The purpose of this activity is to improve your ability to improve your communication. First, review the article “"Effective communication and teamwork promotes patient safety”. Then, download the SBAR practice document and complete it. For this assignment, complete the SBAR sheet using either a fictional patient or a patient from their practice experience.
This activity is aligned with the course objective 6 and the following module objective:
Students will use inter and intra-professional communication and collaborative skills for improving patient safety and health outcomes.
Time: The time estimated to complete this activity is 40 minutes.
To be successful, complete the following steps in order:STEP 1. Click here to view the article "Effective communication and teamwork promotes patient safety"STEP 2. Click here to download the SBAR communication format.STEP 3. Save the document with the filename: "Lastname_Firstname_Module_4_Activitity (Example: Smith_Jill_Module_4_Activity.docx)