This is your first opportunity in this class to stand before an audience and deliver a speech. The self-introduction speech was chosen for your first speech because it should be easier than other speeches.
First, you know the subject since the subject is you.
Second, the speech can be organized very easily using the outlines provided.
Third, the speech can be short. The time limit for this first speech is 2 to 4 minutes.
There are the critical areas that you will need to be aware of as you stand before your audience and deliver your speech. Under the first heading of the speech critique, Initial Impression, initial eye contact is called for and a confident demeanor is expected. What if you don't feel confident in this first speech situation?
Fake it!
Public speaking is a performance. You as a public speaker are a performer. You act the part of the public speaker. It is one of your roles in life. So, act confident and your audience will think that you are confident even if you feel anxious about your public speaking role. We will discuss introductions and conclusions in detail later in the course.
Although both preparation and delivery are of great importance, please remember that the bulk of your grade will come from the preparation and content of your speech.
Please note: If you do not actually deliver your speech aloud and record it, you will receive no credit at all for this assignment. By definition, a speech is not a speech until it is delivered aloud in front of an audience. There is no partial credit for completing only the written research and outlining portions of this assignment.
The delivery portion of your speech (30%) will be based on the evaluation form. I will be answering the following questions as I critique the preparation (70%) of your speeches: