabling technologies. It begins with a brief overview of the classical decision making and decision support systems. Then it moves to business intelligence, followed by an introduction to analytics, Big Data, and AI. We follow that with a deeper introduction to artificial intelligence in Chapter 2. Because data is fundamental to any analysis, Chapter 3 introduces data issues as well as descriptive analytics including statistical concepts and visualization. An on- line chapter covers data warehousing processes and fundamentals for those who like to dig deeper into these issues. The next section covers predictive analytics and machine learning. Chapter 4 provides an introduction to data mining applications and the data mining process. Chapter 5 introduces many of the common data min- ing techniques: classification, clustering, association mining, and so forth. Chapter 6 includes coverage of deep learning and cognitive computing. Chapter 7 focuses on
Preface xxvii
text mining applications as well as Web analytics, including social media analytics, sentiment analysis, and other related topics. The following section brings the “data science” angle to a further depth. Chapter 8 covers prescriptive analytics including optimization and simulation. Chapter 9 includes more details of Big Data analytics. It also includes introduction to cloud-based analytics as well as location analytics. The next section covers Robotics, social networks, AI, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Chapter 10 introduces robots in business and consumer applications and also stud- ies the future impact of such devices on society. Chapter 11 focuses on collaboration systems, crowdsourcing, and social networks. Chapter 12 reviews personal assis- tants, chatbots, and the exciting developments in this space. Chapter 13 studies IoT and its potential in decision support and a smarter society. The ubiquity of wireless and GPS devices and other sensors is resulting in the creation of massive new data- bases and unique applications. Finally, Chapter 14 concludes with a brief discussion of security, privacy, and societal dimensions of analytics and AI.
We should note that several chapters included in this edition have been avail- able in the following companion book: Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson (2018) (Hereafter referred to as BI4e). The structure and contents of these chapters have been updated somewhat before inclusion in this edition of the book, but the changes are more significant in the chapters marked as new. Of course, several of the chapters that came from BI4e were not included in previous editions of this book.
• New chapters. The following chapters have been added:
Chapter 2 “Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Drivers, Major Technologies, and Business Applications” This chapter covers the essentials of AI, outlines its benefits, compares it with humans’ intelligence, and describes the content of the field. Example applications in accounting, finance, human resource management, marketing and CRM, and production-operation management illustrate the benefits to business (100% new material) Chapter 6, “Deep Learning and Cognitive Computing” This chapter covers the generation of machine learning technique, deep learning as well as the increasingly more popular AI topic, cognitive computing. It is an almost entirely new chapter (90% new material). Chapter 10, “Robotics: Industrial and Consumer Applications” This chapter introduces many robotics applications in industry and for consumers and concludes with impacts of such advances on jobs and some legal ramifications (100% new material). Chapter 12, “Knowledge Systems: Expert Systems, Recommenders, Chatbots, Virtual Personal Assistants, and Robo Advisors” This new chapter concentrates on different types of knowledge systems. Specifically, we cover new generations of expert systems and recommenders, chatbots, enterprise chatbots, virtual personal assistants, and robo-advisors (95% new). Chapter 13, “The Internet of Things as a Platform for Intelligent Applications” This new chapter introduces IoT as an enabler to analytics and AI applications. The following technologies are described in detail: smart homes and appliances, smart cities (including factories), and autonomous vehicles (100% new). Chapter 14, “Implementation Issues: From Ethics and Privacy to Organiza- tional and Societal Impacts” This mostly new chapter deals with implementation issues of intelligent systems (including analytics). The major issues covered are protection of privacy, intellectual property, ethics, technical issues (e.g., integration and security) and administrative issues. We also cover the impact of these technolo- gies on organizations and people and specifically deal with the impact on work and
xxviii Preface
jobs. Special attention is given to possible unintended impacts of analytics and AI (robots). Then we look at relevant technology trends and conclude with an assess- ment of the future of analytics and AI (85% new).
• Streamlined coverage. We have optimized the book size and content by add- ing a lot of new material to cover new and cutting-edge analytics and AI trends and technologies while eliminating most of the older, less-used material. We use a dedicated Web site for the textbook to provide some of the older material as well as updated content and links.
• Revised and updated content. Several chapters have new opening vignettes that are based on recent stories and events. In addition, application cases throughout the book are new or have been updated to include recent examples of applications of a specific technique/model. These application case stories now include suggested questions for discussion to encourage class discussion as well as further explora- tion of the specific case and related materials. New Web site links have been added throughout the book. We also deleted many older product links and references. Finally, most chapters have new exercises, Internet assignments, and discussion questions throughout. The specific changes made to each chapter are as follows: Chapters 1, 3–5, and 7–9 borrow material from BI4e to a significant degree.
Chapter 1, “Overview of Business Intelligence, Analytics, Data Science, and Artifi- cial Intelligence: Systems for Decision Support” This chapter includes some material from DSS10e Chapters 1 and 2, but includes several new application cases, entirely new material on AI, and of course, a new plan for the book (about 50% new material).
