Reading Check
-55. What kind of charge does an object acquire when electrons
are stripped from it?
71. Why are objects with vast numbers of electrons normally
not electrically charged?
81. Why is a good conductor of electricity also a good conductor
of heat?
105. A car’s headlight dissipates 40 W on low beam and
50 W on high beam. Is there more or less resistance in
the high-beam filament?
Discussion Questions
109. In which of the circuits does a current exist to light the bulb?
110. Does more current “flow” out of a battery than into it?
Does more current “flow” into a lightbulb than out of
it? Explain
111. Sometimes you hear someone say that a particular appliance
“uses up” electricity. What is it that the appliance
actually consumes, and what becomes of it?
119. In the circuit shown, how do the brightnesses of the
three identical lightbulbs compare? Which lightbulb
draws the most current? What happens if bulb A is
unscrewed? If bulb C is unscrewed?
Reading Check-
77. Why is iron magnetic and wood not magnetic?
Think and Solve Exercises
52. What kind of force field surrounds a stationary electric
charge? What additional field surrounds it when
it moves?
75. If your metal car moves over a wide, closed loop of wire
embedded in a road surface, is Earth’s magnetic field
within the loop altered? Does this produce a current
pulse? Can you think of a practical application at a traffic
87. Can an efficient transformer step up energy? Defend
your answer
Discussion Questions
95. One method for making a compass is to stick a magnetized
needle into a piece of cork and float it in a glass bowl full of
water, as shown. The needle aligns itself with the horizontal
component of Earth’s magnetic field. As the north pole of
this compass is attracted northward, does the needle float
toward the north side of the bowl? Defend your answer
103. Discuss what is wrong with this scheme. To generate
electricity without fuel, arrange a motor to run a generator
that produces electricity that is stepped up with
transformers so that the generator can run the motor
and simultaneously furnish electricity for other uses.