Sport Facilities V Questions & Answers
BSM 4001, Sport Facilities 1
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit V Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
6. Identify the major trends impacting the planning and management of sport facility equipment. 8. Classify the different components of indoor and outdoor surfaces and components of sport
Reading Assignment Chapter 8: Facility Operations Chapter 9: Facility Maintenance Chapter 10: Green Facility Management Human Kinetics. (n.d.) Chapter 10 [Video file]. Retrieved from,AAAA0gHQG- E~,UzAFL1pLzn49EqV-yB2pppZC6izRjhq5
Click here to access the transcript for Video 10.1.
Unit Lesson In this unit, we examine the various aspects of facility operations, facility maintenance, and green facility management. There is no question that sport facilities have their own unique challenges compared to normal facilities like an office buildings. A general facility has many moving parts such as photocopiers and cubicles. However, a sport facility can be a very dangerous place, so having safety precautions in place is paramount for the facility manager. To ensure a safe venue, maintaining components such as floors, bleachers, and lighting is done on more of a regular basis than normal office and seating areas (Fried, 2015). As we all know, sport facilities can be both indoor and outdoor. Landscaping and maintenance of the outdoor playing surfaces is an extremely important priority for today's sport manager. Having a general understanding of caring for grass turf through proper seeding, use of proper soil, and maintaining a regular mowing schedule takes planning, time, and money (Fried, 2015). In fact, sport turf management has become a collegiate major at some colleges (e.g., University of Georgia, North Dakota State University, and Michigan State University). This unit also looks at the different components in the operation of facilities. As was discussed in a previous unit, some venues at the professional sport level house more than one sport team or event. The example of Coliseum in Oakland is one of several changeovers between baseball and football. Others, like Yankee Stadium in New York, are only used for single events (in this case, Major League Baseball) and have fewer concerns. Fried (2015) gives special attention in this chapter to locker rooms, gym floors, bleachers, and grass fields. In addition, the importance of presenting a clean facility is discussed. Each sport fan has probably been to a new facility before and been awestruck perhaps by how clean and new it was. However, what about when the facility is five years old? Will it be in good shape still? It requires constant maintenance to keep any venue inviting and safe. It takes a developed strategy and maintenance program to do this, as equipment and actual structures can fail without allocation of proper
Facility Operations, Facility Maintenance and Green Facility Management
BSM 4001, Sport Facilities 2
resources, both human and financial. A good plan, a specific budget, the right staff, and supervision of staff can lead to successful venue management. It also takes the use of facility audits to evaluate the maintenance program success. However, one area that is missed by many in sport management is reviewing and adjusting the plan. If you have carefully implemented your original plan, you will able to review it and make changes to it while your work is still fresh in your head. Much like coaches and players do after a game, the sooner you can review their recent performance and develop a plan for the next performance, the better. You might wonder what happens to the venues that are built for the Olympic Games every four years. Did you know that most, if not all, of the sports venues from the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 are now in decrepit condition? One of the main reasons is the lack of maintenance. It is not the only instance of decaying Olympic venues. Go research this on the Internet; you might be surprised. In relation to maintenance in some older venues, previously in the United States, when budgets have tightened, the two aspects that are normally reduced are the maintenance of facilities and equipment. However, as anyone in the field of sport management can attest, recruitment and retention of faculty, students, and staff can be greatly impacted by having appealing facilities. It is important for the sport facility manager to fight to keep regular maintenance in place, as the management of building maintenance operation processes is critical for providing a better, safer environment for the customers who use it. It should be a high priority for any sport organization. Whether the issue is conserving energy or recycling building products, conservation has become a major concern for new facilities. The process of creating energy-efficient buildings is called green design. Green design should be analyzed in the facility planning process and in the actual design process (Fried, 2015). However, as the textbook shows, it is not enough to build green buildings. A green facility is only good if it is running effectively, reducing waste and conserving energy, and being cleaned in a manner that is environmentally responsible. For instance, if energy-efficient lighting systems are installed from the beginning, any costs to convert a system are removed, and energy efficiency can be reached immediately (Fried, 2015). This unit will take a look at Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification and see how these standards are not just the right thing to do, they also could save the facility money. A large number of sport venues have become LEED certified, including NBA arenas, recreational facilities, university football stadiums, and Major League Baseball stadiums. A LEED certified facility will quickly lose its certification if it cannot maintain the green practices identified during the planning and construction process. The features of LEED include the use of recycled or local materials in production, development of a facility on grounds already established, the use of natural light and energy, and reduction of the carbon footprint of the building. In addition, “Low-flow plumbing, wind turbines, solar panels, and insulation methods all assist the facility/building to reduce energy usage” (Viens, 2015, p. 9). Some examples of recent green facilities and those built to LEED standards are Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California (home of the San Francisco 49ers) and Apogee Stadium at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas. Nationals Park, the home of the Washington Nationals of Major League Baseball, has a field planted with Mondo grass, a type of grass that never needs mowing. The article for Nationals Park in the suggested reading gives some more information on their LEED Silver certification. A good way to learn about stadiums like these is to take a tour if you are in the area. It is worth the trip! Prior to completing the reading assignments for the unit, please watch this video from Columbia Southern University faculty member, Dr. Tim Rice. The video addresses the unit’s assignments and provides additional information pertinent to the unit. Click here to watch the Unit V video, or you may navigate to: Rice, T. (2015, Oct. 22) Unit V Sport Facilities Overview [Video file]. Retrieved from To turn on closed captioning in the video, click the captions icon at the bottom of the video. Click here to access a transcript of the Unit V video.
BSM 4001, Sport Facilities 3
Fried, G. (2015). Managing sport facilities (3rd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Viens, S. (2015, Spring). Assessing the usage of LEED procedures when constructing sport facilities.
KAHPERD Journal, 52(2).
Suggested Reading To learn more about field maintenance, watch these video clips that align with the information in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Human Kinetics. (n.d.) Chapter 8 [Video file]. Retrieved from,AAAA0gHQG- E~,UzAFL1pLzn6bXBc59l9NDGFLgT2576IS
In this video clip, you will learn about the maintenance and repair systems used at the M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore, MD. Human Kinetics. (n.d.) Chapter 9 [Video file]. Retrieved from,AAAA0gHQG- E~,UzAFL1pLzn7XO8GEipjf0pdP4Qx-ZlFa
Please see this article for more on the Washington Nationals’ home park and its LEED certification: Washington Nationals. (n.d.) Green ballpark. Retrieved from