1. Would you consider Steve Jobs a leader, a manager, or both?
2. Would you consider Tim Cook a leader, a manager, or both?
3. Would Ghiselli say that Steve Jobs or Tim Cook have the traits of a successful leader?
4. Which basic leadership style—autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire—would Jobs’s critics say he used? What style is Cook?
5. Could you make a case for the Ohio State leadership style of high structure/low consideration or low structure/high consideration in analyzing Jobs’s versus Cook’s leadership style?
6. Using the University of Michigan leadership style model, was Jobs or Cook job centered or employee centered?
7. Which Leadership Grid® style—(1, 1) impoverished, (9, 1) authority-compliance, (1, 9) country club. (5, 5) middle-of-the-road, or (9, 9) team—would Jobs’s and Cook’s critics say they used?
8. Was Steve Jobs a charismatic leader?
9. Was Jobs considered a transformational or transactional leader?
10. Is Tim Cook considered a transformational or transactional leader?
11. Which contingency leadership style, task oriented or relationship oriented, would Jobs’s and Cook’s critics say they use?
12. Did leadership play a role in the change in performance at Apple with and without Steve Jobs as CEO?
13. Would you liked to have work for Steve Jobs? Why or why not?
14. Would you like to work for Tim Cook? Why or why not?
15. Was Steve Jobs or Cook an entrepreneur? Why or why not?
16. What external environment factor did Apple change for the business and general economy?
17. What decision-making model is used at Apple when selecting new products and transitions?
18. What is the strategic level of planning of this case, and what strategy is Apple using?
19. How did power change at Apple, and what role did conflict play?