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Selling strategically uf

11/11/2020 Client: arwaabdullah Deadline: 3 days

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Note: It is critical that you review this entire document during the first two weeks the course! There are many parts to the total sales project, so you must start early! Project Description The sales project consists of four different components, worth 60% of your overall course grade in total. Each component has its own submission deadline, and some components have multiple deadlines. You can find the specific deadlines in the Course Due Dates document on Canvas, as well as on the Syllabus and Assignments pages. This document includes detailed instructions and evaluation rubrics for each piece of the sales project. Read and follow the instructions and evaluation rubrics closely to receive credit for each part of the project. The Sales Project is designed for students to simulate the process by which an actual sales professional:

• Engages in prospecting • Learns about his/her product or service • Plans a sales call • Conducts a sales call demonstration video based upon their product or service, and • Demonstrates their proficiency at both handling objections and closing the sale with a prospect

(a ‘customer’ of your own choosing) Overview The four components of the sales project include:

• Sales project source (prospecting) – the sales project begins with students shadowing a sales professional to witness the sales process. The first component of the project is to identify this sales professional. The student will first identify “leads” to connect him/her to sales professionals in industries of his/her choosing (Identify your network) and then engage in “prospecting” to arrange a shadow experience (Sales project source information sheet).

• Sales call strategy report (creating a sales plan) – The shadow experience should take place NO LATER THAN WEEK 7. Following the shadow appointment, the student will write a report summarizing the experience (shadow experience report). Then, the student will prepare his or her own sales call strategy for the same product/service sold by the sales professional he/she shadowed. For the sales call strategy report, the student will research the company and product to identify the features, advantages and benefits, prepare a value analysis, and plan a sales strategy for selling the product/service to a hypothetical customer. The final document, approx. 15-20 pages will include both the shadow experience report and the students’ sales call strategy.

• Sales call demonstration video (selling) – students will demonstrate the selling strategies prepared in the sales call strategy report. The student will ask a peer/friend/family member to play the role of a customer while he/she demonstrates the sales strategy in a role-play activity. The student will record the demonstration and post the video to Canvas Discussions.

• Self-and-peer evaluations of sales call demonstrations (analyzing sales techniques) – this component of the sales project engages the student in evaluation and analysis of selling techniques. Each student will evaluate his/her own sales call demonstration as well as two peers’ demonstrations.

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General Project Guidelines Shadowing a Sales Professional Since we are studying relationship and repetitive customer sales, students are not allowed to select retail sales clerks as their sales professional (for example, Wal-Mart, Macys, etc.). This class is based upon professional, one-on-one, relationship sales - not retail sales. You may not shadow relatives for this part of the project without prior written permission from the Teaching Assistant or Instructor. Sales Call Strategy Report When designing your sales call strategy, assume that you are a new salesperson just entering a territory and/or that your customer is a new customer for you. This means you need to spend time building rapport and probing for needs during the sales call versus assuming this is a long-time, loyal customer. This applies to your written report as well as the sales call demonstration video. You are to select a “real” product or service for the purposes of this Project. You will NOT be allowed to “make up” a hypothetical product or service. The product or service should be the same product/service that is sold by the sales professional you shadow. You may also structure the report such that you work for the same company as that sales professional. Response selling is strictly forbidden. Response selling is defined as responding to customer requests (simply taking orders, if you will). Response sellers do not make first contact with a prospect. Response selling may also be thought of as ‘on the floor’ selling. For your sales professional to be acceptable for the terms of this project, there must be some element of prospecting for new clients. Professional salespeople understand the importance of prospecting for new clientele. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! You should be collecting information and working on your sales call strategy throughout the semester. Additional Resources There are several examples of this completed assignment by previous AEB 3341 students available for your viewing posted on the “Sales Project Resources” page in Canvas. It is advantageous for you to view these assignments (reports and videos) as it might give you ideas on how to construct your assignment. Please keep in mind, however, this assignment is continually being updated and some of the examples on the class website were constructed prior to this latest project update. As always, if you have any questions regarding this assignment, your Instructor and your Teaching Assistant(s) are very willing to help. Late Assignments No Late Assignments will be accepted. Good luck and have fun with this assignment!! .

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PROJECT STEP 1: Sales Project Source – 5% of your final grade The sales project source component includes two parts, designed to help you make contact with a sales professional. You will work to identify a sales professional in an industry of your choice, then contact the individual and request to spend at least one-half day with him/her to observe the selling process (“shadow” the sales professional). Be prepared, you may need to contact several individuals before you find someone who agrees to work with you. In this step, you are already engaging in the sales process by ‘prospecting’ a sales professional. The purpose of the shadow experience is for you to learn as much as possible about the sales professional’s techniques for selling a product or service and what the ‘day in the life of a salesperson’ is all about. This course focuses on agriculture, food, and agribusiness selling, however the sales project should be an opportunity for you to reach out to professionals in a field of your interest. For example, if you hope to work in IT, then feel free to shadow someone who sells software or electronic devices. The product/service sold by the professional you shadow will be the same product/service you use for the sales strategy report and sales demonstration. Therefore, you should select a product or service that interests you. Examples of Sales Professionals (Don’t hesitate to be creative, these are simply examples)

a. Financial Representative (Northwestern Mutual) b. Loan Officer (Farm Credit) c. Sales Representative (Purina Animal Nutrition) d. Sales Engineer (Johnson Controls, LLC) e. Area Sales Representative (Coca-Cola)

For additional resources, consider talking to the UF Career Resource Center https://www.crc.ufl.edu/. The CRC has access to a vast network of professionals in many industries. The following sections provide detailed instructions for the two exercises in the “sales project source” component. Exercise 1 and 2 combined are worth 5% of your final grade. Exercise 1. Identify your network – due week 2 We are all connected to sales professionals, directly or indirectly. This assignment is designed to help you identify “leads” through which you can reach out to sales professionals. Those “leads” may be friends, family members, colleagues, or people with whom you do business. The purpose is to identify an existing contact who can open the door to you contacting a sales professional. Alternatively, you may engage in cold calling to identify your sales professional. Cold calling is a method of prospecting in which the sales person selects a group of people who may or may not be actual prospects and then calls on one of them. For example, you may think the local agriculture equipment dealership would be a great fit for the sales project, but you do not know any employees. Instead, you cold call - visit or telephone the dealership - and request to speak to someone in sales. To complete exercise 1, you will identify 10 “leads” to connect you with sales professionals. The leads may be personal/professional connections OR people whom you plan to cold call. Gather the contact information for these 10 individuals and describe how the person is involved in selling or how he/she can connect you to a sales professional using the chart on page 3. Submit the completed chart via Canvas ‘Assignments’, then immediately begin reaching out to your leads and contacting sales professionals. You must identify the actual sales professional you will shadow in order to complete exercise 2 of the sales project source component.

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Sales Project Step 1: Source Information Sheet (5% of your final grade) AEB 3341 Selling Strategically

Assignment: Identify Your Network Due Date: Week 2 Document Submission: Save this file as firstinitiallastname.ex1.doc (kdavidson.ex1.doc) and submit via “Assignments” in Canvas This assignment is designed to help you identify leads for finding a sales professional. To complete the assignment, identify 10 people you know who 1) have worked as sales professionals, 2) may know someone involved in sales, or 3) have interacted with you, directly or indirectly, in a sales transaction. The person may be a friend, family member, professional contact, or even someone you “cold call.” Collect the contact information for these 10 individuals and identify how they can link you to a sales professional. Be explicit in your description. Fill in the information for 10 people in your “selling network” in the chart below.

Name Relationship to you Contact Info How is this person involved in selling?

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PROJECT STEP 1 (Continued): Sales Project Source – 5% of your final grade Exercise 2. Source Information Sheet – due week 5 After completing exercise 1 (identify your network), you should immediately begin contacting your leads and trying to connect with a sales professional. You will probably need to contact several sales professionals before you find one who is willing and available for you to shadow him or her. Individuals who work in sales are very busy people, so be sure you have prepared a statement introducing yourself, explaining the project, and requesting a meeting/shadow day. Emails can get lost or buried very easily, and the sales relationship is about making personal connections, so I highly recommend calling the sales office directly via telephone to make your introduction and request. In today’s digital era, this may seem intimidating, but selling strategically is all about effective communication and personal relationships! Keep in mind, you are selecting a product/service along with a sales professional. You will create your own sales strategy for the same product or service. Please note, once you have made your selection and chosen a sales professional, you will not be allowed to the change product or service you are selling without prior approval from your Teaching Assistant or your instructor. This applies throughout the entire sales project. If you wish to shadow a relative or family member who works in sales, you must obtain prior approval of the Teaching Assistant or your instructor. Keep in mind that you will be expected to critique their performance as a salesperson during your shadow experience. To complete exercise 2 you will select a sales professional to shadow, contact the individual to schedule a shadow day, and submit the source information sheet assignment. This assignment requires you to provide the contact information for your sales source, report the scheduled date for your shadow experience, and describe the proposed product or service he or she sells (which will also be the product or service you sell for project steps 3 and 4). Complete the “Sales Project Source Information Sheet” on page 6 and submit it via “Assignments” in Canvas.

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Sales Project Step 1: Source Information Sheet (5% of your final grade)

AEB 3341 Selling Strategically Assignment: Source Information Sheet Due Date: Week 5 Document Submission: Submit via “Assignments” in Canvas Instructions: Each part of this information sheet must be completed to receive full credit. A business card of your contact will be included with the shadow experience report. Please remember that the University of Florida assumes no liability or responsibility for this component of the Sales Project. Contact your Teaching Assistant or instructor if the person you are shadowing wants you to sign a waiver of liability. Student Name: Location _______ UF ID: Major: Sales Person Contact Name: Is the sales professional a relative of yours? If this person is a relative, did you obtain permission from your instructor to shadow?: Contact Company: Contact Address: Contact Phone: Product/Service: Geographic Territory: Please describe the typical customer for this product or service. How did you come to learn of this contact? Are you potentially interested in this contact for a career or internship?

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Project Step 2: Sales Call Strategy Report AEB 3341 Selling Strategically

Value: 20% of your overall course grade Due Date: Week 8 and Week 11 Document Submission: 1) Shadow Experience Report and 2) Sales Call Strategy Report - Submit via “Assignments” in Canvas The assignments in the sales call strategy report are designed to test your comprehension of the sales techniques and concepts learned in this class. For your convenience, the report is disaggregated into multiple pieces, each with its own deadline, however your final submission (the sales call strategy report, due week 11) will be submitted as ONE COMPREHENSIVE DOCUMENT that includes the shadow report as well as your sales call strategy. Detailed instructions for each exercise are described below. Be sure to follow all rubrics and instructions carefully. In project step 2, you will begin by completing the “shadow” experience with your selected sales professional, which you scheduled in step 1. You should shadow the individual for at least one-half day as they operate in the sales environment, performing regular sales duties. Remember, the purpose is for you to learn as much as possible about their product or service and what the ‘day in the life of a salesperson’ is all about. To enhance the shadow experience, take along your “Sales Call Strategy Report Rubric” (pages 15-16 in this packet) and a list of questions to ask the sales professional. You may want to use some or all of the questions in Application Exercise #3 of the Selling Today textbook (page 382 in the Twelfth Edition; or on page 388 in the Eleventh Edition) as guidelines or starting points for information to be collected during your shadow experience. You are responsible for sending a thank you letter to the sales professional after the shadow experience. After completing your shadow experience, you will write the shadow experience report, (exercise 3). In the shadow report you will evaluate the strategies you observed during the shadow experience and discuss what you learned. Then, based on your shadow experience, you will develop your own sales call strategy for selling the same product or service that you observed (exercise 4). You will submit the final sales call strategy report during week 11. The sales call strategy report will include the previously completed shadow experience report as well as information about the company you represent in the sales project, your hypothetical customer, and a detailed sales call strategy that you will use during your sales call demonstration video in project step 4. Detailed instructions are below. Exercise 3. Shadow Experience Report – due week 8 The shadow experience report is a summary of your shadow experience with the sales professional and a critical analysis of the techniques observed. The written summary should be 1-3 pages and should ALSO include a scanned copy of an original business card plus a copy of the thank you letter sent to your sales professional (3-5 pages total). Include all of the following sections, with headings in bold font, for each section in the written summary (refer to previous sales reports as examples). 1. Sales Professional 2. Relationship/Introduction to Sales Professional 3. Lessons Learned 4. Things Done Well 5. Things to Improve 6. Relevance to AEB 3341

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PROJECT STEP 2 (continued): Sales Call Strategy Report – 20% of your final grade Shadow Experience Report (Minimum length: 1 page written) 1. Scan an original business card from your sales representative to include with your report. 2. Include the sales professional’s name, company, position, and type of business. 3. Explain how you learned of the sales professional. 4. State at least three (3) things you learned (relating to sales) as a result of interacting with this

sales professional. 5. State what the sales professional did well. 6. State what the sales professional could improve upon. 7. Discuss whether or not the concepts you are learning in AEB 3341 apply to what you

witnessed during your shadowing experience. (Suggested length for this section of the paper is at least one paragraph.)

8. Include in your report a copy of the thank you letter you sent to the sales professional at the conclusion of your shadow experience. The letter must be set up in proper business letter format and signed by you. Samples of business letter format can be found on the “Sales Project Resources” page in Canvas.

To complete exercise 3 prepare a report in a word document describing your shadow experience. Include paragraphs for ALL of the sections listed above (a-h). Use bold headings to clearly identify each section. Submit the shadow experience report via “Assignments” in Canvas no later than Sunday of week 8. Carefully follow the rubric below to earn full credit.

AEB 3341 Selling Strategically: Sales Project Shadow Experience Report Evaluation Rubric

Section Possible Actual Summarize Sales Professional Interaction (25) Attach a copy of the professional business card and also identify the contact name, company, and position of your sales professional (10) Explain how you learned of the sales professional (10) Describe 3 lessons learned (10) Discuss things done well by the sales professional (use concepts learned in AEB 3341) (10) Discuss things the sales professional could improve upon (use concepts learned in AEB 3341) (10) Provide a detailed explanation of the relevance of this experience to AEB 3341 (15) Include a copy of the thank you letter in correct business letter format


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PROJECT STEP 2 (continued): Sales Call Strategy Report – 20% of your final grade Exercise 4**. Strategy worksheet and value analysis – due week 9 This exercise is designed to assist you in preparing the full draft of the sales call strategy report. The sales call strategy worksheet is a guided questionnaire to prompt you to think about your sales strategy for your product or service. You will also need to prepare a value analysis - a detailed, numerical table that compares the value of your product with your competitors’. The value analysis must include the price of your product and the price of competitors’ products. The value analysis will be used as proof for one of your selling points. You may also want to prepare a more detailed outline; the more work you put into the outline, the less work remains for the full report. You will receive feedback on the work submitted via Canvas gradebook. Pay attention to the comments left in the gradebook and on the grading rubric – you must address them in the final report to receive full credit. To complete exercise 4: read the full instructions for the sales call strategy report (exercise 5), construct your value analysis, and complete the sales call strategy worksheet below. Prepare the value analysis sales call strategy worksheet in ONE word document file and submit via Canvas Assignments no later than Sunday of week 9. You may also add an outline of your report (optional). **This exercise will count as a homework assignment; it will NOT be included in the weighted sales call strategy report portion of your grade.

Sales Call Strategy Worksheet A sales call strategy starts with sales call objective(s): What do you want to achieve? Define the objectives clearly, write them out (take ownership), have contingent objectives, and attempt to always finish the call with a positive commitment.

Sales Call Strategy Worksheet Components 1. My customer’s most likely problem or need that I can help with is ____________ 2. I can help meet that need by providing _____________________

1. (Use a selling point here; you may want to include a value analysis here) 3. An additional problem I expect to have is ______________________

1. I will handle this by _____________________ (Use a selling point here; you MUST include a value analysis here UNLESS you included one in Step 2 above)

4. The Customer’s personal characteristics I need to consider are ______________ 1. I should handle this by _____________________

5. Important characteristics of the customer’s operation are _________________ 1. I should handle this by _____________________

6. Current suppliers are _____________________ 1. My advantages over these suppliers are _____________________ 2. I can prove it by _____________________

7. I can build rapport by stating _____________________ 8. I can arouse interest in my company by _____________________ 9. My behavioral/communication style should be _____________________ 10. My sales call objective is to _____________________

(Make sure your objectives is measurable, meaningful, realistic) 11. Example: 20 customers per week, spend $150 each = $3000 /week

$3000 x 52 = $156000 per year, at a 10% return = $15,600

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PROJECT STEP 2 (continued): Sales Call Strategy Report – 20% of your final grade Exercise 5. Sales call strategy report – due week 11 This is arguably the most critical component of the sales project! Exercises 1-4 are designed to prepare you for the final submission of the sales call strategy report. Similarly, the sales call strategy report prepares you for exercise 6, the sales call demonstration video. In addition to your sales call strategy, this report must also include all components of the shadow experience report submitted for exercise 4. The idea is to produce one, comprehensive document to culminate the written portion of the sales project (20% of your grade). The final draft of your sales call strategy report will be 15-20 pages in length. Be as specific as possible with all aspects of this assignment. For the sales calls strategy report, consider yourself a new salesperson just entering your sales territory. In this assignment, you will write a report for your direct sales supervisor. You are to make the assumption that you have reviewed the performance of the previous salesperson, visited with some customers, and finally, have received enough training to write this report. This report is for YOUR specific territory or area of responsibility and NOT an overall marketing plan for the company. Do not construct advertising campaigns, determine pricing, develop major promotions, product innovations, add more salespeople, etc. This is not your job! Your job is to sell your product in your sales territory under the marketing activities of your company. The report should be prepared with the sales call demonstration video in mind. The sales call strategy will form your strategy for the remainder of your sales project, so take the time to formulate it correctly. The profile should be prepared with one prospect or customer in mind. Again, prospects or customers can be hypothetical, but must be realistic. Clear and concise answers are always preferred to flowery ones. Remember the acronym KISS (Keep It Simple, Salesperson). Selling price is strictly forbidden in this project. Price selling is defined as presenting your product or service as the (up-front) least expensive or “cheapest” alternative. You are required to compare your product with a MINIMUM of two (2) other alternatives and, for the purposes of this project, your product will be the initially more expensive alternative, even if this is not actually the case. Your challenge will be to communicate the value of your product and justification for the higher price. Grammar, neatness, formatting, and spelling will be considered in the evaluation of this assignment. Some graphics are recommended since “a picture is worth a thousand words,” especially in the business environment. This assignment should be word-processed, using a 12-point font, double-spaced, and page numbers. Use bold headings to clearly identify each section. This is to be considered a professional document. See the sales call strategy report evaluation rubric (pages 15-16) for exact scoring details. The report should be structured in the exact order in which the sections are listed. The use of a cover page for this assignment is REQUIRED. Place your name, assignment, the course information, date of your shadow experience, and the report due date on that cover page. (NOTE: Ten (10) points will automatically be deducted for failing to follow the proper report format.)

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PROJECT STEP 2 (continued): Sales Call Strategy Report – 20% of your final grade Sales Call Strategy Report Sections The following sections must be included in the sales call strategy report.

a. Summary of your selected “Shadow Experience” (see instructions for exercise 4) b. Company Background. In this section, you will provide general information about

your company (a/k/a the company you work for IF you really had a job as a sales person). (Suggested length: approximately 1 page)

a. This section will include general company information and a background of your specific position.

b. This section will also include information about the specific product, product line, and/or service that you will be selling in your sales territory. Few salespeople are the sole salespersons for a company. Therefore, your territory is not the same as the company’s territory. You should be able to find the necessary information for this section from company annual reports, brochures, and your sales professional contact.

c. Define your geographic or customer-based sales territory. For example, if the company has a national reach, with local branch offices in Florida, your “sales territory” will be the area in which your branch office is located—for example, Gainesville, or Alachua County.

d. Identify the competitors/alternative environment you will face during your sales call demonstration when selling your product or service in your sales territory (not the company’s). Do not say that there is no competition or there are no alternatives. We live in a capitalistic society and there are always competitors and alternatives!!

e. Define your company’s market share in your sales territory. If you cannot find this exact information, please give your best estimate. Market shares are expressed as a percentage (For example, 10%).

c. Business/Customer Profile. This profile is to be constructed around your

prospective customer, not your own sales company (which was described in the company background section). In the business/customer profile section, you will provide information about the person you are going to be selling to (a/k/a your prospect/customer) and his or her company. Your customer must be realistic and consistent with the type of customer you would sell to in your industry. (Suggested length: 1-2 pages)

f. Prospect/Customer’s Company Information: Business name/department, contact name, complete address, and phone number

g. Situation (size, past history, needs, etc.) h. Qualification status (discuss your prospect’s qualifications using each element

of the NAME criteria) i. Prospect/Customer Information: Key contact information (name of your

prospect, physical description, their communication style, the communication style you will need to use to effectively interact with the customer, hot buttons, interests/hobbies, buying behavior, etc.)

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PROJECT STEP 2 (continued): Sales Call Strategy Report – 20% of your final grade

d. Sales Call Strategy. The sales call strategy is your strategy outline for a successful sales call, and will form the basis from which you will construct your sales call demonstration video. You are required to include at least two complete selling points in this report. In exercise 4 you began planning and formulating your sales call by completing the sales call strategy (questions A-J). The answers to these specific questions A-J ARE NOT required to be included in your written sales report. The questions are provided to serve as an aide as you develop and prepare for the sales call. Be sure to identify headings and criteria using bold font where described below.

To complete the sales call strategy section of the written sales call strategy report, develop the six (6) elements of the Sales Call Strategy Worksheet as discussed in the lectures (Call Planning and Preparation). Use headings/labels for EACH of the 6 elements and their sub- elements. You should prepare a description of each element in paragraph style. A minimum of 10 points will be deducted for failing to label the elements and sub-elements. (Suggested length: 3-6 pages) The six (6) elements include:

1. Opening 2. Presentation 3. Handling Objections 4. Closing the Sale 5. SMACT 6. Ensuring Customer Satisfaction

Each element is described in detail below. Follow the sales call strategy report rubric to carefully to earn full credit for each section.

Opening: describe the opening scene of the sales call (greeting/handshake, rapport, establishing company credibility, determining customer needs, transition, and customer compliance/agreement to proceed) Presentation: you must include a minimum of two (2) and no more than four (4) complete selling points that satisfy the most likely problem or need the prospect has. Remember that the most likely problem or need is one need, not several. The selling points should be placed in the presentation section of the sales call strategy. As a reminder, the four steps to making a complete selling point are as follows:

1. Highlight the feature 2. Explain the benefit 3. Prove/support the benefit 4. Gain the customer’s conviction

Selling Point # 1 Identify each element of the selling point (Feature, Benefit, Proof, Conviction). Label the elements in bold font. The proof on the first selling point, can be, but does not need to be, a value analysis (the Value Analysis will most likely be presented with the second selling point, refer to discussion below). For the first selling point, you will most likely use a testimonial or another form of proof.

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PROJECT STEP 2 (continued): Sales Call Strategy Report – 20% of your final grade Selling Point #2 Immediately following your first selling point, you must include a second, complete selling point (do not put this at the end of the document). Identify and label, in bold font, each element of the selling point: Feature, Benefit, Proof, Conviction that satisfies the most likely problem or need. (Remember that the most likely problem or need is one need, not several. Remember that there are four steps to making a complete selling point as discussed above.) A minimum of ten (10) points will be deducted for not highlighting in bold lettering each of the four (4) identifying words of the selling point (Feature, Benefit, Proof, Conviction). Value Analysis (Proof of at least one selling point) The Value Analysis proof must be used in one of your selling points. This must be a detailed, numerical Value Analysis comparing your product or service to at least two (2) competitors’ products or alternatives. The Value Analysis must include the price of your product and the price of your comparisons. Remember that price selling is strictly forbidden. The price of your product MUST initially be higher than your competitor’s price. The value analysis should include a written analysis as well as a table summarizing the comparison to the competing products and your product’s value. The table format is clearer for the reader. Also, a table can be easily “copied and pasted” into a PowerPoint presentation, which is a recommended visual aid for the sales call demonstration video. The figures in the value analysis may be real numbers or educated guesstimates. You should expect to do research about your company, product or service, and competitors in order to adequately prepare the sales call strategy report and demonstration video. We cover several different approaches for constructing a Value Analysis in the lectures; however, you are not required to use these Value Analyses; you may construct one of your own choosing to fit your product or service. Trial Closes: You must attempt to close (make a trial close) at the end of selling point 1, leading into selling point 2, and also at the end of selling point 2. The two trial closes are in addition to the closing strategy.

Additional Notes – Selling Points Explicitly describe how you will gain the customer’s conviction on each selling point. Use wording in your write-up such as: “I will gain conviction by asking Mr. Smith if he agrees that my product can….. “ (e.g., increase his profits by 15%, etc.). Handling Objections: You will need a MINIMUM of two (2) objections to be handled in your report. You may select any two handling objections for the written report. (Note: You will be assigned different handling objection strategies to use for your sales call demonstration video). Describe how the customer will raise the objections, and the steps you will take to handle each objective. All objections must be satisfactorily resolved before the sales person can move on toward successfully closing the sale. Be explicit in describing the objection, the handling, and verifying that the customer’s issue is resolved.

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PROJECT STEP 2 (continued): Sales Call Strategy Report – 20% of your final grade Objections studied in this course include:

1. Put off 2. Boomerang 3. Pass off / blow off 4. Indirect denial 5. Alternative product 6. Direct denial 7. Feel, felt, found 8. Case history 9. Compare or contrast 10. Demonstration 11. Answer with a question 12. Trial use 13. Agree and neutralize

For each objection, you must follow and explicitly describe the four (4) steps for handling that objection:

1. Listen to the objection 2. Restate the objection for clarification with the customer 3. Handle the objection/issue 4. Verify or validate with the customer that the objection/issue is satisfactorily

resolved. Closing the Sale: You will need a minimum of one (1) closing strategy in your report. You may select any closing strategy for your written report. (NOTE: You will be assigned a different closing strategy to use for your sales call demonstration video recording.) Be sure to state the strategy you are using in your written report. Describe the situation for using that closing strategy. SMACT: Your presentation should help you achieve a sales call objective that meets the SMACT criteria as outlined in the course lectures. This SMACT objective is YOUR objective, which motivates your upcoming sales call demonstration video. Under the heading SMACT, state your sales call objective and write 1-2 paragraphs explicitly describing how your sales call objective meets the SMACT criteria. Use bold font for each of the criteria in your write up (smart, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely). NOTE: Your sales call objective must specify the sale of your product or service. Ensuring Customer Satisfaction: this section should describe the actions you will take after the sale to ensure your customer’s satisfaction. By servicing the sale after the closing, you help avoid buyer’s remorse. Follow the sales call strategy report evaluation rubric on pages 15-16 to earn credit for each section of the report. Be sure to check your document for proper grammar and formatting, including the use of bold headings to identify sections and key criteria. NOTE: Your sales call strategy report will MUST ALSO INCLUDE the shadow experience report, submitted in exercise 3.

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PROJECT STEP 2 (continued): Sales Call Strategy Report – 20% of your final grade

AEB 3341 Selling Strategically: Sales Project Sales Call Strategy Report Evaluation Rubric (2 pages)

Section Possible Actual Summarize Sales Professional Interaction (Shadow Experience Report) (5) Contact name, company, position and original business card attached (2) Explain how you learned of the sales professional (2) 3 lessons learned (2) Things done well by the sales professional (2) Things the sales professional could improve upon (2) Relevance to AEB 3341 (7) Thank you letter in correct business letter format


Company Background (4) General company and product or service information (3) Competitors/alternatives (3) Define territory and market share


Business/Customer Profile (3) Appropriate choice of customer (name, etc.) (4) Situation (4) Do they meet the NAME criteria? (Needs, Authority, Means, Eligibility) (4) Key contact information (buying behavior, hot buttons, communication

styles: customer’s and yours)


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Sales Call Strategy Worksheet (3) Opening

1. Appropriate --State WHAT you are selling and to whom 2. Seven (7) elements included

(Greeting; Rapport; Company’s & Salesperson’s Credibility; Determine Customer’s Needs; Transition’ Achieve Customer Compliance)

(8) Selling point #1 (Features, Benefits, Proof, Conviction) • Feature • Benefit • Proof • Conviction

(2) Trial close #1—Attempted? Effectively completed? (8) Selling point #2 (Features, Benefits, Proof, Conviction)

• Feature • Benefit • Proof • Conviction

(2) Trial close #2—Attempted? Effectively Completed? (10) Value analysis (with comparisons, minimum 2

companies/competitors) (2) State each handling objection strategy by name (8) Handling objections (MINIMUM of 2 HOs required)

• Listen • Restate • Handle objection • Verify

(1) State closing strategy by name (5) Closing the sale

a. Validate questions resolved b. Review need/problem c. Summarize solution d. Summarize key benefits of solution e. Ask for the order

(4) Sales call objective (meets the SMACT criteria) (2) Ensuring customer satisfaction after the sale


Subtotal 100 Deductions

Misspellings, grammar, punctuation, spacing, printing, missing page numbers, overall form & correctness, etc. Each element labeled?

Final Total 100

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Sales Project Step 3: Sales Call Demonstration Video AEB 3341 Selling Strategically

Value: 25% of your course grade Due Date: Week 13 Document Submissions: Submit via “Discussions” in Canvas: 1) Supporting sales demonstration materials 2) “Interview Ready” photograph 3) Video (file or link) PROJECT STEP 3 – Sales Call Demonstration Video – 25% of your final grade Exercise 6. Sales call demonstration video – due week 13 The written report in exercise 5 is to help you develop a sales call strategy, which you will now demonstrate in step 3 of the sales project. For the sales call demonstration video, you will act as a sales professional trying to sell your product or service (the same product/service you observed during your shadow experience and wrote about in your sales call strategy report). In other words, you will now follow the strategy you planned in the report to sell the product/customer to a hypothetical customer in a role-play scenario. NOTE: If you wish to sell a different product/service than the one you shadowed in step 1, you MUST obtain approval from your TA or instructor PRIOR to submitting your sales call demonstration video. Your demonstration must be recorded and uploaded to a media site (Vimeo or Youtube, for example). To complete the assignment you will post the link to your video in Canvas “Discussions” for review by your instructor or Teaching Assistant, yourself and your peers. You must also submit an “interview ready’’ photograph of yourself as well as any supplemental documents used in the demonstration (value analysis chart, for example). Your instructor or teaching assistant will provide constructive response/evaluation of the sales call demonstration video using the grading rubric on page 23-24 of this instructional packet. Assignment Guidelines For this assignment, you will first select a customer to whom you will ‘sell’ your product or service. This ‘customer’ may be a fellow classmate or any individual who can effectively role-play as an interactive customer during your sales demonstration. Ask this person for assistance early in the semester. You do not want to be left in a bind at the end of the semester because you cannot find someone to help you record the video. This person could be a friend, family member, or a fellow classmate in AEB 3341. However, please note that the sales call demonstration video is an individual, not a group, assignment. As the salesperson, your job is to build rapport with the customer, uncover his or her needs, ask permission to present your selling points, present your selling points, handle objections (using two handling objection strategies which will be assigned to you) as they arise during your presentation, attempt a trial close, and reach your sales call objective (using your assigned Closing Strategy). This presentation will be interactive; you will demonstrate your handling of objections throughout your presentation prior to successfully closing the sale. Your sales call objective for this assignment is to make a sale. You are expected to be assertive in attempting to secure the sale. This presentation should be as “adaptive” and conversational as possible and not “canned.” For this reason, do not rely on a written script in the presentation.

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PROJECT STEP 3 (Continued): Sales Call Demonstration Video – 25% of your final grade However, notes of key points you want to be sure to cover during the sales call, as well as notes for your customer to be able to effectively interact during the sales call, are always a good idea! Submission Requirements To successfully fulfill this portion of the project, you will submit the following in the “Discussion” section of Canvas not later than the due date shown in the Course Due Dates document. 10 points will be deducted from the sales call demonstration video grade for failing to submit any of the required documents (10 points per document).

1. Supporting sales demonstration materials: powerpoints, graphs, charts, pictures or any other materials you will use with the customer as part of the sales demonstration process. If you have a physical prop or item you will show your customer during the sales demonstration, submit a picture of that object.

2. An ‘‘interview ready’’ picture of yourself. This is a picture that you feel is appropriate to use for submission with the video if you were ‘selling’ online or preparing for a job or sales meeting/interview. This is your ‘first impression’ for your sales demonstration and will be used in this course to identify each student for the self-evaluation and the peer-evaluation portions of this project. Professional attire should be utilized in this photograph.

3. The link for your recorded sales call demonstration video. All sales demonstrations must be recorded. Your instructor recommends using Vimeo or YouTube for recording your sales demonstration. If another medium is used, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that medium will play in Canvas. Failure to submit a viable video link will result in the student receiving zero (0) points in the scoring of the sales call demonstration video.

A tutorial for preparing a You Tube and Vimeo presentations can be found on the Tutorials & Reference Materials page. You will post the recording in Canvas for evaluation by your Instructor or by the Teaching Assistant, and the video will be available for viewing by all of your classmates. The recordings will be used for the self-evaluation and the peer-evaluation portions of the project. Guidelines for this Presentation Talking notes may be used during the presentation; however, this presentation is to be conversational, not read or scripted. NOTE: Failure to prepare a conversational, interactive sales presentation will result in an automatic point deduction in the scoring of the sales call demonstration video. Customer: Prior to your sales presentation, you will select one (1) individual (fellow classmate or other individual of your own choosing) to whom you will ‘sell’ your product or service. When in the role of the sales person, it is YOUR responsibility to sufficiently educate your partner on how to play the role of the customer. This includes educating your partner on the industry, product, and needs of the customer. The salesperson might elect to give their “customer” a copy of their written sales call strategy report, so the “customer” has a good idea of what they should be doing as the customer. At the very least, the salesperson will provide his or her customer with a “cheat sheet” of the customer role and common objections that the customer can raise, as well as the type of sales situation they are in (so your ‘customer’ can do a better job of role-playing). It is the customer’s responsibility to ask

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PROJECT STEP 3 (Continued): Sales Call Demonstration Video – 25% of your final grade any questions regarding anything they do not understand before the sales demonstration is presented. Your customer MUST ask questions AND raise objections throughout your sales presentation. The customer should be realistic and interactive. He/she should not be too anxious to buy nor impossible to sell the product or service to. The customer should be “reasonably or realistically difficult’ and should maintain a realistic sales setting. Introduction: As you begin the recording of the sales demonstration, prior to starting the actual sales call transactions, you should introduce yourself and your customer to the Instructor/Viewer and provide some background information on the sales techniques, the two ASSIGNED Handling Objection (HOs) and the one ASSIGNED Closing Strategy (CS) you are about to demonstrate in your recorded sales call. As such, you will introduce your sales scenario and provide an overview of the product or service you are selling, including some of the common objections you are likely to face as well as any other information you believe to be relevant. View examples of introductions on the Sales Project Resources page.

• NOTE: If your assigned HO or Closing strategies are the same strategies you used in the written sales report, you MUST contact your instructor for a new assignment. Points will be deducted if you repeat the same HO and Closing strategies in your written report and sales call demonstration video.

Opening: In this presentation, rapport-building should begin immediately and you should personally introduce yourself (with proper handshakes, etc.) to your prospect (customer). Prior to recording the sales demonstration, you should prepare, ‘coach’ and establish credibility by providing your customer with some personal background and qualifications for this type of sales situation. You will need to verify your prospect’s needs by probing in the opening of this presentation. Presentation: Following the opening, you will begin the one-on-one sales call presentation. Within the presentation, you should demonstrate your mastery of handling objections, making calls for action (or trial closes), closing the sale, and ensuring customer satisfaction. Keep in mind, your presentation should be conversational – not scripted or memorized. Handling objections: During the Sales Call, you will demonstrate your mastery of the two (2) specific and distinct Handling Objection Strategies assigned to you. As noted previously, you will explicitly state in the introduction, prior to starting the sales call, which two (2) Handling Objections Strategies you will be demonstrating in your sales call. You must incorporate all four steps for handling an objection for both of the assigned HO strategies. NOTE: If an assigned Handling Objection (HO) strategy does not work with your selling situation, notify your instructor immediately so a new HO strategy can be assigned. Failure to do so will result in a minimum of 4 points (-4 points) being deducted for each non-assigned HO strategy that was used. If neither of the assigned HO strategies is used during the sales demonstration, 8 points will be deducted. Trial closes: In this sales call demonstration, you will make a call for action (trial close) before your second selling point and again after responding to all the questions raised by your prospect. Which means at least two (2) trial closes will be demonstrated during your presentation.