Chapter 3, “Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualization” • 75% new content. • Most of the content related to nature of data and statistical analysis is new. • New opening case. • Mostly new cases throughout.
Chapter 4, “Data Mining Process, Methods, and Algorithms” • 25% of the material is new. • Some of the application cases are new.
Chapter 5, “Machine Learning Techniques for Predictive Analytics” • 40% of the material is new. • New machine-learning methods: naïve Bayes, Bayesian networks, and ensemble
modeling. • Most of the cases are new.
Chapter 7, “Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis, and Social Analytics” • 25% of the material is new. • Some of the cases are new.
Chapter 8, “Prescriptive Analytics: Optimization and Simulation” • Several new optimization application exercises are included. • A new application case is included. • 20% of the material is new.
Chapter 9, “Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Location Analytics: Concepts and Tools” This material has bene updated substantially in this chapter to include greater coverage of stream analytics. It also updates material from Chapters 7 and 8 from BI4e (50% new material).
Chapter 11, “Group Decision Making, Collaborative Systems, and AI Support” The chapter is completely revised, regrouping group decision support. New topics include
Preface xxix
collective and collaborative intelligence, crowdsourcing, swarm AI, and AI support of all related activities (80% new material).
We have retained many of the enhancements made in the last editions and updated the content. These are summarized next:
• Links to Teradata University Network (TUN). Most chapters include new links to TUN ( We encourage the instructors to reg- ister and join and explore the various content available through the site. The cases, white papers, and software exercises available through TUN will keep your class fresh and timely.
• Book title. As is already evident, the book’s title and focus have changed. • Software support. The TUN Web site provides software support at no charge.
It also provides links to free data mining and other software. In addition, the site provides exercises in the use of such software.
A comprehensive and flexible technology-support package is available to enhance the teaching and learning experience. The following instructor and student supplements are available on the book’s Web site,
• Instructor’s Manual. The Instructor’s Manual includes learning objectives for the entire course and for each chapter, answers to the questions and exercises at the end of each chapter, and teaching suggestions (including instructions for projects). The Instructor’s Manual is available on the secure faculty section of pearsonhigh-
• Test Item File and TestGen Software. The Test Item File is a comprehensive collection of true/false, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions. The questions are rated by difficulty level, and the answers are referenced by book page number. The Test Item File is available in Microsoft Word and in TestGen. Pear- son Education’s test-generating software is available from www.pearsonhighered. com/irc. The software is PC/MAC compatible and preloaded with all of the Test Item File questions. You can manually or randomly view test questions and drag- and-drop to create a test. You can add or modify test-bank questions as needed. Our TestGens are converted for use in BlackBoard, WebCT, Moodle, D2L, and Angel. These conversions can be found on The TestGen is also available in Respondus and can be found on
• PowerPoint slides. PowerPoint slides are available that illuminate and build on key concepts in the text. Faculty can download the PowerPoint slides from pear-
Many individuals have provided suggestions and criticisms since the publication of the first edition of this book. Dozens of students participated in class testing of various chap- ters, software, and problems and assisted in collecting material. It is not possible to name everyone who participated in this project, but our thanks go to all of them. Certain indi- viduals made significant contributions, and they deserve special recognition.
First, we appreciate the efforts of those individuals who provided formal reviews of the first through eleventh editions (school affiliations as of the date of review):
Robert Blanning, Vanderbilt University Ranjit Bose, University of New Mexico
xxx Preface
Warren Briggs, Suffolk University Lee Roy Bronner, Morgan State University Charles Butler, Colorado State University Sohail S. Chaudry, University of Wisconsin–La Crosse Kathy Chudoba, Florida State University Wingyan Chung, University of Texas Woo Young Chung, University of Memphis Paul “Buddy” Clark, South Carolina State University Pi’Sheng Deng, California State University–Stanislaus Joyce Elam, Florida International University Kurt Engemann, Iona College Gary Farrar, Jacksonville University George Federman, Santa Clara City College Jerry Fjermestad, New Jersey Institute of Technology Joey George, Florida State University Paul Gray, Claremont Graduate School Orv Greynholds, Capital College (Laurel, Maryland) Martin Grossman, Bridgewater State College Ray Jacobs, Ashland University Leonard Jessup, Indiana University Jeffrey Johnson, Utah State University Jahangir Karimi, University of Colorado Denver Saul Kassicieh, University of New Mexico Anand S. Kunnathur, University of Toledo Shao-ju Lee, California State University at Northridge Yair Levy, Nova Southeastern University Hank Lucas, New York University Jane Mackay, Texas Christian University George M. Marakas, University of Maryland Dick Mason, Southern Methodist University Nick McGaughey, San Jose State University Ido Millet, Pennsylvania State University–Erie Benjamin Mittman, Northwestern University Larry Moore, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Simitra Mukherjee, Nova Southeastern University Marianne Murphy, Northeastern University Peter Mykytyn, Southern Illinois University Natalie Nazarenko, SUNY College at Fredonia David Olson, University of Nebraska Souren Paul, Southern Illinois University Joshua Pauli, Dakota State University Roger Alan Pick, University of Missouri–St. Louis Saeed Piri, University of Oregon W. “RP” Raghupaphi, California State University–Chico Loren Rees, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University David Russell, Western New England College Steve Ruth, George Mason University Vartan Safarian, Winona State University Glenn Shephard, San Jose State University Jung P. Shim, Mississippi State University Meenu Singh, Murray State University Randy Smith, University of Virginia
Preface xxxi
James T. C. Teng, University of South Carolina John VanGigch, California State University at Sacramento David Van Over, University of Idaho Paul J. A. van Vliet, University of Nebraska at Omaha B. S. Vijayaraman, University of Akron Howard Charles Walton, Gettysburg College Diane B. Walz, University of Texas at San Antonio Paul R. Watkins, University of Southern California Randy S. Weinberg, Saint Cloud State University Jennifer Williams, University of Southern Indiana Selim Zaim, Sehir University Steve Zanakis, Florida International University Fan Zhao, Florida Gulf Coast University Hamed Majidi Zolbanin, Ball State University
Several individuals contributed material to the text or the supporting material. For this new edition, assistance from the following students and colleagues is grate- fully acknowledged: Behrooz Davazdahemami, Bhavana Baheti, Varnika Gottipati, and Chakradhar Pathi (all of Oklahoma State University). Prof. Rick Wilson contrib- uted some examples and new exercise questions for Chapter 8. Prof. Pankush Kalgotra (Auburn University) contributed the new streaming analytics tutorial in Chapter 9. Other contributors of materials for specific application stories are identified as sources in the respective sections. Susan Baskin, Imad Birouty, Sri Raghavan, and Yenny Yang of Tera- data provided special help in identifying new TUN content for the book and arranging permissions for the same.
Many other colleagues and students have assisted us in developing previous editions or the recent edition of the companion book from which some of the content has been adapted in this revision. Some of that content is still included this edition. Their assistance and contributions are acknowledged as well in chronological order. Dr. Dave Schrader contributed the sports examples used in Chapter 1. These will provide a great introduc- tion to analytics. We also thank INFORMS for their permission to highlight content from Interfaces. We also recognize the following individuals for their assistance in develop- ing Previous edition of the book: Pankush Kalgotra, Prasoon Mathur, Rupesh Agarwal, Shubham Singh, Nan Liang, Jacob Pearson, Kinsey Clemmer, and Evan Murlette (all of Oklahoma State University). Their help for BI 4e is gratefully acknowledged. The Tera- data Aster team, especially Mark Ott, provided the material for the opening vignette for Chapter 9. Dr. Brian LeClaire, CIO of Humana Corporation led with contributions of sev- eral real-life healthcare case studies developed by his team at Humana. Abhishek Rathi of vCreaTek contributed his vision of analytics in the retail industry. In addition, the follow- ing former PhD students and research colleagues of ours have provided content or advice and support for the book in many direct and indirect ways: Asil Oztekin, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Enes Eryarsoy, Sehir University; Hamed Majidi Zolbanin, Ball State University; Amir Hassan Zadeh, Wright State University; Supavich (Fone) Pengnate, North Dakota State University; Christie Fuller, Boise State University; Daniel Asamoah, Wright State University; Selim Zaim, Istanbul Technical University; and Nihat Kasap, Sabanci Uni- versity. Peter Horner, editor of OR/MS Today, allowed us to summarize new application stories from OR/MS Today and Analytics Magazine. We also thank INFORMS for their permission to highlight content from Interfaces. Assistance from Natraj Ponna, Daniel Asamoah, Amir Hassan-Zadeh, Kartik Dasika, and Angie Jungermann (all of Oklahoma State University) is gratefully acknowledged for DSS 10th edition. We also acknowledge Jongswas Chongwatpol (NIDA, Thailand) for the material on SIMIO software, and Kazim Topuz (University of Tulsa) for his contributions to the Bayesian networks section in
xxxii Preface
Chapter 5. For other previous editions, we acknowledge the contributions of Dave King (a technology consultant and former executive at JDA Software Group, Inc.) and Jerry Wagner (University of Nebraska–Omaha). Major contributors for earlier editions include Mike Goul (Arizona State University) and Leila A. Halawi (Bethune-Cookman College), who provided material for the chapter on data warehousing; Christy Cheung (Hong Kong Baptist University), who contributed to the chapter on knowledge management; Linda Lai (Macau Polytechnic University of China); Lou Frenzel, an independent consultant whose books Crash Course in Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems and Understanding of Expert Systems (both published by Howard W. Sams, New York, 1987) provided material for the early editions; Larry Medsker (American University), who contributed substantial material on neural networks; and Richard V. McCarthy (Quinnipiac University), who per- formed major revisions in the seventh edition.