Scenario: You have been recently hired as an academic coach in a school. The principal has asked you to work with a grade-level/content area team consisting of three teachers. One is a new teacher who needs support with implementing assessments in her classroom. One is an experienced teacher who needs support to integrate technology into his lessons. The third teacher has recently switched to a special education position and needs help differentiating instruction for special needs learners.
Select one of these teachers and develop a plan to coach this teacher. The plan should highlight research-based coaching and mentoring strategies and not necessarily information pertaining to the subject area expertise of the coach.
Select the plan’s overall coaching goal, based on the teacher profile you chose:
Coaching Goal 1: Help new teacher implement classroom assessments.
Coaching Goal 2: Support experienced teacher in integrating technology in lessons.
Coaching Goal 3: Assist teacher who recently changed to special education in differentiating instruction for special needs learners.
Complete Parts 1–5 below.
Part 1: Goal Setting
Identify three SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound) goals to support the teacher.
Identify what the coach must do to support the teacher in achieving the stated goals.
Identify what the teacher must do to ensure he or she achieves the stated goals.
Part 2: Strategies for Overcoming Teacher Resistance
Based on research and your own personal and professional experience, identify two to three specific areas in which the coach may face resistance from the teacher.
Identify what the coach will do to help overcome teacher resistance.
Identify what the teacher must do in order to help him/herself overcome possible resistance.