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PROJECT STEP 3 (Continued): Sales Call Demonstration Video – 25% of your final grade Closing strategy: During the Sales Call, you will demonstrate your mastery of the one (1) specific closing strategy assigned to you. As noted above, you will state which closing strategy has been assigned to you in the introduction, prior to beginning the sales presentation. The summary close will not be one of the specific closing strategies allowed as a stand-alone closing strategy. However, the summary close is often used in conjunction with other closing strategies, and you MAY elect to use it in tandem with another assigned closing strategy. The five steps for closing a sale are to be used as part of each of these distinct strategies. Thus, you should 1) review the problem, 2) review the solution, 3) put the prospect in the role as a satisfied customer, 4) use the designated closing strategy, and 5) ask for the sale. Ensuring customer satisfaction: Once you have closed the sale, your video should end with you ensuring your customer’s satisfaction with this sale and proposing a continuing relationship with your business. Presentation Outline Class discussions and presentation information in your course text and notes will be effective for you to use for this sales call demonstration video. See the grading rubric on pages 23-24 for more detail. A brief outline for this presentation is as follows:

1. Sales Demonstration Introduction a. Introduction of self and customer b. Overview of product or service c. Overview of sales scenario d. Stated handling objection strategies e. Stated closing strategy

2. Opening a. Greeting – introduce yourself and your company to the audience, use proper

handshake, etc. b. Build rapport/approach – find common background or shared field of experience with

audience. You will also need to convey some of your credentials and background here.

c. Probe for needs – ask questions to uncover the prospect’s most important needs d. Transition – obtain permission to move on e. Customer compliance – obtain agreement from the customer to proceed with the

sales discussion/presentation 3. Presentation and Value Analysis

a. Preview the benefits of the presentation.(Consider the Aristotle T3 approach) b. For time constraints, please limit your presentation to only two or three complete

selling points (highlight feature, explain benefit, prove/support benefit, gain conviction).

c. At least one of your selling points must contain a detailed value analysis. If you constructed your value analysis correctly for the Sales Call Strategy Written Report, you will most likely want to use this value analysis in your presentation.

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PROJECT STEP 3 (Continued): Sales Call Demonstration Video – 25% of your final grade

4. Handling Objections – use methods for handling objections that were assigned to you a. Listen to the objection b. Restate the objection c. Handle the objection in an appropriate manner d. Verbally verify that the objection was resolved e. Use the assigned Handling Objection strategies effectively in the method discussed

in the course 5. Trial Closes and Closing

a. Include two (2) Trial Closes in your Sales Demonstration. b. Attempt a trial close (call for action) before presenting all of your selling points. It is

suggested to do this early after the first selling point and a second time at an appropriate point in your sales scenario.

c. Follow the appropriate closing technique/steps in closing the sale. d. Summarize benefits after handling objections. e. Using your assigned sales closing strategy effectively, attempt a final call for action

to secure your sales call objective or contingency objective. NOTE: If an assigned closing strategy does not work with your selling situation, notify your instructor immediately so a new closing strategy can be assigned. Failure to do so will result in a minimum of 5 points (-5 points) being deducted for the use of a non-assigned closing strategy during the sales demonstration.

f. Ensure customer satisfaction after the close of the sale. 6. Visual/Selling Aids

a. The use of PowerPoint or overhead slides to enhance your message is permissible. b. PowerPoint alone, however, is not enough of a sales aid. Be creative and utilize

information/pictures/products that will engage your customer. Use other visual and selling aids, props, etc., deemed appropriate to the product and the customer.

c. Your job is to be as realistic and convincing of a sales person as possible. 7. Professionalism

a. Be professional. b. Be mindful of your mannerisms. c. Speak clearly (remember to keep it simple). d. Present formally.

Use of Technology The use of some technology to enhance your message is strongly recommended. PowerPoint or another medium of overhead projection allows the presenter to effectively plan ahead, highlight the major aspects of the presentation, and deliver a more effective presentation. Time Length Your total video time should be between 10-15 minutes. Prior to starting your actual sales demonstration, you need to introduce yourself and your customer and provide information regarding your sales scenario as described above. The introduction should not exceed 2-3 minutes. The time length for this sales demonstration itself should be a minimum of eight (8) minutes and a maximum of twelve (12) minutes. Ten points (10) will be deducted if the presentation is less than the minimum time or exceeds the maximum time allotted by two (2) or more minutes.

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PROJECT STEP 3 (Continued): Sales Call Demonstration Video – 25% of your final grade Appropriate Attire Professional attire is required for this presentation. Gentleman should wear a dress shirt, tie, dress slacks, and dress shoes. Ladies should wear a dress blouse, dress pants or skirt, and dress shoes. Words of Encouragement The sales call demonstration video is often the cause of student anxiety and fear. Traditionally, this assignment causes many students more fear than exams!! This certainly should not be the case. You are strongly encouraged to stay positive, upbeat and prepare adequately for this presentation. If you do these things to maintain a positive outlook, you are almost certain to score well!

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AEB 3341 Selling Strategically: Sales Project Sales Call Demonstration Video Evaluation Rubric (2 pages)

Criteria Comments Possible Points

Actual Points

Sales Demonstration Introduction: (1)Introduction of Self and Customer (1)Overview of Product or Service (1)Overview of Sales Scenario (1) Stated Handling Objection Strategies (1) Stated Closing Strategy


Opening: (2) Proper Handshake/Greeting? (2) Build Rapport? (2) Establish Company Credibility? (2) Share Personal Credentials? (2) Customer’s Needs uncovered/verified? (1) Transition (permission to proceed)? (1) Customer compliance/agreement to proceed?


Presentation Selling Point #1: (3) Highlight Feature? (3) Explain Benefits? (2) Prove Benefits? (How/Method Used)

(2) Gain Conviction w/Benefit Focus?


Presentation Selling Point #2: (3) Highlight Feature? (3) Explain Benefits? (2) Prove Benefits? (How/Method Used)

(2) Gain Conviction w/Benefit Focus?


Value Analysis: (Demonstrated in either Selling Point 1 OR 2) (6) Appropriate? Correct scenario? (4) Demonstrate Support for Selling Point?


Handling Objections (HOs): (3) Listen and Restate the objection? (8) Use Assigned HOs 1 & 2? (3) Handle Objection #1 properly? (3) Handle Objection #2 properly? (3) Verify objections were handled?


Trial Closes: (2.5) Trial Close 1 attempted prior to closing? (2.5) Trial Close 1 attempted prior to closing?


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Closing the Sale: (2) Summarize benefits before close? (5) Use Assigned Closing Strategy? (2) Customer’s Follow-up Questions Effectively Handled? (2) Reach sales call objective? (2) Ensure Customer Satisfaction after the Sale?


Visual Aids: (4) Appropriate type and amount of aids to highlight/ effectively enhance seller’s message? (2) Were the “Interview-Ready” photograph and materials submitted prior to the Sales Video deadline?


Professionalism: (1) Appropriate Attire? (2) Listening and Interactive Skills/ appropriate Mannerisms and Demeanor Demonstrated? (6) Was presentation conversational, not read/scripted?


100 NOTE: A “Sales Commission” Bonus of +10 points will be awarded to anyone earning a perfect score (100 points) on the Sales Call Demonstration Video Students may gain additional points (up to +10 points) or lose points (to maximum of -10 points), at grader’s discretion, for overall professionalism of video presentation and related sales materials. Thus, if a student earned a perfect score on the Sales Call Demonstration Video, gained the maximum discretionary bonus points for overall presentation and demonstrated professionalism, and earned the Sales Commission Bonus, he/she would receive the maximum score available on this project, which is 120 points. Automatic Deductions:

• Failure to submit an ‘interview-ready’, business-attire photograph or supporting sales materials will result in an automatic deduction: -10 points

• Failure to use Assigned Handling Objection (HO) Strategies in Demo: -4 points per missing assigned HO Strategy; maximum of -8 points if neither HO strategies assigned is used

• Failure to use Assigned Closing Strategy in Demo: -5 points • Failure to meet minimum or maximum Sales presentation time requirements: -10 points if

presentation is 8 or fewer minutes or is 17 or more minutes in length • Failure to obtain WRITTEN Instructor approval of presentation topic, IF it differs from your

Shadow Experience product/service: Step 3 Project Disqualification; Grade = 0 Absolutely no late video submissions will be accepted.

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Sales Project Step 4: Self-Evaluations and Peer-Evaluations AEB 3341 Selling Strategically

Value: 10% of your course grade Due Date: Week 15 Document Submissions: Complete three (3) rubrics in separate word document files using the format on pages 26-27. Submit all three (3) files via Canvas ‘Assignments’. ALSO attach the respective file for each peer evaluation as a comment on the Canvas peer review page for that student. PROJECT STEP 4: Self and Peer Evaluation of Sales Call Videos – 10% of your final grade Exercise 7. Self and Peer Evaluation of Sales Call Videos – due week 15 In step four of the sales project, you will review yourself and your fellow classmates’ recorded sales call demonstration videos to evaluate what was done well and what areas could be improved upon in future sales call situations. Utilizing the “Self and Peer Evaluations of Sales Call Demonstrations Rubric”(pages 26-27 of this packet), each student will submit one (1) Self Review Evaluation of their own Sales Call Demonstration and a minimum of two (2) assigned Peer Review Evaluations of other students’ Sales Call Demonstrations. The student will observe the video presentations posted in Canvas and complete the rubric with detailed comments to complete this assignment. The peers for each student to evaluate will be randomly assigned during the semester and will be posted using the peer-review function in Canvas. Instructions on how to find your assigned peer reviews will be given in Canvas. Please notify the instructor immediately if your assigned classmate has not posted a sales call video for you to review. The instructor will re-assign a new classmate for your review process. For each review (self and peer reviews), you will constructively evaluate the sales call presentation, using the rubric, noting a minimum of three (3) elements of the sales presentation that were done well and a minimum of one (1) element which the seller could improve upon. The evaluation will include what was done well, what could be improved upon, how effectively each individual demonstrated the use of the designated handling objection and closing strategies, and what alternative two (2) handling objection strategies and one (1) closing strategy could have been used effectively in the respective sales scenario. Each review must provide substantive, constructive feedback, stating clearly and accurately what was done well, and what could be improved about the selling experience. These self- and peer- assessments must incorporate concepts from the course notes and classroom lecture/discussions. Among the items evaluated by the self/peer reviewer will be:

• Was the scenario realistic? • Did the viewer clearly understand the strategy being used? • Was each of the Handling Objection Strategies and Closing Strategies used appropriately or

not? • Specifically name two (2) alternative Handling Objection Strategies and one (1) alternative

Closing Strategy which alternatively that could have been used effectively in the respective sales scenario.

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PROJECT STEP 4: Self and Peer Evaluation of Sales Call Videos – 10% of your final grade Additionally, each review must incorporate specifics regarding what the presenter demonstrated effectively as well as provide constructive observations/comments regarding areas that could be improved. General statements, such as, “I liked the presentation” or ‘It was good” are not helpful to the presenter; you need to note specifically what elements were demonstrated to make the presentation ‘enjoyable’, ‘likable’ or ‘effective’, etc. The evaluator will receive a minimum deduction of 10 points per evaluation for not providing clear, specific comments on the Self/Peer Reviews.

AEB 3341 Selling Strategically: Sales Project Self and Peer Evaluations of Sales Call Demonstrations Rubric (2 pages)

Note: To receive full credit, the evaluator must provide clear, specific comments on all (3) reviews. Ten points will be deducted per evaluation for not providing specific comments. Criteria Comments Opening & Product Description Proper introduction of Sales video? Description of product/service? Yes No Description of customer? Yes No Description of sales situation? Yes No

What Was Done Well Opening Selling Point 1 Handled Objection 1 (Could you identify the strategy? State what strategy you saw demonstrated) Trial Close #1 Attempted? Selling Point 2 Handled Objection 2 (Could you identify the strategy? State what strategy you saw demonstrated) Trial Close #2 Attempted? Closing (Could you identify the strategy? State what strategy you saw demonstrated) Realistic sales scenario? Overall, correct application of strategies?(closing/handling objections) Visual Aids Professionalism Interaction with the Customer

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What Could Be Improved Opening Selling Point 1 Handled Objection 1 (Could you identify the strategy? State what strategy you saw demonstrated) Trial Close #1 Attempted? Selling Point 2 Handled Objection 2 (Could you identify the strategy? State what strategy you saw demonstrated) Trial Close #2 Attempted? Closing (Could you identify the strategy? State what strategy you saw demonstrated) Realistic sales scenario? Overall, correct application of strategies?(closing/handling objections) Visual Aids Professionalism Interaction with the Customer

Identify two (2) alternative Handling Objection Strategies that could have been used in this sales scenario. Explain why you have selected these strategies and why/how each of them would have been effective in this selling situation.

Identify one (1) alternative Closing Strategy that could have been used in this sales scenario. Explain why you have selected this strategy and why/how it would have been effective in this selling situation.

Professionalism Conversational interaction with customer (not read/scripted)? Listening skills Appropriate mannerisms? Professional attire? Appropriate length of presentation? Appropriate amount/use of visual aids?

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